Title: Photonic Devices - Couplers
1Photonic Devices - Couplers
Optical fibre couplers
A basic photonic device used to split or combine
light to or from different fibres. A building
block of passive optical networks.
2Photonic Devices - Couplers
3Photonic Devices - Couplers
How a four-port 5050 splitter works
- Light entering Port 1 propagates into the
coupling region where the waveguides are close
together. - The evanescent tail of the field of the first
waveguide overlaps into the second and light
leaks across - This is evanescent coupling.
- The splitting ratio for light leaving Ports 2
and 3 can be adjusted to any desired value by
adjusting the amount of coupling, or the length
of the coupling region- the most common split is
5050. - The splitting ratio also depends on the
wavelength of the light.
4Photonic Devices - WDM couplers
A 2 channel Wavelength Division Multiplexer (WDM)
- We aim to split two wavelengths from one fibre
into two outputs, to separate two channels of
information, or combine two into one fibre. - We contrive to make a coupler with a splitting
ratio at one desired wavelength of zero (the
light all comes out of the primary waveguide)
while at the other desired wavelength, total
cross coupling occurs.
5Photonic Devices - Bragg Gratings
A Bragg grating is a periodic refractive index
variation written along the fibre core. If the
optical period is l0 / 2, the grating reflects
wavelength l0 selectively, very useful in
filtering communication channels in or out.