Sampling, Reliability and Validity - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Sampling, Reliability and Validity


Have you ever taken little things (worth less than $2) that did not belong to you? ... A researcher's decision about the best sample size depends on three things: ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Sampling, Reliability and Validity

Sampling, Reliability and Validity
Multiple Indicators/Composite Measures
  • Many concepts cannot be measured with a single
  • Hence, sometimes multiple questions are used to
    measure a concept.
  • An index is a composite measure developed to
    represent different components of a concept.

Index of Delinquency Questions from the Richmond
Youth Project Survey
  • 67). Have you ever taken little things (worth
    less than 2) that did not belong to you?
  • 68). Have you ever taken things of some value
    (between 2 and 50) that did not belong to you?
  • 69) Have you ever taken things of large value
    (worth over 50) that did not belong to you?
  • 70) Have you ever taken a car for a ride without
    the owners permission?
  • 71) Have you ever banged up something that did
    not belong to you on purpose?
  • 72) Not counting fights you may have had with a
    brother or sister, have you ever beaten up on
    anyone or hurt anyone on purpose?
  • Answers
  • A) No, never B) More than a year ago C) During
    the last year D) During the last year and more
    than a year ago
  • Scoring Add up subjects scores (A0, B1, C2,
  • 0 -6 low 7-12 medium 8 high

  • A sample is a selection of elements from a
  • Samples are used because one often cannot survey
    the entire population.
  • Sampling methods may be probability or

Probability versus Non-Probability Sampling
  • Probability Methods-
  • Are used when the odds of selection of population
    elements are known.
  • Methods Include
  • Simple Random
  • Systematic Random
  • Stratified Random
  • Cluster
  • Non-Probability Methods
  • Are used when the odds of selection of population
    elements is not known.
  • Methods Include
  • Availability/Convenience
  • Quota
  • Purposive
  • Snowball

Non-Probability Sampling Methods
  • The obvious disadvantage to non-probability
    sampling is that since the probability that a
    person will be chosen is not known, the
    investigator cannot claim that the sample is
    representative of the larger population. This
    greatly limits generalizability (to whom the
    research can be applied).

So Why Use Non-Probability Sampling Methods
  • Cost
  • Time
  • Available Resources
  • The total population of many groups is unknown.
  • This type of sample may be adequate if
  • the researcher has no need to generalize his/her
  • if it is a test of questions, reliability,
    validity for a questionnaire.

Availability/Convenience Samples
  • Also called haphazard or accidental sampling.
  • Elements are selected for the sample because
    they are available or easy to find.
  • Captive audiences, like sociology classes are
    often used.
  • Drawbacks
  • The sample is not very representative.
  • There is a tremendous amount of response bias.

Quota Sampling
  • Is the non-probability equivalent of stratified
  • Subjects are recruited because they match a
    requirement or quota. For example, one might
    want to represent racial categories in proportion
    to how they appear in the larger population.
  • Because of Response Bias, False Homogeneity may
  • It is useful to know the characteristics of the
    general population. This way you can test if
    your sample is missing a characteristic that is

Purposive Sampling
  • Sample elements are selected for a purpose,
    usually because of the unique position of the
    sample element. Only respondents who meet the
    purpose of the study are chosen.
  • For example, if you are interested in altruism,
    you might only consider people who give to
  • Theoretical Sampling-A growing theoretical
    interest guides the selection of sample cases.
    The researcher selects cases based on new
    insights they may provide.

Snowball Sampling
  • To draw a snowball sample you identify one member
    of the population. This person then connects you
    to other members of the population.
  • This method is used when one has a hard to reach,
    but inter connected populations.
  • Researchers who are interested in networks use
    snowball sampling.
  • This is a frequently employed method for in-depth

Probability Sampling Methods
  • Sampling Methods in which the probability of
    selection of elements in known and is not zero.
  • These methods use a random method of selecting
    elements, and therefore have no systematic bias-
    nothing but chance affects the elements in the
  • In order to perform a probability sample, one
    must have a sampling frame- a list of all the
    elements from which the sample will be drawn.

Are Probability Methods Error Free?
  • Knowing the odds of selection of each element
    does not eliminate errors due to chance.
  • Error can be effected by sample size and
    homogeneity of the population.
  • 1. The larger the sample, the more confidence we
    can have in the samples representativeness.
  • 2. The more homogeneous the population, the more
    confidence we can have in the representativeness
    of the sample of any particular size.
  • 3. The fraction of the total population that a
    sample contains does not affect the degree of
    confidence we can have in the samples
    representativeness, unless that fraction is
    large. (More than 2)

Sampling Vocabulary
  • Elements- the sampling element is the unit of
    analysis or case in the population. It can be a
    person, a group, an organization etc. that is
    being measured.
  • Populations- the pool of all available elements
    is the population.
  • The target Population refers to the specific pool
    of cases that the researcher wants to study.
  • Sampling Frame- the sampling frame is the list of
    elements of the population from which the sample
    will be drawn. Having a good sampling frame is
  • Population parameters- any true characteristic
    of a population is a parameter.

