Sensory Systems - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Sensory Systems


... (stimulate chemoreceptors) Electromagnetic/thermal energy (stimulate photoreceptors ... 4-5 cones see near ultra-violet light Many mammals have only 2 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Sensory Systems

Sensory Systems
  • Brought to you by Zoe and Vince

Categories of Sensory Receptors and Their Actions
  • Sensory information is conveyed to the central
    nervous system (CNS) in a 4-step process
  • Stimulation
  • Transduction - stimulus is transformed into
    receptor potential in sensory receptor
  • Transmission - axon of sensory neuron conducts
    action potentials
  • Interpretation - sensory perception created by

  • 3 classes of environmental stimuli
  • Mechanical forces (stimulate mechanoreceptors)
  • Chemicals (stimulate chemoreceptors)
  • Electromagnetic/thermal energy (stimulate
    photoreceptors and others)

  • Free nerve endings - the simplest sensory
    receptors, respond to the bending or stretching
    of sensory neuron membrane, change in temp, or
    chemicals like oxygen in the extracellular fluid.

  • Exteroceptors - sense stimuli in external
  • Exterior senses evolved before vertebrates came
    on land
  • Some function in water and on land
  • Mammalian hearing, uses similar receptors
    originally used in water
  • Some cant function in air
  • Electrical organs of fish
  • Some cant function in water
  • Infrared receptors

  • Sensory systems provide levels of information
    about the external environment
  • Determine an object is present
  • Where the object is located
  • Make a 3-D image of the object and its

  • Interoceptors - sense stimuli from within body
  • Muscle length/tension, limb position, pain, blood
    chemistry, blood volume/pressure and body temp
  • Simpler than exteroceptors
  • Close to primitive sensory receptors

  • Sensory cells respond to simuli due to
    stimulus-gated ion channels in membranes
  • Stimulus causes channels to open and close
    depending on the system
  • Depolarization of receptor cell (receptor
  • Larger stimulus, greater degree of polarization
  • Decrease in size with distance from source
  • Prevents irrelevant stimuli reception
  • If great enough, production of action potentials

Temperature and Pressure
  • Cutaneous receptors - receptors of the skin
  • Respond to stimuli at border between external and
    internal environments

  • Thermoreceptors - naked, dendritic endings of
    sensory neurons sensitive to temp changes.
  • Found within the hypothalamus and monitor temp of
    circulating blood which provides the CNS with
    info on the bodys core temp.
  • Skin has two populations of thermoreceptors

  • Cold receptors and warm receptors - stimulated by
    corresponding temps and inhibited by opposite
  • Cold receptors are right below the epidermis,
    warm receptors are slightly deeper in the dermis

  • Nociceptors - transmit impulses perceived by the
    brain as pain
  • Most consist of free nerve endings throughout the
    body near surfaces where damage is likely to
  • Some sensitive to actual tissue damage, others
    respond before damage

  • Mechanoreceptors - contain sensory cells with ion
    channels sensitive to mechanical force applied to
    the membrane
  • Present in skin, dermis and subcutaneous tissue
  • Concentrated on fingertips and face
  • Phasic - intermittently activated. Tonic -
    continuously activated.
  • Monitor duration of a touch and extent its
  • Pacinian corpuscles- monitor onset and removal of

Muscle Contraction
  • Within skeletal muscles of all vertebrates except
    bony fish are muscle spindles
  • Sensory stretch receptors
  • Consist of thin fibers wrapped together,
    innervated by sensory neuron activated when
    muscle stretches

  • Proprioceptors - muscle spindles and receptors in
    tendons and joints providing info about
    position/movement of body parts
  • Muscle contracts, tension on attached tendon
  • Monitored by Golgi tension organs
  • If high, elicits reflex to inhibit active muscle
  • Ensures muscles dont damage tendons by
    contracting too strongly

Blood pressure
  • Monitored at 2 main sites
  • Carotid sinus and aortic arch
  • Walls of blood vessels have baroceptors
  • Network of afferent neurons
  • Detect tension/stretch in walls
  • Blood pressure decreases, frequency of impulses
  • CNS overcompensates for homeostasis and blood
    pressure increases, so does impulse frequency.

