O'Brien MIS, 6th Ed. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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O'Brien MIS, 6th Ed.


Informatics in Logistics Management Lecture 2. Integrated Logistics Support Lecturer: Prof. Anatoly Sachenko ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: O'Brien MIS, 6th Ed.

Informatics in Logistics Management
Lecturer Prof. Anatoly Sachenko
Lecture Overview
  • Definition and Importance
  • Scope of logistic support management
  • Standards
  • Integrated Logistics Support Elements
  • Adoption
  • Benefits and Value of ILS
  • Implementing an ILS Solution
  • Overview of ILS Process Requirements
  • System Engineering Process
  • TOC and CAIV
  • Logistics Support Analysis

  • Integrated logistics support (ILS)
  • is an integrated approach to the management of
    logistic disciplines in the military,
  • similar to commercial product support or
    customer service organizations
  • Although originally developed for military
    purposes, it is applied by the private sector as

  • Two popular definitions
  • 1. ILS is a management function that provides
    planning, funding, and functioning controls which
    help to assure that the system meets performance
    requirements, is developed at a reasonable price,
    and can be supported throughout its life cycle
  • 2. ILS encompasses the unified management of
    the technical logistics elements that plan and
    develop the support requirements for a system.
    This can include hardware, software, and the
    provisioning of training and maintenance

  • Integrated definition
  • A disciplined, unified and iterative approach to
    the management and technical activities necessary
  • (1) integrate support considerations into system
    and equipment design
  • (2) develop support requirements that are
    related consistently to readiness objectives, to
    design, and to each other
  • (3) acquire the required support and
  • (4) provide the required support during the
    operational phase at minimum cost.

  • In general, ILS plans and directs the
    identification and development of logistics
    support and system requirements for military
    systems, with the goal of creating systems that
    last longer and require less support.
  • ILS therefore, addresses these aspects of
    supportability not only during acquisition, but
    also throughout the operational life cycle of the
  • The impact of ILS is often measured in terms of
    metrics such as Reliability, Availability,
    Maintainability and Testability (RAMT), and
    sometimes System Safety (RAMS).

  • In the world of Aerospace Defense programs,
    Sustainment Supportability have become a major
    cost consideration within complex systems.
  • These two facets of the AD product lifecycle are
    now being carefully considered and, in some
    cases, are being given more consideration than
    the initial purchase price when making the
    acquisition decision.
  • In fact, the total lifecycle cost is quickly
    displacing initial system or equipment cost as
    the criteria for awarding contracts.

  • For many of the worlds top AD firms, the
    solution to the Sustainability and Supportability
    issue lies in Integrated Logistics Support (ILS)
  • By installing and applying ILS tools and
    processes, AD firms are able to significantly
    lower sustainment costs, such that theyre able
    to easily differentiate their products in
    competitive situations, and win more profitable
  • Read on and discover how ILS is reshaping the way
    AD companies are now managing sustainment as
    part of the overall lifecycle

Scope of logistic support management
Scope of logistic support management
  • ILS has been categorized by the United Kingdom
    Ministry of Defense (UK MoD) Through Life Support
    (TLS) Directorate into
  • Reliability Engineering, Maintainability
    Engineering and Maintenance (preventive,
    predictive and corrective) Planning
  • Supply Support (Spare part) / acquire resources
  • Support and Test Equipment
  • Manpower and Personnel

  • Training and Training Support
  • Technical Data / Publications
  • Computer Resources Support
  • Facilities
  • Packaging, Handling, Storage, and Transportation
  • Design Interface

  • In USA initial efforts to collect logistics
    information in a standardized way were
    accomplished by the US Army with the issuance of
  • MIL-STD-1388 was eventually replaced by
    MIL-PRF-49506 Logistics Management Information
  • This change reflected a shift towards identifying
    a projects performance outcomes, rather than
    recording the detailed technique to achieve them.