Randomness and Probability Sampling
  • Random-refers to a process that generates a
    mathematcially random result that is, the
    selection process operates in a truly random
  • Each element has an equal chance of selection.
  • Random samples are most likely to yield a sample
    that truly represents the population (is
  • Random sampling lets a researcher statistically
    estimate the sampling error.
  • Sampling error is the deviation between sample
    results and a population parameter due to random

Simple Random Sample
  • Elements must be identified from the sampling
    frame with a procedure that generates numbers or
    otherwise identifies cases strictly on the basis
    of chance.
  • Typically each subject is assigned a number and
    this number is drawn at random.
  • In simple random sampling, there is no replaced
    of subjects after they are drawn out of the
    sampling frame.

Central Limit Theorem
  • Central Limit theorem- if you take a number of
    random samples from the same sampling frame the
    sampling distribution increases toward infinity.
  • The pattern of samples and the population
    parameter become more predictable.
  • With a huge number of random samples, the
    sampling distribution forms a normal curve, and
    the midpoint of the curve approaches the
    population parameter as the number of samples
  • We can use our knowledge of the central limit
    theorem to construct confidence intervals or a
    range in which we are confident that the
    population parameter is within.

Systematic Random Sampling
  • In a systematic sample it is assumed that all the
    individuals in the sampling frame are randomly
    listed, and as a researcher we need to choose a
    sample of 1/k of the population. Every nth
    element is selected for sampling and since all
    elements are randomly distributed, the sample is
  • Three Steps of Systematic Random Sampling-
  • 1. Sampling Interval- total population is
    divided by the number of cases required for the
    sample. This number is the sampling interval.
    Ie. You have 2000 people in your sampling frame.
    You need 200 good surveys. You decide in order
    to get 200 you need to do 250. So 2000/250 4.
    So you take every fourth person.
  • 2. Random draw for first case- select a random
    number from 1-20 (draw lots). That is the first
  • 3. Take every nth case. If the sampling
    interval is not a whole number, vary the size

Stratified Random Sampling
  • Stratified Random Sampling- Represents elements
    in specific proportions.
  • All of the elements in the population (sampling
    frame) are separated in groups based on some
    characteristic or set of characteristics.
  • Each group is called a strata.
  • Elements are sampled randomly from each strata.
    This can ensure that you get the right proportion
    of elements in your sample.
  • -proportionate stratified random sampling- each
    stratum is sampled exactly in proportion to its
    size in the population. So if the sample is all
    Americans and 12 of Americans are
    African-American, then 12 of your sample comes
    from that stratum.
  • -disproportionate stratified random sampling- the
    proportion of each stratum is intentionally
    varied from what it is in the population.

Why Sample Disproportionately?
  • A group might be so small, that without over
    sampling, their proportion in the total sample
    will be too small for any meaningful statistics
    to be calculated.
  • You may want equal numbers of elements in each
    group, rather than the proportion represented in
    the population.

Cluster Sampling
  • A cluster is a naturally occurring mixed
    aggregate of elements of the population, with
    each element appearing in one and only one
    cluster. For example, Schools, blocks, clubs,
    political parties.
  • A cluster sample is a simple random sample of
    each cluster selected.
  • Cluster sampling is useful when there is no
    sampling frame available or the cost of
    developing one is too high.
  • The main advantage is savings in time and money
    and access to populations that might not be
    sampled any other way.
  • The main disadvantage is that because it is not a
    completely random sample, it might not be
    representative of the population.

Hidden Populations
  • Some populations are hidden or difficult to
    locate. For example, functioning drug addicts.
  • It is usually impossible to use probability
    sampling with these populations

Rules of Thumb for Sample Size
  • There is no hard and fast rule for the minimum
    number of people one needs in a sample. A
    minimum of at least 30 are needed to do
    statistics, 100 for any kind of real work.
  • Ultimately it depends on what you want to study.
    It is important to include extras in your
    sampling frame because of retention issues.
  • A researchers decision about the best sample
    size depends on three things
  • 1) the degree of accuracy required
  • 2) the degree of variability or diversity in the
  • 3) the number of different variables examined
    simultaneously in data analysis.

