Title: <naam van werkgroep>
1CLCLT Cetedoc Library of Christian Latin Texts
The leading database for patristic and medieval
literature from the second to the fifteenth
centuries. Reflecting the state of current
research on the texts incorporated 38 million
words More than 2000 works by almost 400
authors The complete works of most of the major
patristic authors and several medieval writers
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2General Information
- Scholarly responsibility
- Purpose
- Content
- All enquiries and orders
3General Information
The Cetedoc Library of Christian Texts is
produced under the scholarly direction of
professor Paul Tombeur, director of the CETEDOC
research centre at the Université Catholique de
Louvain at Louvain-La-Neuve.
4General Information
The purpose of the Cetedoc Library of Christian
Latin Texts (CLCLT) is to offer a database
comprising all patristic and medieval texts
covering authors from the 2nd to the 15th
century. In the near future, the inclusion of
Neo-Latin texts will expand its domain across the
chronological boundary formed by the 15th century.
5General Information
The CLCLT database comprises almost all works
published in the Corpus Christianorum, both
Series Latina and Continuatio Mediaeualis. A
large number of works has been taken from
collections such as the Corpus Scriptorum
Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum, Sources Chrétiennes,
Migne's Patrologia Latina and other series. The
CLCLT-4, which constitutes the fourth edition of
the Library, has been enlarged by almost 4
million new forms. With its 38 million forms, it
contains the complete works of most of the major
patristic authors as well as those of several
medieval writers (e.g. Ambrose, Augustine,
Bernard of Clairvaux, Cassian, Gregory the Great,
Jerome, Marius Victorinus, Thomas a Kempis and
Thomas of Celano). Next to these, it includes the
Vulgate, the Old Testament Pseudepigraphs and the
Ecumenical Councils, both classical and
mediaeval. Among the newly added works are
Cyprian's Opera Omnia, several pseudo-Augustinian
works, translations from Greek authors,
Augustine's newly discovered sermons, the letters
of Petrus Damiani, Gratianus' Decretum, and many
other texts of primary importance.
6General Information
All enquiries and orders
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7Quick Guide (start screen)
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8Quick Guide (start screen)
Select the volumes you want to search in TIP
To avoid continuously changing from CD-Rom,
select just one volume
Status of the volumes that are activated
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9Quick Guide (main menu screen)
Filter-field (cf. infra)
PRESS this button to show the different formae
Enter the word in the formae-field (if
necessary with truncations and boolean operators)
To continue click on the forward button below
10Quick Guide (different formae)
Frequency of the different formae in the
P(atristic) B(ible) M(iddle Ages) Select the
formae you prefer
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11Quick Guide (filters)
Restrict the research results by using the
filters. Type a word in the filter-field or make
a selection from the index
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12Quick Guide (main menu screen)
Press this button to show the context of the
formae on sentence-level
Number of sententiae that have been found
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13Quick Guide (sententiae)
Browse through the text. Select the required
sententia and press on the textus-button to
display more context
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14Quick Guide (textus)
Press memento to obtain more general
information on the text
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15Quick Guide (memento)
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16More complex searches
- Filters Boolean operators
- Boolean operators in the formae field
- Determine level of proximity in the formae
field - Formarum examen
- Contextus 3 sententiarum
17Filters Boolean Operators
- Indicates the relation
- and
- , or
- not
- between the filter fields and the form field.
- To change the kind of relation, press the button.
Result of the query-operation Looking for 4
different word-forms in all the works of
Tertullianus, except his Apolegeticum
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18Filters Boolean Operators
Results of the query
19Boolean operators in the formae field
When the cursor is placed in the formae field,
you can formulate any simple or complex question
with the Boolean operators (, , for
and, not or) and brackets
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20Boolean operators in the formae field
Results of the query
21Determine level of proximity
- Determine a level of proximity
- x /2 y means that you are asking for the terms
x and y and x with a maximum of 2 forms between
them - x2y means that you are asking for the terms x
and y in the given order with a maximum of 2
forms between them - REMARK these codes of proximity (/,)
cannot be directly next to a parenthesis - Dont write (carnaliter, corpa) /3
spiritaliter - But write (carnaliter/3 spiritaliter), (corpa
/3 spiritaliter)
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22Determine level of proximity
Results of the query
23Formarum examen
The Formarum examen enables to check, before
starting the search, the presence of all
interrogated forms in the general index covering
both CDs. If the unsuccessful search of a form
is due merely to a mistake on the users part,
this is made absolutely clear. REMARK the use
of truncated words (e.g. cetedo) disables this
formae check
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24Formarum examen
25Contextus 3 sententiarum
The Contextus 3 sententiarum allows one, if
activated, to make query on a set of three
sententiae (sentences 1-2-3, 2-3-4, 3-4-5,) or
one sentence, if it is not activated
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26Contextus 3 sententiarum
Results of the query