The Holy War - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Holy War


The Holy War Lesson 12 – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Holy War

The Holy War
Lesson 12
  • To gain a greater understanding of the spiritual
    warfare in which we are engaged.
  • To develop a greater awareness of the methods
    employed by Satan.
  • To deepen our appreciation for the grace of God
    in saving sinners.
  • To learn more about ourselves through empathizing
    with Mansoul (Mansoul me)

Key Questions
  • What primary Bible passages come to your mind as
    you read this assignment?
  • To what degree does the story accurately depict
    Bible teaching?

Week 12
  • First mention of Mr. Carnal Security
  • toReminder that the townsmen had failed to
    destroy the lingering Diabolonians

Mr. Carnal-Security deceives the town into
depending on their own strength, and Emmanuel is
forced to leave Mansoul. The townsmen recognize
their error and begin the process of petitioning
Emmanuel for His return.
Synopsis (continued)
  • The lineage of Mr. Carnal-Security
  • His character, strategy, and effect on the town
  • The townsmen withdraw from Emmanuel
  • Emmanuel gradually withdraws from the town
  • Mr. Carnal Security holds a feast
  • Mr. Godly-Fear warns the townsmen
  • They realize their condition and kill Mr. Carnal
  • They petition Emmanuel via Lord Understanding

Synopsis (continued)
  • Understanding is not well received as Shaddais
  • The townsmen mourn
  • They continuously send further petitioners
  • Reminder that they had failed to destroy the

His Lineage and Character
Describe the lineage of Mr. Carnal Security
  • His father was Mr. Self-Conceit (a Diabolonian)
  • His mother was Lady Fear-Nothing (daughter of
    Lord Willbewill)

Describe his character
  • He was self-conceited like his father
  • He feared nothing like his mother
  • He was a very busy man (always involved in what
    was going on)
  • He always sided outwardly with what he supposed
    to be the strongest side
  • He had encouraged Mansoul in their rebellion
    during the siege and then switched sides when
    Emmanuel was in the town.

His Strategy
Describe the strategy of Mr. Carnal Security
  • He flattered the townsmen
  • He cried up their might and their glory
  • He beginneth his tale with the power and
    strength of Mansoul
  • He affirmed that the town was impregnable
  • He magnified their
  • Captains, slings, rams, fortifications,
  • Assurances from Emmanuel that Mansoul would be
    happy forever

In summary
  • He found common ground with the townsmen
  • He took a truth and slowly turned it into a wedge
  • He turned the townsmens affections away from
    Emmanuel and onto their privileges

Effect on the Town
What effect did this strategy have on the town?
  • It was pleasing to the people.
  • They went from talking to feasting to
    sporting to other matters.
  • Understanding (Mayor), Willbewill, and Mr.
    Knowledge (Recorder) were all taken with his

How had Emmanuel warned them about this
  • He had told them that their security did not so
    much lie in her present fortifications and force,
    as in her so using of what she had, as might
    oblige her Emmanuel to abide within her castle.
  • He had told them to remember His and His Fathers
    love and so to demean themselves in order to
    keep themselves in this love.

Real Peace
Bunyan adds that they should have stoned Mr.
Carnal-Security, for then Should their peace
have been as a river, when their righteousness
had been like the waves of the sea.
Withdrawal 1
What 4 ways does Bunyan describe how the people
withdrew from Emmanuel?
  • They left off their former way of visiting Him at
    His palace.
  • They did not notice the fact that He no longer
    came to visit them.
  • They neglected to come to the love-feasts that He
    prepared for them and called them to.
  • They did not ask for His counsel, but were
    confident in themselves and their strength.

How does Emmanuel respond to this withdrawal?
  • He bemoans them
  • He sends the Lord High Secretary to them twice to
    warn them.
  • The Secretary finds them at dinner in
    Carnal-Securitys parlor.
  • He is grieved and goes His way.
  • He reports back to Emmanuel.
  • He takes offence and decides to withdraw Himself.

Withdrawal 2
In what 4 ways does Bunyan describe the gradual
withdrawal of Emmanuel from the townsmen?
  • He began to keep himself close and more
    retired than formerly.
  • His speech was no longer as pleasant and familiar
    as it had been.
  • He no longer sent to Mansoul those dainty bits
    from His table.
  • When they came to visit Him on occasion, He was
    not so easily spoken with as before.

