Title: 1. Culture (high, low, popular, and mass), Cultural Studies
1Culture (high, low, popular, and mass), Cultural
Studies, race and ethnicity
2This weeks lens Cultural Studies
- Academic movement started in UK in 1960s
- Spread quickly Europe, US, Australia
- Combines aspects of
- Media studies - Political science
- Commn studies - Sociology
- Linguistics - Gender studies
- Anthropology - Literary criticism
3Key concerns of Cultural Studies
- Relations of culture and power
- Particularly, power inequalities related to race,
class, gender, colonialism - Role of symbols (language, visual images) in
creating meaning - Particularly as related to power issues
4Key concerns of CS (ctd.)
- Representation
- how forms of communication (spoken and written
language music, TV, print media, etc.) present,
represent, shape, and distort cultural meaning - Political economy of mediaand relationship to
messages and meanings - How ownership of cultural production affects
products and interpretations
5Key concerns of CS (ctd.)
- Texts and audiences
- What possible meanings do we draw out of (media)
texts? - How do (media) audiences interpret texts
differentlyand why? - Cultural (and personal) identity
- How do we identify ourselves and others?
- How do cultural/media products contribute to
6Definitions of culture
- Classical (British 19th and 20th century)
literary definitions - Anthropological traditions definition
- Newer, CS-oriented definitions
- Rejected literary
- Built on and expanded anthropological
7Culture in the classical literary tradition
- Culture was linked to cultivation
- Agriculture
- Growing (crops)
- The cultivated mind (properly trained) and the
cultured person
8Matthew Arnolds influence
- 19th-century UK poet and cultural critic
- Arnolds definition of culture
- The best that has been thought and said in the
world - Belief that reading, thinking, and observing
(human cultivation) would bring about moral
perfection - A better, more civilized, social world
9Matthew Arnold (1822-1888), English poet and
cultural critic
10Implications of Arnolds view
- The world can be divided into the cultured and
the uncultured - Or the civilized and the uncivilized
- Culture and civilizationthe domains of the
educated (and wealthy)are superior to the
anarchy of the raw and uncultivated masses - Thus, culture is class-dependent
- And only available to the upper classes
11Expanding Arnold Leavisism
- 1930s literary critics Frank Raymond Leavis
(1895-1978) and Queenie Roth Leavis (1906-1981) - Among their famous writings Mass Civilization
and Minority Culture - Culture is high point of civilization
- Culture is the concern of the educated minority
12Leavisisms claims
- Elite classes have certain obligations
- Defineand defendthe best of culture
(literary, musical, artistic) - Criticizeand, arguably, eliminatethe worst of
mass culture - Advertising, movies, popular fiction
13Culture in the anthropological tradition
- An entireand distinctiveway of life
- In other words lived experience
14Enter Cultural Studies (1960s?)
- Direct reaction against views of Arnold and
Leavises adaptation of anthropological - Raymond Williams (1921-1988), CS pioneer
anti-elitist - Re-visioned culture as a whole way of life
- Concerned especially with working classs
experience - And how working class people actively construct
their own cultures
15Culture as redefined by CS
- As a whole way of life,
- It includes everyday practices AND learning,
arts, and other expressive aspects - How we dress, our holidays, our daily rituals
- Our everyday meanings and values
- Our norms
- How we express ourselves
- In short, culture is ordinary (Williams)
16Result of CSs re-definition
- Studying or talking about a groups culture
could include - Everyday practices
- Arts, media, entertainment modes previously
dismissed as low or mass were studied with
respect and even sympathy - Newspapers, television, boxing matches, soap
operas, NASCAR, romance novels, prom dresses
17In other words
- Everyday cultureincluding the culture of
non-elite classes within our own societieswas
given legitimacy - Scholars (and cultural critics) began to value
the shared traditions of ordinary people - Not only the elite classes
18Williamss paradoxical claims
- A groups (re-defined) culture is its complex of
- Meanings generated by ordinary individuals
- Lived experiences of its members
- Texts and practices engaged in by people as they
lead their lives
- Culture does not float free of the material
conditions of life - Meanings and practices are enacted on terrain
not of our own making even as we struggle to
creatively shape our livesWhat did Williams
mean by this?
20To address this paradox
- We must detour into other key CS concepts
- Then well circle back to issues of
- high vs. low culture
- mass, folk, and popular culture
21Other key CS concepts relevant to ICC (including
mass comm)
- Ideology
- Hegemony
- Race, racialization, and racisms
- Ethnicity
- The nation-state
- The imagined community
- Hybridity
- Identity
- Subject position
- And how all of these relate to POWER
22Ideology exercise
- Divide into groups
- Each group discusses (lists) ONE question
- How does one class justify dominating another?
