Title: EU policies in E
1EU lifelong guidance policy
Part I
Milan REMIŠ DG Education and Culture Unit A1
Lifelong learning contribution to the Lisbon
process milan.remis_at_ec.europa.eu
2Part I Lifelong learning and guidance policy
Part I
3Context challenges of the EU
- globalisation structural changes, relocation of
manufacturing - unemployment lt-gt shortages in certain sectors
- demographic changes new types of jobs (mostly
in social services) - technological development demand for high
skilled workers, generic (transferable) versus
specific skills
4Political context
- Lisbon European Council (2000)
- Barcelona European Council (2002)
- Education Training 2010 co-operation
- Bologna process (Declaration on higher education,
June 1999) - Copenhagen process (Declaration on vocational
training, November 2002) - EU Lifelong learning policy common
objectives/targets - Renewed Lisbon strategy (March 2005)
5Open method of coordination
- Common objectives
- Peer learning
- Monitoring of progress (indicators and
benchmarks, biennial joint reports) - EU reference tools supporting national reforms
6(No Transcript)
7Principles and initiatives
- Lifelong guidance
- Validation of non-formal learning
- Europass (transparency/self-assessment)
- Key competences
- ECVET and Quality Assurance package (04/08)
- European Qualifications Framework (adopted
22/04/08) - Adult learning action plan and Council
Conclusions (adopted 22/05/08)
8Forthcoming initiatives
- Green paper on Education Migration (6/08)
- Communication on schools (6/08)
- French presidency
- Guidance conference, Lyon, 17-18/09/2008
- Next stage of Copenhagen process, Bordeaux,
25/11/08 - New skills for new jobs communication (12/08)
- Future strategic framework for Education and
Training co-operation post 2010 (12/08) - European year of creativity and innovation 2009
9Part II Networks in lifelong guidance
Part I
- Network of National Resource and Information
Centres for Guidance, established in 1992 - Objectives
- Develop European dimension in national systems of
educational and vocational guidance and
counselling - Promote mutual awareness and cooperation between
guidance services - Support EU policy initiatives in the filed of
lifelong guidance - Provide and exchange quality information on
guidance - Cooperation on PLOTEUS portal on learning
11European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network
- Resolution on Lifelong Guidance of the EU Council
(2004) - Conclusions of the Finnish EU-presidency
conference (2006) - Preparatory meeting in Brussels, March 9, 2007
- Inaugural meeting in Helsinki, May 7-8, 2007
- 28 members and one observer
- Co-financed by the Lifelong learning programme
12Finnish presidency conference on lifelong
guidance, 2006
- access to guidance and the quality of guidance
systems improved in general - but much remains to be done - many countries
still have significant gaps in provision and
deficits in quality - it is important that collaboration at EU level is
maintained and enhanced
13National guidance fora
- National guidance fora can play an important role
in supporting policy development within
member-states - Such fora need to embrace all dimensions and
sectors of guidance provision (including schools,
VET, tertiary education, public employment
services, community-based services) - The nature, tasks and structures of the fora
should be related to the needs within each
country - Active involvement of policy-makers is essential
- The work of national guidance fora could be
significantly strengthened by the activities of
14ELGPN long term objectives
- Support for policy development
- Policy sharing, peer-learning activities
- Information gathering
- Policy analysis and research
- Use of reference tools
- Exploiting project outcomes
- Strengthening representative structures
15ELGPN Co-operation with other structures
- ELGPN and the national fora should be linked,
through appropriate membership or co-operation
arrangements, to other relevant networks and
initiatives at European level - Euroguidance network
- Public Employment Services (PES) network
- professional networks, e.g. IAEVG, FEDORA
- international organisations, bodies (e.g. OECD)
- other relevant stakeholder networks (e.g. social
partners, parents)
16Part III Recent initiatives
Part I
17European Qualifications Framework for lifelong
Part I
18EQF reasons and context
- barriers to lifelong learning and mobility
between Member States and between systems, e.g.
between higher education and VET within countries - member states asked the Commission to develop
instrument for transparency of qualifications and
mobility - Bologna/Copenhagen process
- complements other mobility instruments
19EQF approach and objectives
- Looks at learning outcomes
- 8 levels covering general, HE and VET (LLL)
- Create common reference framework as translation
device between qualifications systems and levels - Aims enhance mobility and Lifelong learning
20Country A
Country B
21Implementation in countries
- Existing NQFs Ireland, UK France, Malta
- Commitment to NQF Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria,
Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Italy,
Latvia, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Slovenia and
Turkey - Considering or preparing NQFs Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands,
Norway, Poland, Romania and Sweden - Not preparing Cyprus, Greece, Iceland
22European Credit system for Vocational Education
and Training(ECVET)
Part I
23ECVET is
- dedicated to individuals, in a borderless and
lifelong learning perspective - based on learning outcomes (knowledge, skills,
competence) - achieved in all learning contexts (formal, non F,
informal) - centred on qualifications and fully coherent with
EQF - focused on Mobility
- transparency and tool oriented
- compatible with ECTS used in the higher education
24Learning context A
Learning context B
Country A
Country B
Transcript of record
Validation of L.O. Recognition of
L.O. Accumulation of L.O.
Assessment of L.O. Credit for L.O.
25The ECVET package
- Concepts and glossary
- Description of qualifications in units of
learning outcomes - Transfer Process (assessment, validation,
recognition and accumulation of learning
outcomes) and partnerships (essential) - ECVET points allocated to qualifications and to
units (additional)
26ECVET points indicate the relative weight of
10 Points
30 Points
60 Pts
20 Points
27Recommendation to Member states
- Promote ECVET and implement it from 2012 at the
latest - Support the development of partnerships and
networks involving VET stakeholders, social
partners and sectors - Ensure access to information and guidance
- Ensure that concerned qualifications and related
Europass documents contain explicit information
on the use of ECVET - Promote and apply the principles for Quality
assurance - Insure that mechanisms of coordination and
monitoring are operational
28New Skills for New Jobs
Part I
29New Skills for New Jobs
- Steps forward
- New Skills for New Jobs" Communication to be
ready by the end of 2008 - First assessment of skills needs up to 2015
(CEDEFOP) - Mapping of existing tools at national and
European level - Proposal to develop common European forecasting
approach - Further after 2008 to establish a long term
forecasting infrastructure and sector scenarios
30New Skills for New Jobs
- The role of ET systems
- Raising levels of skills
- Ensuring a better match between the skills
supplied with skills demanded by the
society/economy (including improved guidance
services) - Increasing responsiveness of ET system
- Increasing participation in lifelong learning
- Inclusion of groups at risk (older workers,
people with disabilities, migrants ) - Change to learning outcomes approach (EQF, ECVET,
validation of non-formal/informal learning)
31New Skills for New Jobs
- The role of guidance
- Interface between ET and labour market
- Awareness of results of forecasting initiative
inform the clients to make the right career
choices - Increased importance of guidance services in
relation to New Skills for New Jobs initiative
and flexicurity strategies - Council Resolution on NSNJs (11/2007)
information about skills and competences needs to
be disseminated through EURES, national
employment services, European and national
network on guidance
32- Thank youfor your attention!