Why does Bunyan go to great lengths to describe
the gradual nature of the withdrawing of Emmanuel?
  • To highlight, once again, the great patience and
    longsuffering of the Lord in His dealings with us.

Final Withdrawal
Did the townsmen respond to His change of
  • They did not consider
  • They did not know His ways
  • They regarded not
  • They were not touched with these, nor with the
    true remembrance of former favours.

What was the manner of Emmanuels physical
withdrawal from the town?
  • He left the palace and went to the gate.
  • He left the gate and went back to His Fathers
  • He did this so that they would acknowledge their
    offence, and more earnestly seek his face.

Who else resigned his post as a result of
Emmanuels leaving?
  • Mr. Gods-Peace

Sad Condition
Thus they walked contrary to him, and he again,
by way of retaliation, walked contrary to them.
But Alas!
By this time they were so hardened in their way,
and had so drunk in the doctrine of Mr.
Carnal-Security, that the departing of their
Prince touched them not, nor was He remembered by
them when gone and so, of consequence, His
absence not condoled by them.
The Prophet
What character first drew the townsmens
attention to their woeful condition?
  • Mr. Godly Fear

What was his past and present status within the
  • He was formerly one of great request
  • He was now but little set by

Under what circumstances did he deliver his
  • At a feast in the house of Mr. Carnal Security

The Encounter
Describe the dialogue between Godly-Fear and
Carnal Security
  • Fear sat like a stranger and neither did eat
    nor was merry
  • Carnal Are you not well? Have a drink from Mr.
    Forget-Good that will help.
  • Fear I have a word for the elders of Mansoul.
  • Fear It is strange to see you so merry, when the
    town is in such a woeful state.
  • Carnal You need sleep. Take a nap while we
  • Fear If you were not destitute of an honest
    heart, you could not do as you have done.
  • Carnal Why?
  • Fear (mini-sermon)
  • The town of Mansoul was strong
  • You, townsmen, have weakened it
  • You Carnal-Security have broken down its defenses
  • The Strength of Mansoul has been offended and is
  • Where is the Prince Emmanuel?
  • You would have fought off enemies from without,
    but your enemies from within have been too hard
    for you.
  • Carnal You are for doubting, and I am for being

The Turning Point
Godly Fear then proceeds to describe the details
of how Emmanuel gradually left the town. To what
Bible character does he compare the town?
  • Samson

Who is the first townsman to side with Mr. Godly
  • Mr. Conscience

At this point, what previous instructions from
Emmanuel came back very hot into the townsmens
minds, and what did they do?
  • To put to death false prophets within the town
  • They burned Carnal-Securitys house with him in it

Further Signs and Repentance
Name 2 more indications of the woeful condition
of the town?
  • There was a great sickness in the town
    particularly effecting the captains and men of
  • The garments which Emmanuel had given them were
    dirty, torn, and loose.

What did the townsmen further do at this point?
  • They looked for Emmanuel, but did not find Him.
  • They began severely to reflect upon themselves.
  • They went to the Lord Secretary, but He would not
    admit them.
  • They highly esteemed Mr. Godly Fear once again.
  • On the Sabbath, Mr. Conscience delivered a
    thundering message Jonah 28 They that observe
    lying vanities forsake their own mercy.
  • Mr. Conscience called for a day of fasting
  • Captain Boanerges preached a message Luke 137b
    Cut it down why cumbereth it the ground?

The First Petition
At this point they consult with Mr. Godly Fear.
What does he advise them to do?
  • To draw up and send a humble petition to their
    offended Prince to ask for His grace and a
    turning away of His anger.