Standards in Europe
  • In Europe, the Ministry of Defence of the United
    Kingdom adapted the specification to meet their
    own needs and issued DEF-STAN-00-60
  • This was the first specification to formally link
    the previously separate disciplines of
    Provisioning, LSA and Technical Publications
    under a common specification, and also the first
    to attempt to formalize a product lifecycle as
    part of an acquisition process

Integrated Logistics Support Elements
  • All elements of ILS are ideally developed in
    coordination with the system engineering effort
    and with each other
  • Tradeoffs may be required between elements in
    order to acquire a system that is affordable
    (lowest life cycle cost), operable, supportable,
    sustainable, transportable, and environmentally
  • The planning for ILS for a system may be
    contained in an Integrated Logistics Support Plan
  • ILS planning activities coincide with development
    of the system acquisition strategy, and the
    program will be tailored accordingly

Integrated Logistics Support Elements
  • Influence on Design. ILS will provide important
    means to identify (as early as possible)
    reliability issues / problems and can initiate
    system or part design improvements based on
    reliability, maintainability, testability or
    system availability analysis (for example by the
    proper use of detailed functional and/or piece
    part FMECA techniques, Event tree and Fault tree
    analysis / assessments, Reliability Block
    Diagrams, Importance measurements, Reliability
    centered maintenance (RCM) / Maintenance steering
    Group 3 and Monte Carlo techniques).

  • Design of the Support Solution for minimum cost.
    Ensuring that the Support Solution considers and
    integrates the elements considered by ILS. This
    is discussed fully below.

  • Initial Support Package. These tasks include
    calculation of requirements for spare parts,
    special tools, and documentation. Quantities
    required for a specified initial period are
    calculated, procured, and delivered to support
    delivery, installation in some of the cases, and
    operation of the equipment.

Overview of ILS Process Requirements
  • The Logistics Support Analysis (LSA) process
    provides the basis for the ILS program. Through
    the LSA, the source data and maintenance plans
    are generated and documented.
  • The LSA is designed both to examine the product
    design and to recommend improvements in design
    that can result in increased maintainability,
    reliability and supportability of the equipment
    or system.

Overview of ILS Process Requirements
  • This is accomplished by defining and recommending
    changes in design that will result in
  • 1. Reduced time to perform maintenance
  • 2. Greater reliability of components
  • 3. Maintenance procedures requiring little or no
    specialized support equipment or specialized

System Engineering Process
  • Total Ownership Cost (TOC) and Cost As an
    Independent Variable (CAIV). TOC is the sum of
    all life cycle costs and the cost of the
    supporting infrastructure that plans and manages
    an asset. Over 50 of the TOC is incurred during
    the sustainment of an asset. One of the primary
    goals of logistics and the systems engineering
    process is to provide a system and support at a
    reasonable/right cost.

  • As much as 80 of the TOC is determined during
    the initial acquisition. The application of TOC
    procedures through tradeoffs can greatly reduce
    the out-year costs while maximizing operational
    effectiveness. Program managers and personnel
    tasked with acquiring Coast Guard assets shall
    make the reduction of TOC one of the key
    components of the acquisition.

  • The CAIV concept is based on setting aggressive
    (low), realistic cost objectives and managing to
    achieve them by conducting trade-off analyses
    that consider cost, performance, schedule, and
    supportability. The objectives must balance
    operational needs with projected out-year
    resources. The key principles are
  • Set realistic but aggressive cost objectives
    (defined as ranges) early in the acquisition.
  • Manage risk to achieve cost, schedule,
    performance, and life cycle support objectives.

  • Use metrics to track progress in setting and
    achieving the cost objectives.
  • Make use of tools such as cost estimating,
    requirements analysis, tradeoff risk analysis,
    Pareto analysis (focus on biggest payback items),
    and Value Engineering (identify reductions where
    cost and performance are out of balance).
  • Motivate managers and industry and provide
    incentives for meeting program objectives.

