Money on Mission - Part 2 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Money on Mission - Part 2


Money on Mission II Philippians 4:10-23 Possession of $ NOT All Pursuit of $ IS All But godliness actually is a means of great gain when accompanied by contentment. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Money on Mission - Part 2

Money on Mission II Philippians 410-23
Contentment in Provision
  • Possession of NOT All
  • Pursuit of IS All
  • But godliness actually is a means of great gain
    when accompanied by contentment. For we have
    brought nothing into the world, so we cannot take
    anything out of it either. If we have food and
    covering, with these we shall be content. - 1
    Timothy 66-8

Contentment in Provision
  • But those who want to get rich fall into
    temptation and a snare and many foolish and
    harmful desires which plunge men into ruin and
    destruction For the love of money is a root of
    all sorts of evil, and some by longing for it
    have wandered away from the faith and pierced
    themselves with many griefs. - 1 Timothy

Contentment in Provision
  • America today is a save-yourself society if
    there ever was one. But does it really work? The
    underdeveloped societies suffer from one set of
    diseases tuberculosis, malnutrition, pneumonia,
    parasites, typhoid, cholera, typhus, etc.
    Affluent America has virtually invented a whole
    new set of diseases obesity, arteriosclerosis,
    heart disease, stroke, lung cancer, venereal
    disease, cirrhosis

Contentment in Provision
  • of the liver, drug addiction, alco-holism,
    divorce, battered children, suicide, murder. Take
    your choice. Laborsaving machines have turned out
    to be body-killing devices. Our affluence has
    allowed both mobility and isolation of the
    nuclear family, and as a result our divorce
    courts, our prisons and our mental institutions
    are flooded. In saving ourselves we have nearly
    lost ourselves.

Contentment in Provision
  • Possession of NOT All
  • Pursuit of IS All
  • Debt 2.4 trillion 7800/person
  • Credit Debt -gt 6500/cardholder
  • Avg Card Holder 60 days late
  • Avg Card Holder has 4 cards

Contentment in Provision
  • Possession of NOT All
  • Pursuit of IS All
  • Secret of is Jesus
  • Those who are rich in this world not to fix
    their hope on the uncertainty of riches, but on
    God Instruct them to do good, to be rich in
    good works, to be generous and ready to share.

Confidence in Provision
  • God is Provider
  • God, who richly supplies us with all things to
    enjoy - 1 Timothy 617b

Confidence in Provision
  • God is Provider
  • God is Owner
  • For every beast of the forest is Mine, the
    cattle on a thousand hills. I know every bird of
    the mountains, and everything that moves in the
    field is Mine. - Psalm 5010-11

Confidence in Provision
  • God is Provider
  • God is Owner
  • Yours, O Lord, is everything that is in the
    heavens and the earth Both riches and honor
    come from You and it lies in Your hand to make
    great and to strengthen everyone.
  • - 1 Chronicles 2911-12

Confidence in Provision
  • God is Provider
  • God is Owner
  • We are Stewards
  • For all things come from You, and from Your hand
    we have given You all this abundance that we
    have provided to build You a house for Your holy
    name, it is from Your hand, and all is Yours.

Confidence in Provision
  • God is Provider
  • God is Owner
  • We are Stewards
  • So Give Thanks!
  • So Give First of Money!
  • Honor the Lord from your wealth and from the
    first of all your produce. Prov 39

Conviction for Provision
  • Dont Hoard Today
  • For we have brought nothing into the world, so
    we cannot take anything out of it either. - 1
    Timothy 67

Conviction for Provision
  • Dont Hoard Today
  • Invest Toward Reward
  • Storing up for themselves the treasure of a good
    foundation for the future.
  • - 1 Timothy 619

Conviction for Provision
  • Dont Hoard Today
  • Invest Toward Reward
  • But when you give a reception, invite the poor,
    the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will
    be blessed, since they do not have the means to
    repay you for you will be repaid at the
    resurrection of the righteous. Luke 1413-14

Conviction for Provision
  • Gaze upon Christ long enough,
  • and youll become more of a giver. Give long
  • and youll become more like Christ.

Money on Mission II Philippians 410-23
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