Whom do they decide should carry the petition?
  • The Lord Mayor (Mr. Understanding)

Why kind of reception did the Lord Mayor receive
at the court of Shaddai?
  • The gate was shut
  • There was a strict guard at the gate
  • He had to stand outside for a long time

The Response
Understanding then sent one to tell Emmanuel of
his errand. What response did he receive from the
  • They have turned their back unto me, and not
    their face but now in the time of their trouble
    they say to me, Arise, and save us. But can they
    not now go to Mr. Carnal-Security, to whom they
    went when they turned from me, and make him their
    leader, their lord, and their protection now in
    their trouble why now in their trouble do they
    visit me, since in their prosperity they went

And now Mr. Understanding began again to see
what it was to be familiar with Diabolonians
The Towns Response
How did the town react to the response from
  • They cried and mourned
  • They put ashes and dust on their heads
  • They put on sackcloth
  • They asked Mr. Godly-Fear again what should be

What was Mr. Godly-Fears response?
  • He told them there was no way better than to do
    as they had done, nor would he that they should
    be discouraged at all with that they had met with
    at court
  • For . . . it is the way of the wise Shaddai to
    make men wait and to exercise patience, and it
    should be the way of them in want, to be willing
    to stay his leisure.

Continuous Petitions
So the townsmen sent . . .
  • Again and again and again and again
  • Until the road was full of petitioners meeting
    each other coming and going

So it was all that long, that sharp, that cold
and tedious winter
What failure of the town does Bunyan once again
highlight after describing the nature of their
  • Their failure to fulfill their commission to seek
    out and destroy all of the Diabolonians present
    within the town

What was the result of this failure?
  • The Diabolonians became more emboldened
  • Some of the townsmen grew too familiar with them

The Holy War The Christian Life
Mr. Carnal Security Trusting in the privileges that the Lord bestows instead of trusting in the Lord Who bestowed them. This misplaced trust leads to pride and a dampening of true affection and love for the Lord.
Emmanuel's prior advice on true safety Our safety lies in the proper use of our privileges, not in the privileges themselves. Our safety lies in remembering the great love of God for us as sinners and letting that remembrance keep hot our love for Him.
Mr. Godly Fear saving the town The importance of cultivating the fear of the Lord in our lives. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. It is cultivated by Meditating on God's Word Considering God's chastening (in ours and the lives of others) Observing God's works (in human history)
Emmanuel leaving the town The Lord can be grieved at the lack of love and fellowship that He receives from one of His own, and so withdraw His fellowship and the sense of His presence.
The Holy War The Christian Life
The Lord High Secretary remaining in the town The Spirit of God is still present in the life of a true believer, even if his fellowship with the Lord is not what it should be
Consequences upon the town Communion with the works of the flesh . . . Is a far greater sin Brings far greater consequences Takes far longer to recover from . . . than could at the outset be imagined
No longer visiting Emmanuel Not taking the initiative in regular communion with the Lord
Neglecting to come to His love-feasts Further neglect of communion with Him, particularly in love for His Word and the Lord's table
Not noticing that He no longer came to visit them Not being aware of the fact that one has lost fellowship with the Lord
Neglecting to ask for His counsel Further neglecting God's Word (truly digging into the Word to find the answers to one's problems). Prayerlessness and self-confidence
The resignation of Mr. God's-Peace The loss of the peace that passes all understanding that keeps the heart and mind of a believer (Phil 47) and is supposed to rule in his heart (Col 315).
The Holy War The Christian Life
Mr. Conscience siding with Godly-Fear The fear of God awakening the conscience to see its need
The sickness within the town The weakened condition of a carnal believer in which he cannot very well resist tempation (defense) or further the Kingdom of God (offense).
The torn, ragged, dirty, loose garments The failure of the believer to truly reflect Christ by being identified with Him and growing in sanctification
The sermons of Mr. Conscience and Capt. Boanerges The importance of God's Word and particularly preaching in getting the soul restored to its right condition
The reception of Mr. Understanding at Shaddai's Court The fact that the Lord in His wisdom sometimes makes it difficult to regain lost fellowship and privileges in order to Produce true repentance and humility within the life Cause the true seriousness of sin to be understood Test whether those in need truly see themselves as such and are willing to wait
Continued petitioning Perseverance in prayer and seeking God's face following failure and resulting loss
The Holy War The Christian Life
Results of failing to destroy the Diabolonians Failure to put to death the works of the flesh resulting in The flesh becoming more "bold" in its appeal and power The believer becoming "comfortable" with allowing fleshly habits to remain in the life
The Holy War
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