Title: Day of prayer Friday 25 September
1Day of prayerFriday 25 September
2Pope Francis is addressing the United Nations on
25 September
Why are the UN meeting?
3(No Transcript)
4What does Pope Francis say about sustainable
5Day of Prayer
6 We pray for the world we live in that God may
open our eyes to recognise the goodness of all
creation and help us to do what we can to restore
and care for the wonderful gift that we have been
given. Lord, in your mercy
7We pray for people who are struggling to grow
their crops, who are hungry or thirsty, who
cannot meet their needs because of droughts,
floods or other extreme weather that God may
strengthen and support them and that they may
have reason to look with hope to the future.
Lord, in your mercy
8We pray for our local and global community that
through Gods grace we may be good neighbours to
each other and to the whole of creation,
restoring and caring for all that God has made.
Lord, in your mercy
9We pray for world leaders that God may grant
them wisdom to make just decisions which respect
the earth and all that lives in it, especially
those who are poorest and most vulnerable. Lord,
in your mercy
10Lets pray the Our Father together
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11Day of prayerFriday 25 September
Credits Caritas Internationalis, CAFOD/Adrian
White, CAFOD, Claudia Torres, Purple Flame Media.