- Family Connection Gardner Humphreys
- Deadlines Miriam Filvarof
- College Packet Cara Engel and Erik Beall
- NVCC/Pathways Amanda Darr
- GUEST Jim Jump
- QA/Survey Cindy Blakeley, Jim Rixse
- Accessing Family Connection
- Log on to your SIS account
- Click on Family Connection icon
- Parents with a SIS account can view their
students Family Connection account - Scattergrams
- Used to compare college admission standards
- College Visit Schedule
- Click on Colleges tab and check for Upcoming
College Visits - Document Library
- Download College Packet forms
4FAMILY CONNECTIONfcps.blackboard.com
5Keep updated via
- GCMCollegeCareerCenter
- MStatesmen
- _at_MStatesmen
- Upcoming College Fairs/Events
- Oct. 18 Fair Oaks Mall table visits
- Oct. 19 Hayfield SS presentations also
- Nov. 30 Financial Aid Night (GCM)
- Jan. 20 FAFSA fill-In Night (GCM)
- Feb. Armed Services Info Night (Fairfax)
- Binding vs. Non-Binding
- Response Dates Vary
- Watch Financial Aid Priority Dates
- Early Decision
- (e.g. WM, VA Tech)
- Early Action
- (most VA colleges)
- Regular
- Rolling
- (e.g. Norfolk State,
- Marymount)
7College Application Process
- What we send to schools
- Final grades through 11th grade including
cumulative GPA - List of senior year courses
- GCM and FCPS profiles
- GCM Secondary School Report form
- Recommendation letter from counselor (if
8College Application Process
- Students must have College Board or ACT forward
scores to their colleges and NCAA - www.collegeboard.com
- www.actstudent.org
- www.eligibilitycenter.org
9College Planning Packet
- Purple Checklist form keep track of all items
due to your school counselor - Blue Transcript Request form tells your
counselor where to send your transcript - Green Student Information form talk about
yourself! - Goldenrod Teacher Input form teachers provide
information to the school counselor - Pink Parent Input form invaluable information
to share about your child! - Peer Input form friends tell why you stand out
(optional) - Forms Student Services gt GCMCollegeCareerCenter
gt College Planning
- 1st three transcripts are free
- 5 for each additional transcript
- Cash or checks payable to Marshall High School.
- College Deadline Packet To Counselor By
- November 15 or earlier Monday, Sept. 18
- After November 15 Wednesday, Nov. 4
- 1st semester grades are sent automatically to ALL
colleges on your transcript request form - Mailed mid-February
- Some colleges require students to self- report
grades, i.e., UNC Chapel Hill, California public
universities - Final transcript sent from Senior Survey
13Benefits in High School Benefits at NOVA
Individual meetings about college transition, major and career planning, placement test prep Continued academic and career counseling
Assistance with Financial Aid Process Guaranteed Admission to George Mason
Early Placement Testing Pathway Section of SDV100
Priority Registration Opportunities at GMU classes, social and athletic events
Who should apply? Seniors who will graduate by
August and who want to earn a Bachelors Degree
- For more information contact your
- Pathway Counselor Amanda Darr, adarr_at_nvcc.edu,
School Counselor
14- Guest Speaker
- Jim Jump
- Academic Dean and
- Director of Guidance,
- St. Christophers School
15 Thank you for coming!!
- SurveyMonkey
- Google gcmcollegecareercenter
- http//gcmcollegecareercenter.weebly.com