Instructor: Prof. Hall - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Instructor: Prof. Hall


Instructor: Prof. Hall Conducted by: Wayde Anwar Vikas Choong Nathan Nadia – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Instructor: Prof. Hall

Chapter 29
Applications Voice and Video over IP (RTP)
Instructor Prof. Hall Conducted
by Wayde Anwar Vikas Choong Nathan Nadia
29.1 Introduction
  • This chapter focuses on real-time audio/video
    transfer over IP networks.
  • It examines the question of how IP can be used to
    provide commercial telephone service.
  • It examines the question of how routers in an IP
    network can guarantee sufficient service to
    provide HiQ A/V reproduction.

29.2 Audio Clips and Encoding Standards
  • Simplest digitizing A/D (encoding) -gt IP
    network-gt D/A (decoding)
  • OK for audio clips, not for interactive b/c of
    delay introduced
  • HiQ codec are available (Amplitude overtime to
    sequence of digits, reconstruct from the digits
    to waveform).
  • Standards based on the tradeoffs b/w quality and
    reproduction and size of digital representation.

29.2 Audio Clips and Encoding Standards(Continued)
  • E.g. PCM for phone line (huge file production)
  • Three ways to reduce the size
  • Fewer samples Low quality
  • Fewer bits Low quality
  • Compression Delay(require fast CPU) good when
    delay is not important.

Produce data at 2.2 kbps
29.3 Audio and Video Transmission and Reproduction
  • AV application are real-time timely transmission
    (missing data is skipped).
  • How can a network guarantee that the stream is
    delivered at exactly the same rate that the
    sender used?
  • Telephone system way the entire system is
    engineered(digital circuits included) to deliver
    output at the same rate of the input even for
    multiple paths.

29.3 Audio and Video Transmission and
  • IP network is not isochronous for the delay
    introduced vary delay is called jitter.
  • Additional protocol is needed in addition to IP
  • Each packet must have timestamp to tell the
    sender when to play back.
  • This is important b/c it tells the receiver to
    pause when a packet is lost or sender stops

29.4 Jitter and Playback Delay
  • How can a receiver recreate a signal accurately
    if the network introduces a jitter?
  • Playback buffer (similar to queue)
  • How does it work?
  • The receiver introduces a delay until the buffer
    is filled with incoming data (Threshold-playback
    point) figure 29.1- (K) is the unit of time of
    data to be played.
  • The receiver plays K time units.
  • If no jitter , datagrams continue to arrive at
    the same rate, so the buffer is filled with K
    time units of un-played data

29.4 Jitter and Playback Delay(Cont)
  • If small delay, playback wont be affected, the
    buffer decreases as data are extracted, playback
    continues for K units, once the delayed datagrams
    arrive buffer will be refilled.
  • If a datagram is lost, buffer will be empty,
    output pauses for time corresponding for the
    missing data.
  • K is small needed buffer will be used before
    delayed data arrive.
  • K is too large immunity to jitter with
    noticeable delay (in addition to NW delay) to
  • Playback is still used despite disadvantages.

29.5 Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP)
  • It does not provide timely transmission. Timely
    manner depends on the underlying system.
  • It provides
  • Sequence Number
  • Timestamp
  • RTP does not distinguish b/w types of data
    therefore, it does not enforce uniform
    interpretation of semantics.

For the receiver to control playback.
29.5 Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP) (Cont)
  • RTP header provides needed information for
    interpretation by the receiver
  • 2 bit version (current 2)
  • 16 bit SEQUENCE NUM first one is randomly
  • X-bit is used to identify if the application
    defines optional header extension b/w RTP header
    and pay load.
  • 7 bit PTYPE determines the interpretation of the
    most remaining header field (Pay Load Type).

29.5 Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP) (Cont)
  • P-bit specify whether padding is in effect to the
    pay load. (Encryption How data is allocated in
  • M-bit used by the application (Marking points
    e.g. beginning of video stream)
  • 32-bit TIMESTAMP affected by the type at which
    first octet is digitized.

29.6 Streams, Mixing, and Multicasting
  • Key Part to RTP is its support for translation or
  • Translation changing the encoding of a stream at
    an intermediate station.
  • Mixing receiving streams of data from multiple
    sources, combining them into a single stream, and
    sending the results.
  • Mixers are important to service multiple streams
    in conferencing.