Taste/Smell/Body Position
  • Taste buds - chemosensitive epithelial cells
  • Fish have taste buds over their body, these are
    the most sensitive vertebrate chemoreceptors
  • Important to bottom-feeders so they can sense the
    presence of food in murky environments

  • Terrestrial vertebrates have taste buds on their
    tongue and oral cavity
  • Papillae are raised areas bearing taste buds
  • Taste buds are between 50-100 taste cells
  • Microvilli on them called taste pore

  • Salty/sour- directly through ion channels
  • Sweet/bitter - bind to surface receptor proteins,
    trigger G proteins which changes interior of cell
    and open/closes ion channels
  • Interact with other neurons carrying smell info
  • Fly taste receptors are in sensory hairs on their

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  • Smell chemoreceptor is in upper nasal passages
  • Since were surrounded by air, our sense of smell
    (olfaction) has specialized to detect airborne
  • Extremely acute sense in mammals
  • Humans can discern 1000s of smells in contrast to
    the 4 tastes.

  • Internal chemoreceptors
  • Peripheral - sensitive to plasma pH in
    aortic/carotid bodies
  • Central - sensitive to cerebrospinal fluid pH in
    medulla oblongata
  • Stimulation indirectly affects respiratory
    control center, increases breathing rate

Lateral Line System
  • Provides fish with sense of distant touch
  • Sense objects reflecting pressure waves and low
  • Supplements hearing
  • Longitudinal canal in skin along sides and in the
    head contain sensory structures
  • Hair cells - hair-like processes project into
    capula (gelatinous membrane)
  • Same length, stereocilia. Longer, kinocilium

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  • Vibrations move capula and hairs bend
  • Stereocilia bent in direction of kinocilium,
    sensory neurons stimulated
  • Opposite direction, activity inhibited

Gravity/Angular Acceleration
  • Statocyst - helps invertebrates orient selves
    with gravity
  • Ciliated hair cells in membane with crystals of
    calcium cabronate are statoliths (stones) that
    increase mass of membrane so cilia bend when
    position changes

  • Similar structure in inner ear of vertebrates
  • Membranous labyrinth of fluid-filled chambers and
  • Size of a pea

  • Receptors of gravity in 2 chambers
  • Utricle and saccule
  • Similar to lateral line of fish
  • Utricle - sensitive to horizontal acceleration
  • Saccule - to vertical acceleration
  • Continuous with 3 semicircular canals, which
    detect angular acceleration (head rotates)
  • Together, all form vestibular apparatus
  • Brain uses info to maintain balance and

  • Works better in water because it transmits
    pressure waves more efficiently
  • Auditory stimuli travel farther and quicker than
    chemical ones and provide better directional info

Structure of ear
  • Vibration goes through ear canal to eardrum
    (tympanic membrane)
  • Movement of 3 bones (ossicles) in middle ear
  • Malleus (hammer)
  • Ineus (anvil)
  • Stapes (stirrups)
  • Similar to Weberian ossicles of fish, which are
    small bones that vibrate to a fishs saccule

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  • Middle ear connected to throat by Eustachian tube
  • Equalizes air pressure btw middle ear and
    external environment
  • ear popping

  • Inner ear consists of cochlea, a bony structure
    containing cochlear duct of membranous labyrinth
  • Above is vestibular canal, below is tympanic
  • Fluid-filled
  • Stapes vibrate against oval window into inner
    ear, pressure waves to tympanic canal, pushing
    round window that transmits back to the middle ear

Transduction in Cochlea
  • Bottom of duct, basilar membrane.
  • Hair cells project into tectorial membrane
  • Organ of Corti
  • Basilar vibrates, cilia bend depolarizing hair
    cells which stimulate action potentials in
    neurons that project to the brain and are
    interpreted as sound

Frequency Localization in Cochlea
  • Elastic fibers in basilar membrane
  • Base of cochlea have short, stiff fibers
  • At apex, 5x longer and 100x more flexible
  • Resonant frequency higher at base (high pitches)
  • Lower at apex