Logistics Support Analysis
  • When the optimum design is defined, other ILS
    elements, such as training, technical publication
    and provisioning, are planned, guided and
    completed. This process ensures that the
    maintenance protocol will meet the program
    maintenance concept. It also ensures that
    supportability requirements are considered and
    incorporated into the design of the equipment or
    system early in the product design phase.

Logistics Support Analysis
  • The ILS process typically begins with an LSA
    Plan. This document gathers and defines program
    requirements and objectives. This plan would
    detail the activities to be accomplished to
    ensure that these requirements and objectives
    will be met. The plan would include the
    scheduling of LSA activities relative to program
    scheduled events, such as the Preliminary and
    Critical Design Reviews.

Logistics Support Analysis
  • The LSA is not an isolated, internally-based
    activity. Instead, it requires data/input from
    subcontractors, vendors, engineering, and the
    customer. At a high level, there are specific
    areas that are included in LSA. These include
  • 1. Maintenance Planning
  • 2. Supply Support
  • 3. Support and Test Equipment/Equipment Support
  • 4. Manpower and Personnel

Logistics Support Analysis
  • 5. Training and Training Support
  • 6. Technical Data
  • 7. Computer Resources Support
  • 8. Facilities
  • 9. Packaging, Handling, Storage and
  • 10. Design Interface

Maintenance planning
  • Maintenance planning begins early in the
    acquisition process with development of the
    maintenance concept. It is conducted to evolve
    and establish requirements and tasks to be
    accomplished for achieving, restoring, and
    maintaining the operational capability for the
    life of the system. Maintenance planning relies
    on Level Of Repair Analysis (LORA) as a function
    of the system acquisition process. Its planning
  • Define the actions and support necessary to
    ensure that the system attains the specified
    system readiness objectives with minimum Life
    Cycle Cost (LCC).

Maintenance planning
  • Set up specific criteria for repair, including
    Built-In Test Equipment (BITE) requirements,
    testability, reliability, and maintainability
    support equipment requirements automatic test
    equipment and manpower skills and facility
  • State specific maintenance tasks, to be
    performed on the system.
  • Define actions and support required for fielding
    and marketing the system.
  • Address warranty considerations.

Maintenance planning
  • The maintenance concept must ensure prudent use
    of manpower and resources. When formulating the
    maintenance concept, analysis of the proposed
    work environment on the health and safety of
    maintenance personnel must be considered.
  • Conduct a LORA repair analysis to optimize the
    support system, in terms of LCC, readiness
    objectives, design for discard, maintenance task
    distribution, support equipment and ATE, and
    manpower and personnel requirements.
  • Minimize the use of hazardous materials and the
    generation of waste.

Supply support
  • Supply support encompasses all management
    actions, procedures, and techniques used to
    determine requirements to
  • Acquire support items and spare parts.
  • Catalog the items.
  • Receive the items.
  • Store and warehouse the items.
  • Transfer the items to where they are needed.

Supply support
  • Issue the items.
  • Dispose of secondary items.
  • Provide for initial support of the system.
  • Acquire, distribute, and replenish inventory.

Support and test equipment
  • Support and test equipment includes all
    equipment, mobile and fixed, that is required to
    perform the support functions, except that
    equipment which is an integral part of the
    system. Support equipment categories include
  • Handling and Maintenance Equipment.
  • Tools (hand tools as well as power tools).
  • Metrology and measurement devices.
  • Calibration equipment.
  • Test equipment.

Support and test equipment
  • Automatic test equipment.
  • Support equipment for on- and off-equipment
  • Special inspection equipment and depot
    maintenance plant equipment, which includes all
    equipment and tools required to assemble,
    disassemble, test, maintain, and support the
    production and/or depot repair of end items or

Manpower and personnel
  • Manpower and personnel involves identification
    and acquisition of personnel with skills and
    grades required to operate and maintain a system
    over its lifetime. Manpower requirements are
    developed and personnel assignments are made to
    meet support demands throughout the life cycle of
    the system. Manpower requirements are based on
    related ILS elements. Human factors engineering
    (HFE) or behavioral research is frequently
    applied to ensure a good man-machine interface.

