How Much Salt is in Ocean Water? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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How Much Salt is in Ocean Water?


How Much Salt is in Ocean Water? – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: Wayne299


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: How Much Salt is in Ocean Water?

How Much Salt is in Ocean Water?
  • To determine how many mL of salt there is in
    200mL of ocean water.

  • I think that there will be 6mL of salt in the
    200mL of ocean water. I tried a taste test before
    the mixtures went into the freezer.

  • A sample of ocean water
  • Small plastic cups/marker
  • Measuring cup
  • Table salt
  • Thermometer
  • Freezer
  • Teaspoon
  • Tap water
  • Syringe (to measure salt)

  1. Get a sample of ocean water, and a sample of tap
  2. Allow water to stand for 24 hours to achieve room
  3. Number eight plastic cups and label the salt
    content as 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and ocean
  4. Then measure out the amounts of salt and put the
    correct amount in each cup.
  5. Pour 200mL of tap water into cups 1-7. Put 200mL
    of ocean water in cup 8.
  6. Now, place the cups in a row in the same section
    of the freezer, and make sure there arent other
    items around them.
  7. Every 10 minutes, check the mixtures to see if
    there are any signs of freezing, and when there
    is, check the mixtures every 5 minutes until the
    tops of the mixtures are frozen.
  8. Repeat steps 4-7 two more times.

(No Transcript)
  • Manipulated Variable the amount of salt in each
  • Responding Variable the time it takes for the
    mixtures to freeze.
  • Control Variables
  • The temperature of the freezer (-18 C)
  • Initial temperature of the mixtures (18 C)
  • The type of cups used in the experiment.
  • Type of salt (table salt)
  • The placement of the cups in the freezer. (Placed
    in a row in the very back of the freezer)
  • Amount of water in each cup.

  • The 12mL of salt mixture and the ocean water look
    almost identical when starting to freeze.
  • The cups with salt in them crystallize before
    they freeze.
  • After the mixtures crystallize, they turn slushy,
    and then slowly harden.