29.6 Streams, Mixing, and Multicasting(Cont.)
    specifies. Each source must choose a unique
    identifier. If mixer is enabled, the mixer will
    be the source of the new stream.
  • The original source is not lost b/c mixer uses
    CONTRIBUTING SOURCE ID to identify the actual
    stream source.
  • CC-field gives the number of contributing sources.

29.6 Streams, Mixing, and Multicasting(Cont.)
  • RTP works with IP multicasting and mixing
    especially in multicast environment.
  • For example, in teleconference situation, unicast
    is cumbersome however, multicasting will allow
    multi-users to communicate both ways at the same
    time. Mixers make this possible by reading
    several inputs resulting in fewer datagrams.

29.7 RTP Encapsulation
  • RTP is a transport-level protocol working on the
    top of UDP.
  • This means that it needs to be encapsulated in
    UDP before the final encapsulation in IP
  • RTP does not have a reserved port number. Port is
    allocated for each session, and remote app must
    inform about port number. RTP prefer even numbers.

29.8 RTP Control Protocol
  • So far, Real-Time transmission has been explained
    as a protocol allowing reproduction of A/V data.
  • Monitoring the underlying network is as important
    as the protocol itself during each session, and
    providing out of band com b/w endpoints.
    (Adaptive applications).
  • An application may adjust the buffer size, or
    choose lower band width due to NW cong.

29.8 RTCP (Cont.)
  • Out of Band can be used to send information in
    parallel with real time like caption.
  • RTP control protocol (RTCP) provides the needed
    control functionality.
  • RTCP allows senders and receivers to transmit a
    series of reports one to another that contain
    additional info about data transferred in
    addition to NW performance.
  • RTCP is encapsulated in UDP using a port number
    that is greater than RTP port number.

29.9 RTCP Operation
  • Uses 5 basic message type
  • 200 - Sender Report - provides absolute timestamp
  • Absolute timestamp is essential to synchronize
    multiple streams
  • Since RTP require separate stream for each media
    , transmission of video/audio require 2 streams
  • 201 - Receiver Report - Inform source about
    conditions of reception
  • allow participating receivers senders in a
    session to learn about reception conditions of
    other receivers

29.9 RTCP Operation
  • allow receivers to adapt their rate of reporting
    to avoid using excessive bandwidth overwhelming
    the sender
  • 202 - Source Desc. Message - general info about
    user (owns/ control source)
  • Each message contain 1 section for each outgoing
    RTP stream
  • 203 - Bye Message - Shutting down a stream
  • 204 - Application Specific Message - extend basic
    facility to allow application to define message

29.10 IP telephony Signaling
  • Real-time transmission use of IP as the
    foundation for telephone service
  • Researches are investigation 3 components to
    replace isochronous systems
  • RTP is needed to transfer a digitized signal
    across an IP internet correctly
  • Mechanism is needed to establish and terminate
    telephone calls
  • Researches are exploring ways an IP internet can
    function like an isochronous network

29.10 IP telephony Signaling
  • Telephone industry use Signaling process of
    establishing a telephone call
  • Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) uses
    Signaling System 7 (SS7)
  • performs call routing before any audio is sent
  • handles call forwarding and error conditions

29.10 IP telephony Signaling
  • Signaling functionality must be available before
    IP can be used to make calls
  • IP telephony must be also compatible with extant
    telephone standards
  • Must be possible for IP telephony system to
    interoperate with the conventional phone system
    at all levels.