- How does one race justify dominating another?
- How does one sex justify dominating another?
- How does one nation justify dominating another?
- Provide examples from popular culture
- What does this word mean to you?
- What is an ideology?
- The term ideology was coined (by a 19th-century
French philosopher) to mean the science of
ideas - Since then, has taken on many other meanings
- Here are some of the most common
241. Value-neutral conception
- Systematic body of ideasa worldviewarticulated
by a particular group of people - Pattern of ideas, belief systems, or
interpretive schemes found in a society or among
a specific social group (Hall).
25What this implies
- an individual doesnt have an ideology
- but an individual may reflect the ideology of the
group shes a member of
262. Karl Marxs definition
- False consciousness a masking, distortion, or
concealment - The way some cultural texts and practices present
distorted images of reality - Ideology works in interest of the powerful
- and AGAINST interests of the powerless
27Karl Marx (1818-1883)
28Results of ideological distortion, in Marxs view
- Conceals reality of domination from those in
power - dominant class do not see themselves as
exploiters - Conceals reality of domination from the
powerless - they dont see themselves as exploited
293 focus on ideological forms
- Texts (mediated) always present a particular
picture of the world, always take sides, thus
reflect producers ideology - All texts are ultimately political they offer
one view or another (but not a multiplicity of
views!) of how the world is - Differing ideological significations of reality
compete with one another
304 ideology as material practice
- French Marxist philosopher Louis Althusser
(1918-1990) said - Ideology isnt simply a body of ideas, but rather
material practice - Ideology is encountered in practices of everyday
31Louis Althusser (1918-1990)
32Examples of material practice that reflects
- Rituals and customs that bind us to the social
order, a social order marked by enormous
inequalities of wealth, status, and power - Examples taking summer vacations, giving gifts
at Christmas
33Yes, Althusser would say
- These things give us pleasure, release tensions
- But ultimately they return us to our places in
the social order - Because they reproduce the social conditions
necessary for capitalism to continue
34What produces and maintains (dominant) ideology
in society?
- Althusser talked about ideological state
apparatuses (ISAs) - Family
- Education system
- Church
- Mass media
- These ISAs train us to follow and perpetuate
the values and rules of the dominant classes
35ISAs vs. RSA
- Althusser because of the power (and willingness)
of the ISAs to do the work of the powerful - The Repressive State Apparatus (government,
military, courts) dont have to resort to force - The ISAs do their jobs
- And make us into good, law-abiding students,
family members, citizens, church members,
capitalists - Who dont complain, dont try to overthrow the
government, dont try to overthrow the
corporation heads (and our bosses)
36As a result
- Ideology (worldview maintained and taught to us
by the ISAs) comes to be seen as - natural (as opposed to constructed)
- universal (as opposed to particular)
- complete (as opposed to incomplete)
- neutral (as opposed to partial/biased)
- legitimate (as opposed to illegitimate)
- common sense (as opposed to a particular,
chosen, preferred sense)
375 ideology as myth
- French social philosopher Roland Barthes
- Called ideologies the myths of our
culture/society - In this sense, myth isnt (necessarily) fictional
- But its a story we tell ourselves about
ourselves - What are some American myths (in Barthess sense)?
38Roland Barthes (1915-1980)
39In all of these definitions (except 1), ideology
- Meaning in the service of power
- not just a value-neutral set or system of ideas
- Rather, a system that underlies, supports, and
justifies a groups - Exercise of power
- Maintenance of power
- Struggles for power
40Is this clear?
- Maybe Antonio Gramsci can help
41Antonio Gramsci (1930s) Hegemony
- Kind of power that arises from ideological
tendencies of mass media to support established
power system - and exclude opposition and competing values
- Not imposed via coercion
- But constantly sought after, struggled over,
negotiated, and re-negotiated
42Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937)
43Key insight of Gramscis hegemony theory
- The ruling classes in capitalist society (unlike
Hitlers Germany or Stalins USSR) dont HAVE to
resort to physical force, violence, or martial
law - Direct coercion is unnecessary!
- And, in fact, is LESS effective in the long term
for maintaining social power
44Hegemony (ctd.)
- In hegemonic systems, dominance of ruling group
is STRENGTHENED because people (non-dominant)
consent to their own submission! - We come to accept existing (and unequal) power
relationships as normal, natural, common sense,
the only way
- The ruling class doesnt directly force us to
accept its will - Rather, the dominant present themselves (often
through the media) as the group best equipped to
meet our needs - and we come to agree (for a while)
- e.g., we accept that corporations, government act
in our best interests
46Meaning that
- the masses (common people) consent to their own
domination, seeing it as completely normal (or
failing to question it)! - the dominated will find their own reasonswhich
DO actually make sense!to go along with their
domination - For example
47Hegemony in our daily lives
- Grades
- Christmas presents
- Body image
- Work
48So what happens in hegemonic systems?
