Title: Africa
- Historical Issues in Africa?
- Kingdoms
- Slave Trade
- European Imperialism
- Berlin Conference
- Pan-African movement
- Ignored
3Why did Europeans give up their colonies after
- Too Expensive
- Nationalist Movements emerge
- Moral Issue
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5What were challenges to unity in newly formed
independent African states?
- How Nations had been formed
- Ethnic Rivalries
- Different Languages
- Different Religions
- Different Traditions
- Most peoples first loyalty is to tribe
6How and why did dictators gain power in many
newly formed independent African states?
- Many heroes of independence movements create one
party dictatorships - Claim multi-party government hurts unity
- Eventually become repressive
- If civil unrest comes, military leaders seize
power in a coup d'état and create new dictatorship
7How and why did some African states move towards
democracy in the 1990s?
- Western governments and World Bank refuse to loan
money if no democracy
8In what ways are Western Nations (USA, Europe)
still involved in control of Africa today?
- Still control much of economy
- Neo-colonizationgeopolitical practice of using
capitalism, business globalization, and cultural
imperialism to influence a country
9Issues in Africa Today
- Hunger
- Disease
- Population Concerns
- Economic Issues
- Brain Drain
- Natural Disasters
- Child Labor/ Slavery/ Child Soldiers
- Environmental Issues
- Civil War
- Genocide
10Describe the relationship between food
requirements and deliveries in Africa
11Compare and Contrast Africa and America today.
Africa USA
-30-40 million Africans face starvation -Over 1 million die from famine per year -In East Africa, roughly 15 million face famine -Nutrition levels have decreased 30 in the past 30 years -In 2003, 2 million tons of food relief was delivered -In 20 years, AIDS has killed 9 million farm workers -In some areas 30 of the population has AIDS -US is the most overweight country in world -15 of American kids are overweight, and rising -117 Billion was spent on obesity related illness -1 Billion was spent on weight loss drugs -2/3 of Americans are overweight -Only 20 of kids exercise today compared to 80 in the 1960s -Many schools have snack and soda machines -AIDS affects 1 of US population
12Analyze the pie graphs given on diseases.
13Leading causes of death (2014)
14What is the political cartoon about the Wave
saying. What has happened to life expectancy in
many African nations? Why?
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17How has African debt changed over the last twenty
18Brain Drain
- Situation in which many educated or professional
people leave a particular place or profession and
move to another one that gives them better pay or
living conditions
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20Crime Slavery/ Child Labor
21Other Issues
- Deforestation
- Oil and Pollution
22Civil War
24Sudan Crisis 2003-P
- Janjaweed
- Arab Muslim militia
- Tribesman/Nomads
- Black Africans Muslims
- Victims of the janjaweed
- Farmers
- Beginnings
- Black Africans wanted political power
- Economic equality, neglected
- Janjaweed used by gov.t to expel
- And combat Black Africans rebels
- http//www.youtube.com/watch?vm8__o6mzsX0
Refugee Camps -Majority fled to neighboring
Chad -2.7 million displaced -Problems food,
water, unsanitary
26What are some similarities and differences
between Rwanda and Sudan?
27Why have some countries resisted helping Sudan?
28- China and Russia (P5SC) blocked UN Resolutions
- China is Sudans chief diplomatic ally
- Invests in Oil
- Sudans military is supplied by Chinese made
weapaons - Russia investment partner/political ally
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