Title: Innovation and Environmental Policies for Sustainable Development
1Innovation and Environmental Policies for
Sustainable Development
- Ken Guy
- Wise Guys Ltd.
- Six Countries Programme Conference
- Brussels
- February 28 - March 1, 2002
- Key issues concerning innovation policy,
environmental policy and sustainable development
- Key issues concerning innovation policy,
environmental policy and sustainable development - What can innovation policy do for sustainable
- Key issues concerning innovation policy,
environmental policy and sustainable development - What can innovation policy do for sustainable
development? - What can environmental policy do for innovation?
6Policy Spheres
Environmental Policy
Industrial Policy
Innovation Policy for Sustainable Development
Innovation Policy
Sustainable Development Policy
- The aim of industrial policy is to promote
economic well-being
- The aim of industrial policy is to promote
economic well-being - The aim of environmental policy is to promote
environmental well-being
- The aim of industrial policy is to promote
economic well-being - The aim of environmental policy is to promote
environmental well-being - The aim of sustainable development is to maximise
environmental productivity and efficiency within
economic production processes
- The aim of industrial policy is to promote
economic well-being - The aim of environmental policy is to promote
environmental well-being - The aim of sustainable development is to maximise
environmental productivity and efficiency within
economic production processes - The aim of innovation policy is to encourage
changes in the amount, rate and direction of
innovation - but only if externalities apply
12Innovation Policy
13Innovation Policy
- From additionality and competitiveness to broader
socio-economic goals
14Innovation Policy
- From additionality and competitiveness to broader
socio-economic goals - But has innovation policy worked?
15Innovation Policy
- From additionality and competitiveness to broader
socio-economic goals - But has innovation policy worked?
- Yes at one level, dont know at another
16Innovation Policy
- From additionality and competitiveness to broader
socio-economic goals - But has innovation policy worked?
- Yes at one level, dont know at another
- But our increased understanding of how innovation
systems work provides us with a few a policy tips
17Policy Tips
18Policy Tips
- Policy intervention should target the weakest
19Policy Tips
- Policy intervention should target the weakest
links - Individual policy instruments are unlikely to
have a dramatic impact on system performance
20Policy Tips
- Policy intervention should target the weakest
links - Individual policy instruments are unlikely to
have a dramatic impact on system performance - Hence the need for a broad policy mix
21Policy Tips
- Policy intervention should target the weakest
links - Individual policy instruments are unlikely to
have a dramatic impact on system performance - Hence the need for a broad policy mix
- And a system of strategic intelligence to help
formulate the mix
22A Simple Innovation System
23More Tips
24More Tips
- All parts need to interact well if the system is
to function smoothly
25More Tips
- All parts need to interact well if the system is
to function smoothly - Stimulating knowledge creation in the private
sector is vital but difficult
26More Tips
- All parts need to interact well if the system is
to function smoothly - Stimulating knowledge creation in the private
sector is vital but difficult - ST education and training is needed to improve
social capital and absorptive capacity
27More Tips
- All parts need to interact well if the system is
to function smoothly - Stimulating knowledge creation in the private
sector is vital but difficult - ST education and training is needed to improve
social capital and absorptive capacity - Linking or bridging strategies have become
increasingly important
28A Simple Policy Classification Scheme
Public Sector Private Sector
Knowledge Users
Knowledge Creators
Reinforcement Policies
Bridging Policies
29Summary of Simple Tips
- Base policy prescriptions on strategic analysis
of weak nodes in innovation systems - Tackle these weaknesses via broad policy mixes
- Include measures which strengthen human resources
- Include bridging measures aimed at improving
knowledge and information flows - Experiment, evaluate and feed back strategic
30Environmental Policy
31Environmental Policy
- Focus on the interaction with technology
development, innovation and economic well-being
32Environmental Policy
- Focus on the interaction with technology
development, innovation and economic well-being - Evidence that regulatory change can stimulate
relevant technological change - though change is
often incremental and slow
33Environmental Policy
- Focus on the interaction with technology
development, innovation and economic well-being - Evidence that regulatory change can stimulate
relevant technological change - though change is
often incremental and slow - Many traditional instruments also successful,
e.g. RD programmes, though under-critical and
too short-term
34Environmental Policy
- Focus on the interaction with technology
development, innovation and economic well-being - Evidence that regulatory change can stimulate
relevant technological change - though change is
often incremental and slow - Many traditional instruments also successful,
e.g. RD programmes, though under-critical and
too short-term - But high barriers to innovation in many
environment-related areas
35What Can Innovation Policy Do for Sustainable
36What Can Innovation Policy Do for Sustainable
37What Can Innovation Policy Do for Sustainable
- Apply a broad policy mix
- UK study recommended a mix which included
- Target setting
- Financial support
- Support for environmental RD
- Support for the training of researchers
- Prizes for innovations which reach environmental
objectives - Tax incentives for environment-friendly
innovations - A National Environment facility to manage and
channel environmental innovation - Political and corporate leadership and clear
statements of intent
38What Can Innovation Policy Do for Sustainable
- Apply a broad policy mix
- UK study recommended a mix which included
- Target setting
- Financial support
- Support for environmental RD
- Support for the training of researchers
- Prizes for innovations which reach environmental
objectives - Tax incentives for environment-friendly
innovations - A National Environment facility to manage and
channel environmental innovation - Political and corporate leadership and clear
statements of intent - Combat uncertainty and ignorance about correct
policy prescriptions with experimentation and
39What Can Environmental Policy Do for Innovation?
40What Can Environmental Policy Do for Innovation?
- Much current innovation policy is geared to
improving the quality of stocks and flows within
innovation systems
41What Can Environmental Policy Do for Innovation?
- Much current innovation policy is geared to
improving the quality of stocks and flows within
innovation systems - But there is still scope for quantity measures,
especially in terms of stimulating RD
expenditure in the private sector
42What Can Environmental Policy Do for Innovation?
- Much current innovation policy is geared to
improving the quality of stocks and flows within
innovation systems - But there is still scope for quantity measures,
especially in terms of stimulating RD
expenditure in the private sector - Combining regulatory measures with traditional
innovation policy instruments could overcome
inertia in areas where environmental and profit
motives will eventually coincide