Validity, Sampling - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Validity, Sampling


Validity, Sampling & Experimental Control Psych 231: Research Methods in Psychology Announcements The required articles for the class experiment paper are already on ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Validity, Sampling

Validity, Sampling Experimental Control
  • Psych 231 Research Methods in Psychology

  • The required articles for the class experiment
    paper are already on-line at the Milner course
    reserves page

Class Experiment
  • Collect the forms (consent forms and data summary
    sheets) - pass to the front
  • Brief discussion
  • So how did it go?
  • What happened?
  • Any thing unusual/unexpected?
  • Any problems?

External Validity
  • Are experiments real life behavioral
    situations, or does the process of control put
    too much limitation on the way things really
  • Will the same basic conclusions be supported with
    different operational definitions, different
    participants, different research settings?

External Validity
  • Variable representativeness
  • relevant variables for the behavior studied along
    which the sample may vary
  • Subject representativeness
  • characteristics of sample and target population
    along these relevant variables
  • Setting representativeness (ecological validity)
  • how do the characteristics of the research
    setting compare with the real world

Internal Validity
  • The precision of the results
  • Did the change result from the changes in the DV
    or does it come from something else?

Threats to internal validity
  • History an event happens during the experiment
  • Maturation participants get older (and other
  • Selection nonrandom selection may lead to
  • Mortality participants drop out or cant
  • Testing being in the study actually influences
    how the participants respond
  • Statistical regression regression towards the
    mean, if you select participants based on high
    (or low) scores (e.g., IQ, SAT, etc.) their
    scores later tend to move towards the mean.

Debugging your study
  • Pilot studies
  • A trial run through
  • Dont plan to publish these results, just try out
    the methods
  • Manipulation checks
  • An attempt to directly measure whether the IV
    variable really affects the DV.
  • Look for correlations with other measures of the
    desired effects.

  • Why do we do we use sampling methods?
  • Typically dont have the resources to test
  • Population - everybody that the research results
    are targeted
  • Sample - the subset of the population that
    actually participates in the research

  • Goals
  • Maximize
  • Representativeness - to what extent do the
    characteristics of those in the sample reflect
    those in the population
  • Reduce
  • Bias - a systematic difference between those in
    the sample and those in the population

Sampling Methods
  • Probability sampling
  • Simple random sampling
  • Systematic sampling
  • Stratified sampling
  • Non-probability sampling
  • Convenience sampling
  • Quota sampling

Simple random sampling
  • Every individual has a equal and independent
    chance of being selected from the population

Systematic sampling
  • Selecting every nth person

Stratified sampling
  • Step 1 Identify groups (strata)
  • Step 2 randomly select from each group

Convenience sampling
  • Use the participants who are easy to get

Quota sampling
  • Step 1 identify the specific subgroups
  • Step 2 take from each group until desired number
    of individuals

Experimental Control
  • Our goal
  • to test the possibility of a relationship between
    the variability in our IV and how that affects
    our DV.
  • Control is used to minimize excessive
  • To reduce the potential of confoundings.
  • if there are other variables that influence our
    DV, how do we know that the observed differences
    are due to our IV and not some other variable

Sources of variability (noise)
  • Sources of Total (T) Variability
  • T NonRandomexp NonRandomother Random

Sources of variability (noise)
  • I. Nonrandom (NR) Variability systematic
  • A. (NRexp)manipulated independent variables (IV)
  • i. our hypothesis is that changes in the IV will
    result in changes in the DV
  • B. (NRother)extraneous variables (EV) which
    covary with IV
  • i. other variables that also vary along with the
    changes in the IV, which may in turn influence
    changes in the DV

Sources of variability (noise)
  • II. Random (R) Variability
  • A. imprecision in manipulation (IV) and/or
    measurement (DV)
  • B. randomly varying extraneous variables (EV)

Sources of variability (noise)
  • Sources of Total (T) Variability
  • T NRexp NRother R
  • Our goal is to reduce R and NRother so that we
    can detect NRexp.
  • That is, so we can see the changes in the DV that
    are due to the changes in the independent

Weight analogy
  • Imagine the different sources of variabilility as

Treatment group
control group
Weight analogy
  • If NRother and R are large relative to NRexp then
    detecting a difference may be difficult

Weight analogy
  • But if we reduce the size of NRother and R
    relative to NRexp then detecting gets easier

Methods of Controlling Variability
  • Comparison
  • Production
  • Constancy/Randomization

Methods of Controlling Variability
  • Comparison
  • An experiment always makes a comparison, so it
    must have at least two groups
  • Sometimes there are baseline, or control groups
  • This is typically the absence of the treatment
  • Without control groups if is harder to see what
    is really happening in the experiment
  • it is easier to be swayed by plausibility or
    inappropriate comparisons
  • Sometimes there are just a range of values of the

Methods of Controlling Variability
  • Production
  • The experimenter selects the specific values of
    the Independent Variables
  • (as opposed to allowing the levels to freely vary
    as in observational studies)
  • Need to do this carefully
  • Suppose that you dont find a difference in the
    DV across your different groups
  • Is this because the IV and DV arent related?
  • Or is it because your levels of IV werent
    different enough

Methods of Controlling Variability
  • Constancy/Randomization
  • If there is a variable that may be related to the
    DV that you cant (or dont want to) manipulate
  • Then you should either hold it constant, or let
    it vary randomly across all of the experimental

Potential Problems of Experimental Control
  • Excessive random variability
  • If control procedures are not applied, then R
    component of data will be excessively large, and
    may make NR undetectable
  • Confounding
  • If relevant EV covaries with IV, then NR
    component of data will be "significantly" large,
    and may lead to misattribution of effect to IV
  • Dissimulation
  • If EV which interacts with IV is held constant,
    then effect of IV is known only for that level of
    EV, and may lead to overgeneralization of IV

Next time
  • Read Chpt 8
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