Title: Cultural Struggles
1Cultural Struggles
Defining Modern Japan
- Pervasive sense of profound change
- Excitement, and fear
- The invention of tradition, as response
- A global process
- NOT peculiar to Japan,
- Taking place in global dialogue
2Dramatic Cultural Change
Religion Shukyo ?? Rights Kenri
?? Society/social Shakai ?? Philosophy
Tetsugaku ?? Literature Bungaku ?? Company
Kaisha ?? Science Kagaku ?? Nation,PeopleKokumin
?? Asia Ajia ??? or ???
The age of neo- logism
3Fukuzawa Yukichi
- Advocate of change, of
- civilization and enlightenment
- His critique Japan has
- a government but no
- nation (kokumin).
- Advocates individual
- independence, but for
- sake of the nation
4New Roles For Women
- Seeking freedom
- and rights
- Kishida Toshiko and Fukuda Hideko
5New Roles For Women
- New Robes
- Related new roles?
6New Robes For Women
7New Robes For Women
8Fear of Political Disorder
9The fear of gender anarchy
10Fear of Westernization
Society for political education The Japanese,
What is todays Japan? The old Japan has
already collapsed, but the new Japan has not yet
risen. What religion do we believe in? What
moral and political principles do we favor? It
is as if we are wandering in confusion through a
deep fog, unable to find our way
11Response Re-inventing the Monarch
- The Imperial institution enshrined at the heart
of the - the constitution (on website)
- Defining the Imperial image
12Response Re-inventing the Monarch
- In ritual as well as in word
13Response Re-inventing the Monarch
- In ritual as well as in word
- Promulgating the
- constitution)
14Response Re-inventing the Monarch
- In ritual as well as in word
15Alternative response
16Response Inventing the Good Wife and Wise
17Good wife and wise mother as a global tradition
of modern times
18Response Inventing Japanese-ness
- Articulating Japanese,
- and Asian, aesthetics