- Dominant classes exercise social and cultural
leadership - We consent to, and perpetuate, a system that
disadvantages us - In finding our own good reasons to go along with
the system - We fail to challenge or question the system
- Let alone call for its overthrow!
- Hegemonic domination is a constant struggle
- Consent must be continually won and re-won
- Concessions are made so that the dominated will
not overthrow the entire system - But instead will be given new reasons to accept
it - New things to consent to
- The media are often the sites of this struggle
50Hegemony is maintained
- Because dominant have advantages
- Easier access to media
- More input into media representations of
reality - And media themselves are huge corporate powers
51Given all this
- CS on culture
- CS on ideology and power
- We might not be surprised by CSs explanations of
- Race
- Ethnicity
- Nation
- Identity
52CS on race, racialization, and racisms
- Stuart Hall races dont exist apart from
representation - What does this mean?
53To paraphrase
- Race is a social (and communication) construct
rather than a biological fact - Race is constructed by looking at observable
characteristics - And then working backwards to create a race
54The fluidity of race
- New Mexico
- The Irish in New York (mid 1800s)
- The Jews in US (late 1800s)
- black blood
55CS on race and power
- CS argument race is a construct (multi-faceted
concept) developed in order to justify power
differentials - Labor market
- Economy
- Housing market
- Education system
- Media
- Legal system
- Immigration
56Race and nationhood
- If youre a member of a minority race in a nation
- Are you truly a member of the nation?
- Blacks in US
- Blacks in UK
- Blacks in South Africa during apartheid
57CS on ethnicity
- A cultural concept
- An ethnic groups members share
- Norms
- Values
- Beliefs
- Cultural symbols and practicesall of which
developed under specific historical, social,
political contexts
58What ethnicity does
- Encourages sense of belonging
- Based (at least in part) on common mythological
ancestry (why mythological?) - Shared (or believed to be shared) history,
language, culture
59Ethnicity as relational concept
- Im a member of ethnic group X because Im not a
member of Y or Z - We define our ethnicity by contrasting ourselves
to out groups - Implies power relations
- Some groups are at the center, while others are
at periphery - Examples in US?
60CS on the nation-state
- The nation-state is an invention
- Not a natural (naturally occurring) group
- Rather, a contingent historical-cultural
formation - Prime example? The US!
61Nation-states and national identity
- Nation-state a political concept
- An administrative apparatus
- Group of people with shared government, laws,
leaders who have sovereignty over defined body of
land - National identity imaginative identification
with the symbols and discourses of the
- National cultural identities are not co-terminous
with state borders - Consider Jewish, African, Indian, cultural
63Nation as imagined community
- Benedict Anderson (1983) argued that nations are
imagined communities - What might this mean?
- Not false
- But simply, an ideasomething that exists in our
heads if not in physical space - We dont know most of our fellow Americans
- But we have shared ideasand we believe ourselves
to be a unity
- Basically, cultural mixing
- Few cultures are homogeneous
- Our culture reflects hybridity
- Few individuals have ancestors from only one
culture - We are hybrids as individuals
- As a result of mixing, we create new identities
- African-American, Italian-American,
Afro-Caribbean, Pakistani-British
65Multiple identities
- No one of us has an identity that is pure or
fixed - We are each a hybrid
- At any moment, we each can be described as
belonging to one or more - Ethnicity
- Nation
- Sex
- Race
- Occupation
- class
66Hence, multiple subject positions
- How are you, or can you be, addressed?
- What roles do you play?
- Mother, sister, daughter
- Boss, employee
- Student, teacher
- Friend, co-worker
- Fellow church member, club member, team member
67Recap key CS concepts
- Ideology
- Hegemony
- Race, racialization, and racisms
- Ethnicity
- The nation-state
- The imagined community
- Hybridity
- Identity
- Subject position
68Link to our course?
- Popular cultureparticularly as transmitted via
the mass mediais arguably the most important
site in our lives in which these issues are
played out, spelled out, and contested - So lets get back to culture
- High, low, popular, and other
69Recap high culture, etc.
- Arnold and the Leavises (19th-20th C. UK) define
culture as the best - View that culture is the domain only of the
minority - Educated, moneyed elite
- What has come to be called high culture
- By contrast, what the non-educated, non-moneyed
everyday folk do is uncivilized, uncultured low
70CS mid-1960s and beyond
- New approach to culture
- Culture as ordinary, everyday
- Entire ways of life
- Regardless of class/status
71Moreover, CS argues
- There is no legitimate grounds for drawing
distinction between high and low culture - Artistic forms, whether Shakespeare or WWF
broadcasts - all expressive and creative
- all are socially created
- Who is to decide which is more worthy?