29.10 IP telephony Signaling
  • The general approach to interoperability uses a
    gateway between IP conventional phone system
  • Standards for IP Telephony
  • ITU has defined a suite or protocol known as
  • IETF has proposed a signaling protocols know as

29.10.1 H.323 Standards
  • Originally created to allow the transmission of
    voice over local area
  • Then it was extended to allow transmission of
    voice over IP internets
  • Specifies how multiple protocols can be combined
    to form functional IP telephony
  • Defines gateways gatekeepers
  • provide a contact point for telephones using IP.
  • Each IP Telephone must register with a

29.10.1 H.323 Standards
  • H.323 relies on 4 major protocols
  • H.225.0 Signaling used to establish a call
  • H.224 Control and feedback during the call
  • RTP Real-time data transfer
  • T.120 Exchange of data associated with a call
  • Fig 29.5 illustrates relationship among the H.323

29.10.2 Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
  • Covers only signaling, doesn't supply all of
    H.323 functionality
  • Uses client-server interaction, with servers
    being divided into 2 types
  • user agent server runs in a SIP telephone
  • assigned an identifier user_at_site
  • intermediate server between 2 SIP telephone
  • handles call set up and call forwarding

29.10.2 Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
  • SIP relies on Session Description Protocols SDP
    (companion protocol)
  • SDP important in conference call
  • participants join and leave dynamically
  • SDP specifies media encoding, protocols number
    and multicast address

29.11 Resource Reservation/Quality of Service
  • Quality of Service (QoS) refers to statistical
    performance guarantees
  • regarding loss, delay, jitter and throughput
  • An isochronous network that meet strict
    perfomacnce bounds provide QoS
  • Packet switched network doesn't provide QoS
  • Is QoS needed for real-time transfer of voice
    video over IP?

29.11 Resource Reservation/Quality of Service
  • Internet send audio but operates without QoS
  • ATM, derived from telephone system model, provide
    QoS guarantees
  • IETF adopted a differentiated services approach
  • divide traffic into separate QoS classes
  • sacrifice fine grain control for less complex

29.12 QoS Utilization Capacity
  • Central issue is utilization
  • a network with 1 utilization doesnt need QoS
  • a network with 1o1 utilization will fail under
    any QoS
  • Proponent who argue for QoS assert that QoS
    mechanism is important because
  • by dividing the existing resources among more
    users, system become more fair

29.12 QoS Utilization Capacity
  • by shaping traffic, the network run at higher
    utilization without danger of collapse
  • As long as rapid increases in capacity continues,
    QoS represent cause unnecessary overhead
  • When demand rises more rapidly than capacity, it
    becomes an economic issue

29.13 RSVP
  • How can IP network provide QoS?
  • IETF produced 2 protocols RSVP COPS
  • QoS cannot be added at the application layer to
    IP basic infrastructure must change
  • Infrastructure must change routers must agree to
    reserve resources
  • Endpoints must send a request to spefiicy
    resources needed before data is sent
  • As datagrams traverse the flow, routers need to
    monitor (traffic policing) and control traffic

29.13 RSVP
  • Control of queuing is needed
  • router must implement a queuing policy that meets
    guaranteed bounds on delay
  • router must smooth packet burst (traffic shaping)
  • RSVP is not a routing protocols operates before
    any data is sent and handles reservations request
    and replies.
  • RSVP is unidirectional (simplex) if application
    needs QoS in two directions, each point must use
    RSVP to request a separate flow

29.14 COPS
  • When an RSVP arrivers a router must evaluate
  • feasibility a local decision
  • policies requires global cooperation
  • IETF architecture uses 2-level model
  • when router receiver RSVP request, it becomes a
    client which consult server Policy Decision
    Point (PDP) to determine whether request meets
    policy constraints
  • if PDP approves a request, router must operate as
    Policy Point Point (PEP)to ensure traffic does
    not exceed the approved policy
  • COPS protocol define the client-server
    interaction between a router and a PDP

29.14 COPS
  • Although COPS defines it own message header, the
    underlying format shares many details with RSVP
  • When a router receives an RSVP request
  • extract items related to policy
  • place them in a COPS message
  • send the result to PDP

  • Audio data can be encoded in digital form
  • Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) produce digital
    values at 64 Kbps
  • RTP is used to transfer real-time data across an
    IP internet. Each message contain
  • sequence number
  • a media timestamp

  • RTCP is used to supply information about sources
    allow mixer to combine several streams
  • Debate continues where Q0S guarantees is needed
    to provide real-time
  • Endpoints use RSVP to request a flow with
    specific QoS intermediate routers either approve
    or deny the request
  • When RSVP request arrives, router use COPS to
    contact PDP and verify that request meets policy

Thanks !
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