Title: How To Light a Bunsen Burner
1How To Light a Bunsen Burner
- http//www.youtube.com/watch?v8G_YpI_LLmE
2Bunsen burner History
- Robert Wihelm Bunsen created the Bunsen burner in
1855. - http//www.enchantedlearning.com/inventors/page/b/
3- The Bunsen burner is used frequently in the
laboratory as a source of heat. This burner is
designed so that gaseous fuel may be mixed with
the correct amount of air to yield the maximum
amount of heat. In order to use this burner
properly and safely, it is essential that you
understand its construction and the adjustments
that can be made.
4- The principal parts of the burner are
- needle valve
- collar
- barrel
- The quantity of gas admitted to the burner is
controlled by the needle valve, while the air
needed for combustion is admitted at the small
opening around the bottom of the barrel call air
intake openings. The air is controlled by turning
the collar so as to make the air holes larger or
5 1. Always open the desk outlet valve fully and
regulate the gas supply to the burner by the
needle valve. 2. Always extinguish your burner
by turning off the desk outlet valve (and then
closing the needle valve and barrel.) 3. If
there is an accident always shut off the desk
outlet valve immediately.
6 4. Always light burner in open space on lab
counter. 5. After you have adjusted it for the
flame needed move it into position. One person
in lab group is always responsible for
maintaining the burner and flame.
- Check connections to burner and desk outlet
valve. - Close needle valve and collar.
- Open desk outlet valve fully.
- Open needle valve 1/2 turn.
- Use the spark lighter to light the flame.
- Adjust collar and needle valve till you see a
blue flame.
8Label the parts of the Bunsen Burner
Gas Valve
Air Intake Holes
Needle Valve
9(No Transcript)
10Check out this linkhttp//www.scivee.tv/node/429
- Create a Pocket Guide to the Bunsen Burner.
- Include the following
- History of the Bunsen burner
- Diagram of the Bunsen burner with labels
- Information on the correct type of flame
- The steps to lighting a Bunsen burner
- Dos and Don'ts of using the Bunsen burner