  • Frequency range in humans between 20-20,000
    cycles per second (hertz) in kids
  • High pitch detection ability down with age
  • Dogs can hear 40,000 hertz

  • Our ears help determine direction of the source
    of sound, but not a reliable measure of distance
  • Bats, shrews, dolphins, and whales perceive
    distance by sonar
  • Echolation - emit sounds and determine time it
    takes sound to reach object and come back

Evolution of Eye
  • Invertebrates have eyespots, sensitive to
    direction of light source but cant construct a
    visual image
  • Annelids, mollusks, arthropod and chordates
    evolved image-forming eyes
  • Believed to have evolved independently

Structure of Vertebrate Eye
  • Sclera (white of eye) - tough connective tissue
  • Transparent cornea - light enters and focus
  • Iris- colored part of eye
  • Pupil - opening in iris that contracts in bright
  • Lens - light passes through pupil to here where
    light is focused onto retina at back of the eye.

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  • Lens attached by suspensory ligament to ciliary
  • Shape influenced by amount of tension
  • Ciliary muscle contracts, ligament slack, lens
    rounded and powerful
  • Close vision
  • Opposite reactions
  • Far vision
  • Near/far-sighted people dont properly focus
    image on retina
  • Lens of fish/amphibians move in and out like
    camera to focus.

Vertebrate photoreceptors
  • Retina has 2 photoreceptors (rods and cones)
  • Rods - black and white vision when illumination
    is dim
  • Cones - high visual acuity and color vision
  • 100 million rods, 3 million cones in each retina

  • Their light capturing molecules (or
    photopigments) are
  • Rhodopsin in rods, photopsin in cones
  • 3 kinds of cones in humans
  • Different AA sequences causes shift in absorption
  • Region of electromagnetic spectrum best absorbed
    by pigment

  • 500 max in rhodopsin
  • In photopsin, 420 (blue), 530 (green) and 560
  • Cones also referred to as blue, green and red
  • Most vertebrates have color vision
  • Fish/turtles/birds, 4-5 cones see near
    ultra-violet light
  • Many mammals have only 2 (squirrels)

  • Retina is made of 3 layers
  • 1. Rods and cones
  • 2. Bipolar cells
  • 3. Ganglion cells
  • Flows of sensory info opposite to path of light
    through retina

  • A rod or cone contains sodium channels in the
    plasma membrane, may of which are open in the
  • Dark current
  • Cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) required to
    keep channels open

Visual Processing in Vertebrate Retina
  • Action potentials gathered along ganglion cells
    are relayed through the lateral geniculate nuclei
    of the thalamus and projected to the occipital
  • Binocular vision
  • When both eyes are fixed on one object, each eye
    views object from different angle
  • Useful for predators
  • Prey have an enlarged overall receptive field
    rather than binocular vision

Diversity of Sensory Experiences
  • Heat
  • Electromagnetic radiation is too low in energy to
    be detected by photoreceptors
  • Infrared radiation falls on membrane and warms
    it, thermal receptors are then stimulated
  • In snakes this info is used as the visual center
    is used in other vertebrates

  • Electricity
  • All aquatic animals generate electric currents
    from muscle contractions
  • Weak electrical discharges help construct a 3-D
    image of their environment
  • Electroreceptors called ampullae of Lorenzini are
    used by sharks to detect muscle contractions of

  • Magnetism
  • There has been speculation of magnetic receptors
    in vertebrates, but it is still poorly understood
  • However eels, sharks, bees, birds and some
    bacteria seem to navigate along magnetic field
    lines of the earth

  • Color blindness - due to an inherent lack of one
    or more types of cones
  • Men are more likely than women to be color blind
    because the trait is on the X chromosome.
  • Vertigo - an inner ear disturbance that causes
    one to feel extremely dizzy

  • CIPA - congenital insensitivity to pain with
  • Lack of sensory perception, inability to feel
  • Caused by a mutation on an autosomal chromosome
    which appears to control nerve growth
  • Pain messages arent lost, but arent being sent
    to the brain.
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