72While many people still do distinguish high vs.
low . . .
- High cultural activities of the wealthy or
elite opera, ballet, symphony, great literature,
fine art - Low all other
- In other words, activities of the non-elite
music videos, TV game shows, professional
wrestling, NASCAR, graffiti art, Jackie Chan
73CS (and many other scholars) prefer to speak of
- popular culture
- rather than demeaning non-elite culture as low
74How might we define popular culture?
- Systems or artifacts that most people share and
that most people know about - Made popular by and for the people
- Speaks toand resonates fromthe people
- But NOT usually created BY the people!
- Why not?
75Popular culture as mass culture
- Most popular culture formsmovies, TV shows,
magazines, videos, CDsare produced by large
corporations - And are then sold to the people
- Hence, the music, art, film, television (etc.)
businesses were called the culture industries
by Adorno and Horkheimer (1940s cultural critics)
76The culture industries
- Acknowledgment of mass-produced nature of popular
culture products - CDs, DVDs, magazines, paperback novels, etc.
- Acknowledgment of for-profit nature of the
companies that make and market them - Sony, Disney, Time-Warner, etc., arent in it for
77Production vs. consumption wheres your focus?
- Frankfurt School (Critical Theory) of 1940s
leveled criticism on the production end of the
chain (critique of mass culture) - CS focuses on the consumption end (thus prefers
the term popular culture), inquires into - How do we (consumers, ordinary people) use the
products of the culture industries? - How do we interpret them?
- What meanings/values do we give them?
- Why are these things important to us?
78Depending on your focus
- If youre focused on the production end (the
corporate, mass-produced, for-profit aspects),
youre probably more likely to speak of mass
culture - If youre focused on the consumption/
interpretation end, youre probably more likely
to speak of popular culture
79Why popular culture is so important to ICC
- Popular culture plays an enormous role in
explaining relations around the globe - It is through popular culture that we try to
understand the dynamics of other cultures and
other nations - For many of us, the world exists through popular
80Why popular culture is so important more generally
- Its everywhere
- Disseminated widely (in many cases, globally)
- Its impossible to avoid
- We all have easy access to it
- It comes at us from all directions
- It comes at us every moment of our lives
- We wear it, buy it, think about it, listen to it,
read it, watch it
81And on the positive side
- Popular culture serves important social functions
- Windows onto the world
- Shared experiences and (parasocial) relationships
- Forum for public discussion (especially, but not
only, the news) - Shaper of opinions
- Shaper of identities
- Shaper of meanings
82But popular culture does not work monolithically!
- What do I mean by this?
- Hint recall Halls encoding/decoding model of
programme as meaningful discourse
frameworks of knowledge relations of production
technical infrastructure
frameworks of knowledge relations of production
technical infrastructure
84Claims Hall makes
- Producers of cultural texts (TV shows, ads,
movies, books, videos) operate within specific
cultural contexts - And produce out of their own frameworks of
knowledge - But we consumers consume the texts within our own
contexts - We dont find the same meanings as the producers
- Or each other!
85However, Hall claimed
- We dont necessarily have 6 billion reading
positions - Hall identified 3 reading positions, depending
upon a readers class (and identification with
producer) - Dominant
- Negotiated
- Oppositional
86Popular culture, then
- Is a site of struggle
- We have competing, even conflicting,
interpretations of what a cultural text means - And what values it represents
- And whether we like (approve of) it or not
- And if its offensive or agreeable
- We offer different decodings and struggle over
them - We negotiate the meanings of cultural texts
87How might we interpret
- U. of North Dakota Fighting Sioux
- Florida State U. Seminoles
- Washington Redskins
- Atlanta Braves
- Cleveland Indians
- Insult/racial slur?
- Compliment/honor?
88Popular culture and problems of representation
- The big question
- Do popular culture texts (especially those
depicting cultures other than our own) truly,
fairly, accurately represent the cultures they
claim to be showing?
89For example
- Is Jackass a representation of America,
quintessential Americans and quintessential
American values? - or only a selective portrait of a small group of
Americans? - How might Jackass (if viewed outside the US)
create or reinforce stereotypes about Americans?
90How CS approaches criticism of popular culture
- The important questions
- Not whether a cultural text is good or bad
(in terms of quality) - Rather,
- What ideologies are conveyed, overtly or subtly?
- How are individuals and cultures represented?
- How might representations maintain power