Title: PO377 Ethnic Conflict and Political Violence
1PO377 Ethnic Conflict and Political Violence
2Child Soldiers Introduction
- In the recent past it has been estimated there
are around 250,000-300,000 active child soldiers
in the world, in both non-state and state
military groups, but exact figures are very
difficult to ascertain (Child Soldiers
International (formerly Coalition to Stop the Use
of Child Soldiers) http//www.child-soldiers.org)
. - Most aged 14-18 but some as young as 7-9.
- Many girl soldiers as well as boy soldiers
(possibly 30-40) but girls are often overlooked
in Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration
programmes. - Most child soldiers say they enlisted voluntarily.
3Child Soldiers Introduction (2)
- UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989)
a child/minor is a human being under age of 18.
Optional Protocol to the Convention, on the
Involvement of Children in Armed Conflict
(2000/2002) bans recruitment of minors by
non-state armed groups and prohibits their
participation in state and non-state armed
hostilities. Conscription also banned under 18. - Paris Principles and Guidelines on Children
Associated with Armed Forces or Armed Groups
(2007) a child soldier is any person under the
age of 18 recruited or used by any armed group
(state or non-state), in whatever capacity and
whether or not an armed conflict exists. - Nevertheless, child soldiers still exist and are
for many a shocking figure.
4Pull and Push Factors
- Strategic need of armed group, esp. non-state,
for greater number of troops. Child soldiers
often used as cannon fodder. - Children may be seen as more docile and more
malleable by the armed group. - Changing patterns of warfare affect childrens
roles (as well as womens). - Changing war technology lighter weapons mean
children today can carry them.
5Pull and Push Factors (2)
- Many are forcibly conscripted, involving
violence. - Others coerced through various pressures
- Threats against or pressure on the childs family
- Indoctrination of children by the armed group
and/or significant adults - Financial incentives in context of poverty
- Hope of social protection
- Many say they joined voluntarily
- Revenge for attacks on their family or community
- Sense of injustice, nationalist or political
sentiment - Can children ever truly volunteer to be soldiers??
6Questions to Consider
- In a context of war, where choices are so
limited, can we speak of children volunteering
to become soldiers? - If they are under the international legal adult
age of 18, what does their consent mean? - How does the reality that the concept of
childhood is historically and culturally
specific affect our views on child soldiers? (In
many societies it is reaching certain personal or
social milestones such as marrying that means one
is considered adult, not a certain age.) - If we think there is a moral problem (or other
problems?) with the use of child soldiers, how do
we respond to this?
7Some Other Resources
- Books (in addition to the reading list)
- Ishmael Beah, A Long Way Gone Memoirs of a Boy
Soldier, 2007. (Personal account from Sierra
Leone.) Extracts at http//www.nytimes.com/2007/0
efmagazineorefslogin - China Keitetsi, Child Soldier, 2004. (Personal
account from Northern Uganda.) - Els de Temmerman, Aboke Girls Children Abducted
in Northern Uganda, 2001.
8Some Other Resources (2)
- Videos
- Invisible Children (Northern Uganda)
930210643qinvisiblechildren - A Duty to Protect Justice for Child Soldiers in
the DRC http//www.witness.org/index.php?optionc
om_rightsalertItemid178taskviewalert_id41 - Child Soldiers in Africa http//www.cnn.com/inter
9Images of Child Soldiers
- Look at the pictures below of child soldiers from
different countries and times. How do these
images make you feel? Do you have different
responses to different images? Can you try and
disentangle your reactions and work out why you
feel the way you do?
10Afghanistan (left, 1986) and Yemen (right, 1964),
from Cohn and Goodwin-Gill (1994) Child Soldiers
The Role of Children in Armed Conflict.
11Sri Lanka (1990 boys)
12Sri Lanka (girls)
13Cambodia (left, 1970s) and unknown (right)
14Karen child soldiers in Burma/Myanmar (left, 2000
and right, 2001 all are 12 years old)
15Uganda (left) and Sudan (right)
17Democratic Republic of Congo
18Sierra Leone