Results Trial 1
Cup Amount Of Salt 10 mins. 20 mins. 30 mins. 40 mins. 45 mins. 50 mins.
1 None Nothing Frost on the cup Starting to Freeze In process of freezing Frozen -
2 2mL Nothing Frost on the cup Starting to Freeze In process of freezing Frozen -
3 4mL Nothing Frost on the cup Starting to Freeze In process of freezing Freezing In process of freezing
4 6mL Nothing Frost on the cup Nothing Nothing Starting to Freeze In process of freezing
5 8mL Nothing Frost on the cup Nothing Nothing Starting to Freeze Crystals and slushy
6 10mL Nothing Frost on the cup Nothing Crystals and slushy Crystals and slushy Crystals and slushy
7 12mL Nothing Frost on the cup Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
8 Ocean Water Nothing Frost on the cup Nothing Nothing Nothing Starting to Freeze
Results Trial 1 (continued)
Cup Amount of Salt 55 mins. 60 mins. 65 mins. 70 mins. 75 mins. 80mins.
1 None - - - - - -
2 2mL - - - - - -
3 4mL Close to frozen Frozen - - - -
4 6mL Close to frozen Close to frozen and slushy Slush is hardening Almost frozen Frozen -
5 8mL Slushy Slushy Slush is hardening Close to Frozen Close to Frozen Frozen
6 10mL Slushy Slushy Slush is hardening Close to Frozen Close to Frozen Close to Frozen
7 12mL Slushy Slushy Slush is hardening Close to Frozen Slushy Close to Frozen
8 Ocean Water Crystals and slush slushy Slush is hardening Close to Frozen A little Slushy Close to Frozen
Results Trial 1 (continued)
Cup Amount Of Salt 85 mins. 90 mins.
1 None - -
2 2mL - -
3 4mL - -
4 6mL - -
5 8mL - -
6 10mL Frozen -
7 12mL Not quite Frozen Frozen
8 Ocean Water Frozen -
Results Trial 2
Cup Amount Of Salt 10 mins. 20 mins. 30 mins. 35 mins. 40 mins. 45 mins.
1 None Nothing Nothing Nothing Starting to Freeze In process of freezing Frozen
2 2mL Nothing Nothing Starting to Freeze Starting to Freeze Frozen -
3 4mL Nothing Nothing Nothing Starting to Freeze Starting to Freeze In process of Freezing
4 6mL Nothing Nothing Nothing Starting to Freeze Starting to Freeze In process of Freezing
5 8mL Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Starting to Freeze In process of Freezing
6 10mL Nothing Nothing Nothing Starting to Freeze Nothing In process of Freezing
7 12mL Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
8 Ocean Water Nothing Nothing Nothing Starting to Freeze Starting to Freeze In process of Freezing
Results Trial 2 (continued)
Cup Amount of Salt 55 mins. 60 mins. 65 mins. 70 mins. 75 mins. 80mins.
1 None - - - - - -
2 2mL - - - - - -
3 4mL In process of Freezing Frozen - - - -
4 6mL In process of Freezing Slushy Slushy Frozen - -
5 8mL In process of Freezing Slushy Slushy Slushy Frozen -
6 10mL In process of Freezing Slushy Slushy Slushy Slushy Slushy
7 12mL Nothing Slushy Slushy Slushy Slushy Slushy
8 Ocean Water Slushy Slushy Slushy Slushy Hardening slush Slushy
Results Trial 2 (continued)
Cup Amount Of Salt 85 mins. 90 mins. 95 mins. 100 mins.
1 None - - - -
2 2mL - - - -
3 4mL - - - -
4 6mL - - - -
5 8mL - - - -
6 10mL Frozen - - -
7 12mL Slushy Slushy Slushy Frozen
8 Ocean Water Frozen - - -
Results Trial 3
Cup Amount of Salt 10 mins. 20 mins. 30 mins. 35 mins. 40 mins. 45 mins.
1 None Nothing Frost on Cup Nothing Starting to Freeze Starting to Freeze In process of Freezing
2 2mL Nothing Frost on Cup Nothing Starting to Freeze Starting to Freeze In process of Freezing
3 4mL Nothing Frost on Cup Starting to Freeze Starting to Freeze Starting to Freeze In process of Freezing
4 6mL Nothing Frost on Cup Nothing Nothing Starting to Freeze Starting to Freeze
5 8mL Nothing Frost on Cup Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
6 10mL Nothing Frost on Cup Nothing Starting to Freeze Starting to Freeze In process of Freezing
7 12mL Nothing Frost on Cup Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
8 Ocean Water Nothing Frost on Cup Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
Results Trial 3 (continued)
Cup Amount of Salt 50 mins. 55 mins. 60 mins. 65 mins. 70 mins. 75 mins.
1 None In process of Freezing Nothing Frozen - - -
2 2mL In process of Freezing Frozen - - - -
3 4mL In process of Freezing Frozen - - - -
4 6mL In process of Freezing Nothing Slushy Nothing Slushy Frozen
5 8mL In process of Freezing Nothing Slushy Nothing Slushy Frozen
6 10mL In process of Freezing Nothing Slushy Nothing Slushy Slushy
7 12mL Nothing Nothing Slushy Nothing Slushy Slushy
8 Ocean Water In process of Freezing Nothing Slushy Nothing Slushy Slushy
Results Trial 3 (continued)
Cup 80 mins. 85 mins. 90 mins.
1 - - -
2 - - -
3 - - -
4 - - -
5 - - -
6 Frozen - -
7 Slushy Slush is Starting to harden Frozen
8 Slushy Slush is starting to harden Frozen
Time for Samples to Freeze
Trial 1-None 2-2mL 3-4mL 4-6mL 5-8mL 6-10mL 7-12mL 8-Ocean Water
1 45 mins. 45 mins. 60 mins. 75 mins. 80 mins. 85 mins. 90 mins. 85 mins.
2 45 mins. 40 mins. 60 mins. 70 mins. 75 mins. 85 mins. 100 mins. 85 mins.
3 60 mins. 55 mins. 55 mins. 75 mins. 75 mins. 80 mins. 90 mins. 90 mins.
  • After gathering my information, it seems that in
    200mL of ocean water, there is about 10-12mL of
    salt. My hypothesis was wrong. While I was doing
    my trials, I noticed that the ocean water mostly
    froze at the same time as the 10mL or the 12mL
    salt mixture. Therefore, I conclude that there is
    between 10 and 12mL of salt in 200mL of ocean
    water. To be more accurate I would have to
    conduct more trials using 1mL increments of salt.

Sources of Error
  • Where I placed the cups in the freezer was a big
    factor on how the mixtures froze, because it was
    colder in the back of the freezer rather than the
    front (I learned this the hard way and had to
    redo the whole trial)
  • It was tricky to measure the salt and the water,
    so it might not be exactly right.
  • How warm or cold the mixtures are. (I left the
    mixtures on the counter for 24 hours before doing
    my experiments)
  • Any chemicals in the tap water could have
    affected the results in freezing.
  • The temperature of the freezer each time I used
  • If the salt was not completely dissolved and
    stirred throughout, there may have been surface
    freezing of plain water.
  • Amount of time the freezer door was open while I
    collected my data.

Ways to Improve
  1. Try the experiment again, except this time
    instead of going up in increments of 2mL, for the
    amounts of salt, go up by 1mL each time.
  2. Try boiling amounts of ocean water and collecting
    the residue of salt. Measure the amount of salt
  3. Try using rock salt instead of table salt.
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