Manpower and personnel
  • Manpower requirements are predicated on
    accomplishing the logistics support mission in
    the most efficient and economical way. This
    element includes such requirements during
    planning and decision process
  • Man-machine and environmental interface
  • Special skills
  • Human factors considerations during the planning
    and decision process

Training and training devices
  • Training and training devices support encompasses
    the processes, procedures, techniques, training
    devices, and equipment used to train personnel to
    operate and support a system. This element
    defines requirements for the training of
    operating and support personnel throughout the
    life cycle of the system.

Training and training devices
  • It includes requirements for
  • Competencies management
  • Factory training
  • Instructor and key personnel training
  • New equipment training team
  • Resident training
  • Sustainment training
  • User training

Technical data
  • Technical Data and Technical Publications
    consists of scientific or technical information
    necessary to translate system requirements into
    discrete engineering and logistic support
    documentation. Technical data is used in the
    development of repair manuals, maintenance
    manuals, user manuals, and other documents that
    are used to operate or support the system.

Technical data
  • Technical data includes, but may not be limited
  • Technical manuals
  • Technical and supply bulletins
  • Transportability guidance technical manuals
  • Maintenance expenditure limits and calibration
  • Repair parts and tools lists
  • Maintenance allocation charts
  • Corrective maintenance instructions
  • Preventive maintenance and Predictive
    maintenance instructions

Technical data
  • Drawings/specifications/technical data packages
  • Software documentation
  • Provisioning documentation
  • Depot maintenance work requirements
  • Identification lists
  • Component lists
  • Product support data
  • Flight safety critical parts list for aircraft
  • Lifting and tie down pamphlet/references

Computer resources support
  • Computer Resources Support includes the
    facilities, hardware, software, documentation,
    manpower, and personnel needed to operate and
    support computer systems and the software within
    those systems. Computer resources include both
    stand-alone and embedded systems. This element is
    usually planned, developed, implemented, and
    monitored by a Computer Resources Working Group
    (CRWG) or Computer Resources Integrated Product
    Team (CR-IPT) that documents the approach and
    tracks progress via a Computer Resources
    Life-Cycle Management Plan (CRLCMP).

Computer resources support
  • Developers will need to ensure that planning
    actions and strategies contained in the ILSP and
    CRLCMP are complementary and that computer
    resources support for the operational software,
    and ATE software, support software, is available
    where and when needed.

Packaging, handling, storage, and transportation
  • PHST includes resources and procedures to ensure
    that all equipment and support items are
    preserved, packaged, packed, marked, handled,
    transported, and stored properly for short- and
    long-term requirements. It includes
    material-handling equipment and packaging,
    handling and storage requirements, and
    pre-positioning of material and parts.
  • System constraints (such as design
    specifications, item configuration, and safety
    precautions for hazardous material)

Packaging, handling, storage, and transportation
  • Special security requirements
  • Geographic and environmental restrictions
  • Special handling equipment and procedures
  • Impact on spare or repair parts storage
  • Emerging PHST technologies, methods, or
    procedures and resource-intensive PHST
  • Environmental impacts and constraints

  • The Facilities logistics element is composed of a
    variety of planning activities, all of which are
    directed toward ensuring that all required
    permanent or semi-permanent operating and support
    facilities (for instance, training, field and
    depot maintenance, storage, operational, and
    testing) are available concurrently with system
    fielding. Planning must be comprehensive and
    include the need for new construction as well as
    modifications to existing facilities.

  • It also includes studies to define and establish
    impacts on life cycle cost, funding requirements,
    facility locations and improvements, space
    requirements, environmental impacts, duration or
    frequency of use, safety and health standards
    requirements, and security restrictions. Also
    included are any utility requirements, for both
    fixed and mobile facilities, with emphasis on
    limiting requirements of resources.