Determining Sample Size
  • There are several considerations that determine
    sample size
  • the less sampling error desired in the sample
    statistics, the larger the sample size must be.
  • Samples of more homogenous populations can be
    smaller than samples of more heterogenous
  • If analysis is limited to descriptive variables,
    a smaller sample is possible than when complex
    analysis of sub-groups is planned.
  • If a researcher is expecting to find a strong
    relationship, a smaller sample will be needed to
    detect these relationships than if weaker
    relationships are expected.
  • Equal increases in sample size produce more of an
    increase in accuracy for small than for large

  • Is a measure of consistency.
  • A measure is reliable if the measurement does not
    change when the concept being measured remains
    constant in value.
  • For example, height. If you use a measuring tape
    to measure your height - you expect to receive
    similar results each time.

Two Principles of Reliability
  • Stability- Is the principle that a reliable
    measure should not change from one application to
    the next.
  • Applying the same concept to similar subject
    populations, should yield similar results.
  • Equivalence- Is the principle that all items
    that make up a measuring instrument should be
    consistent with one another.
  • Scoring high on one item should mean that one
    should score similarly on related items.

Indications of Unreliability
  • Test-Retest Reliability
  • Inter-item Reliability (Internal Consistency)
  • Alternate-Forms Reliability
  • Inter-observer Reliability

Test-Retest Reliability
  • Tests if a measure is consistent across time.
  • For example, a test or survey can be
    administered, then administered again a month
    later. Barring an event that would have some
    bearing on results, one can expect similar
  • When ratings by an observer, rather than ratings
    by the subject, are being assessed at two points
    in time, test-retest reliability is termed
    Intra-observer or Intra-rater Reliability.

Inter-Item Reliability (Internal Consistency)
  • When researchers use multiple items to measure a
    single concept, these items should be consistent.
  • Cronbachs Alpha is a statistic commonly used to
    measure inter-item reliability.

Alternate-Forms Reliability
  • When subjects answers to slightly different
    versions of survey questions are compared,
    alternate-forms reliability is being tested.
  • A researcher may reverse the order of the
    response choices, modify question wording in
    minor ways and then administer two forms of the
    test to subjects. If the two sets of responses
    are not too different, alternate forms
    reliability is established.

Inter-Observer Reliability
  • When researchers use more than one observer to
    rate the same people, events, or places,
    inter-observer reliability is their goal.
  • If results are similar, we can have more
    confidence than the ratings reflect the
    phenomenon being assessed rather than the
    orientations of the observers.

  • Validity asks, are you measuring what you think
    you are measuring. Or put another way, does
    your measure accurately measure the variable that
    it is intended to measure.
  • There are Four Types of Validity
  • Face Validity
  • Content Validity
  • Criterion Validity
  • Construct Validity

Face Validity
  • Refers to confidence gained from careful
    inspection of the concept to see if it is
    appropriate on the face.
  • Every measure should be inspected for face
  • Face validity alone does not provide convincing
    evidence of measurement validity.

Content Validity
  • Establishes that the measure covers the full
    range of the concepts meaning.
  • To determine the range of meaning, the researcher
    may solicit the opinions of experts and review
    literature that identifies the different aspects,
    or dimensions, of the concept.

Criterion Validity
  • Is established when the scores obtained on one
    measure can be accurately compared to those
    obtained with a more direct or already validated
    measure of the same phenomenon.
  • For example, one can compare self reports of
    alcohol consumption to a blood, breathe or urine
  • The criterion that researchers select can be
    measured either at the same time as the variable
    to be validated or after that time.
  • Concurrent Validity- exists when a measure yields
    scores that are closely related to scores on a
    criterion measured at the same time.
  • Predictive Validity- is the ability of a measure
    to predict scores on a criterion measured in the

Construct Validity
  • Shows that a measure is valid by demonstrated
    that a measure is related to a variety of other
    measures specified in a theory.
  • Construct validity is used when non clear
    criterion exists for validation purposes.
  • Two other approaches to Construct Validity
  • Convergent Validity- is achieved when one
    measure of a concept is associated with different
    types of measures of the same concept.
  • Discriminant Validity- Scores on the measure to
    be validated are compared to scores on measures
    of different by related concepts.

Ways to Improve Validity and Reliability
  • Engage potential respondents in group discussions
    about the questions to be included on the survey.
  • Conduct Cognitive Interviews- test questions,
    clarify respondents cognition and what they
    meant by their answers.
  • Audiotape test interviews during the pretest
    phase of a survey. Review tapes and code to
    identify problems in question wording or
  • Pre-Test final surveys.

Understanding Reliability and Validity
  • Reliability is necessary for validity, however,
    reliability does not guarantee validity.
  • You may consistently measure something you are
    not intending to measure.
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