The Challenges of Sociology to Religious Belief - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Challenges of Sociology to Religious Belief


The Challenges of Sociology to Religious Belief Is religion a product of society? Emile Durkheim (1858 1917) What is religion? Where does religion come from? – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Challenges of Sociology to Religious Belief

The Challenges of Sociology to Religious Belief
  • Is religion a product of society?

Emile Durkheim (1858 1917)
  • What is religion?
  • Where does religion come from?
  • What is the function and importance of religion
    for society?

Emile Durkheim
  • What is religion?
  • a unified system of beliefs and practices
    relative to sacred things
  • Sacred things e.g. Christian cross
  • Believed to have special quality
  • Set apart from everyday things
  • Rituals e.g. prayer, communion
  • Performed by groups
  • Follow set pattern

Emile Durkheim
  • Where does religion come from?
  • Examined primitive religion
  • Australian Aborigines
  • Divided into small groups clans
  • Each clan associated with a totem
  • Totem was specific animal or plant considered
  • But each clan had own animal
  • Images of totem considered more sacred than
    actual animal
  • Concluded clan to be more important than the totem

Emile Durkheim
  • Therefore the focus of worship in all religions
    is actually society
  • We must behave in a socially acceptable way
  • But that does not mean we want to behave that way
  • society to its members is what a god is to his
    worshipers (Durkheim)

Emile Durkheim
  • What is the function and importance of religion
    for society?
  • Religion holds society together
  • Especially through rituals
  • Rituals strengthened peoples dependence on
  • Form of ritual is unimportant one as valid as
  • Object of worship also does not matter
  • We will in time worship objects other than a god
    e.g. Princess Diana

Emile Durkheim
  • Conclusions
  • Durkheim does not disprove God
  • Shows that worship of a god could be the effect
    of society
  • Gods are a symbol of society rather than a
  • But whilst he might be right about most religions
    there could still be one true God

Emile Durkheim
  • Strengths
  • Accounts for enormous variety of religions
  • Religion does play a part in strengthening
  • Religious objects do unit people and place values
    upon them
  • Explains the social side of religion collective
  • This is not covered by psychology

Emile Durkheim
  • Weaknesses
  • Does not explain why and how
  • Music may unite people but the composer may have
    set out to express himself
  • In the same way religion could have come about as
    a response to Gods love
  • No evidence of his interpretation of the
    Aboriginal religion
  • Even if correct does not mean all religions come
    from the same process
  • E.g. Muhammad reject society
  • Whilst religion can unite society it can also
    create division
  • E.g. Catholic -v- Protestant
  • Interpretation of religion is too broad

Max Weber (1864-1920)
  • Society only one of several factors explaining
  • Religion is a major force behind change of
  • Weber less interested in origin of religion
  • Concerned with different types and impact on

Max Weber
  • Three key questions
  • Where does religion come from?
  • What is the relationship between ones religious
    beliefs and the social group to which one
  • What is the impact of religious beliefs upon the
    behaviour of society?

Max Weber
  • Where does religion come from?
  • Religion is universal
  • Makes sense of life
  • Fulfils basic psychological needs
  • Our ideal interests
  • We want life to be kind and fair
  • In practice it is senseless
  • This leads to religion
  • Material interests
  • Our position in society and our interests
    determine our religious view
  • Charismatic prophets
  • introduced the various religions

Max Weber
  • What is the relationship between ones religious
    beliefs and the social group to which one
  • Weber noted
  • Primitive societies centred their religion on
    material need food and wealth
  • Developed societies centred their religion on
    ethical rules
  • Wealthy people use religion to justify their
    wealth through their righteousness

Max Weber
  • What is the impact of religious beliefs upon the
    behaviour of society?
  • Once adopted, a religion can have a major impact
    on behaviour and economic activity
  • Introduction of Protestantism coincided with
  • Protestantism encouraged involvement in the world
  • Idea of predestination led to need to perform
    ones duty as if one of the elect

Max Weber
  • Strengths
  • Accepts complexity of religion
  • Leaves room for possibility that God does exist
  • There are examples of religious beliefs
    influenced by interests
  • E.g. liberation theology
  • There are examples of religion bringing about
    social change
  • E.g. anti-apartheid headed by Archbishop Desmond
  • Link between religion and capitalism is plausible

Max Weber
  • Weaknesses
  • Offers no prove that God does not exist
  • Psychological need could have been given to us by
  • Society could influence our beliefs differently
    because our needs are different
  • R. Tawney suggests that capitalism brought about
    a change in behaviour not religion
  • Capitalism is found in predominantly Catholic
    countries e.g. Belgium, Japan
  • Parkin shows that Calvinism opposes profit for
    its own sake

Putting it altogether
  • Write bullet points that show how you would go
    about answering the following exam question
  • Explain how sociologists have understood the role
    of religion in society. (33)
  • Sociology presents no threat to belief in God.
    Discuss (17)
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