Design interface
  • Design interface is the relationship of
    logistics-related design parameters of the system
    to its projected or actual support resource
    requirements. These design parameters are
    expressed in operational terms rather than as
    inherent values and specifically relate to system
    requirements and support costs of the system.
    Programs such as "design for testability" and
    "design for discard" must be considered during
    system design.

Design interface
  • The basic requirements
  • Reliability
  • Maintainability
  • Standardization
  • Interoperability
  • Safety
  • Security Usability
  • Environmental and HAZMAT
  • Privacy, particularly for computer systems

Benefits and Value of ILS
  • This data, if developed in an integrated
    logistics environment, will be used as part of
    the analysis and design improvement process. It
    will then be leveraged to produce the training,
    provisioning and technical publications required
    to support the system or equipment. Here are some
    specific examples of realized benefits
  • Initial Design Improvements
  • Provisioning Data
  • Technical Publications
  • Training and eLearning

Implementing an ILS Solution Pitfalls of
aPoint-Solution Approach
  • It is clear that ILS offers tremendous benefits
    to manufacturers, hence its adoption as a best
    practice for the AD industry. Since compliance
    is increasingly being demanded by customers, the
    question that needs to be answered is What are
    the most common pitfalls in an ILS
    implementation, and how can they be overcome?

Implementing an ILS Solution Pitfalls of
aPoint-Solution Approach
  • To meet ILS requirements, organizations must
    deploy specialized and highly structured
    solutions with such core elements
  • a basic LSA sub-system
  • a provisioning sub-system
  • a technical publication development sub-system
  • a training/eLearning solution sub-system
  • an information publishing delivery system

Implementing an ILS Solution Pitfalls of
aPoint-Solution Approach
  • Even when a point solution is architected and
    deployed within an organization, it is often
    incomplete and lacks the necessary automation.
    Thus, organizations are left to define the
    processes of
  • 1. Accessing and reusing design information in
    the various sub-systems
  • 2. Creating graphics and illustrations specific
    to product configurations
  • 3. Triggering documentation updates when designs
    or configurations change

  • James V. Jones. Integrated Logistics Support
    Handbook. McGraw-Hill Logistics Series, 2006. -
    528 p.
  • Blanchard B.S. System Engineering Management,
    Prentice-Hall. 1998.
  • Blanchard B.S., Fabrycky W.J. Systems Engineering
    and Analysis, 3rd Edition, Prentice-Hall. 1998.
  • Ebeling C. An Introduction to Reliability and
    Maintainability Engineering, McGraw-Hill. 1996.
  • Mark Willis. System Supportability Engineering
    SMART Integrated Logistics Support. 14th
    International Mirce Symposium, 1-3 December 2004,
    Woodbury Park, Exeter, UK.

  • MIL-HDBK-217, Reliability Prediction of
    Electronic Equipment, U.S. Department of Defense.
  • MIL-HDBK-338B, Electronic Reliability Design
    Handbook, U.S. Department of Defense.
  • MIL-HDBK-781A, Reliability Test Methods, Plans,
    and Environments for Engineering Development,
    Qualification, and Production, U.S. Department of
  • NASA PRA - Probabilistic Risk Assessment Handbook
  • NASA Fault Tree Assessment handbook

  • Army Regulation 700-127 Integrated Logistics
    Support, 27 September 2007
  • British Defence Standard 00-600 Integrated
    Logistics Support for MOD Projects
  • Federal Standard 1037C in support of MIL-STD-188
  • MIL-STD-785, Reliability Program for Systems and
    Equipment Development and Production, U.S.
    Department of Defense.
  • MIL-STD 1388-1A Logistic Support Analysis (LSA)
  • MIL-STD 1388-2B Requirements for a Logistic
    Support Analysis Record
  • MIL-STD-1629A, Procedures for Performing a
    Failure Mode, Effects and criticality analysis
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