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Outcome: Pupils will begin to analyse Act 5 Scene 1 of Shakespeare s Macbeth. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Outcome:

  • Pupils will begin to analyse Act 5 Scene 1 of
    Shakespeares Macbeth.

Setting the Scene Act 5 Scene 1
  • Lady Macbeth persuades her husband to murder King
  • Then, to cover his tracks and protect his throne,
    Macbeth has Banquo murdered.
  • He then attempts to have Macduff killed but only
    manages to kill his family.
  • Lady Macbeth, in this scene, dreams about her
    part in these crimes.
  • Act 5 Scene 1 is known as the sleepwalking

Act 5, Scene 1
Side room
Macbeths castle
  • Dunsinane, an ante-room in the castle.
        Enter a Doctor of Physic and a
    Waiting-Gentlewoman Doctor     I have two
    nights watched with you, but can perceive     no
    truth in your report. When was it she last
    walked? Gentlewoman     Since his majesty
    went into the field, I have seen     her rise
    from her bed, throw her night-gown upon     her,
    unlock her closet, take forth paper, fold it,
        write upon't, read it, afterwards seal it,
    and again     return to bed yet all this while
    in a most fast sleep.

Physicmedicine. You could also have a Dr of the
One of Lady Ms servants
Since Macbeth went to the battlefield
Closetsmall private room for study/prayer
Target Question Why is LM writing letters in her
Where have we seen her with a letter before?
Fast asleep
Disturbance in her character
  • Doctor   A great perturbation in nature, to
    receive at once     the benefit of sleep, and do
    the effects of     watching! In this slumbery
    agitation, besides her     walking and other
    actual performances, what, at any     time, have
    you heard her say?

The actions of someone awake
Sleep walking
Has she said anything in her sleep?
She has said things I wont repeat
  • Gentlewoman     That, sir, which I will not
    report after her. Doctor     You may to me
    and 'tis most meet you should. Gentlewoman
        Neither to you nor any one having no
    witness to     confirm my speech.

It is right that you should
Im saying nothing as I have no witnesses to back
me up.
Enter LADY MACBETH, with a taper
A small light
  • Gentlewoman
  •      Lo you, here she comes! This is her very
    guise     and, upon my life, fast asleep.
    Observe her stand close. Doctor     How
    came she by that light? Gentlewoman     Why,
    it stood by her she has light by her
        continually 'tis her command.

This is exactly how she looks.
How did she get that light?
Target Question In Act 1 Scene 5, Lady Macbeth
calls on thick night to cover the murder. Why
does she now continually want light?
Stood by her bed. She has commanded that she
always has light.
  • Doctor
  • You see, her eyes are open. Gentlewoman Ay,
    but their sense is shut. Doctor What is it
    she does now? Look, how she rubs her hands.
    Gentlewoman It is an accustomed action with
    her, to seem thus washing her hands I have known
    her continue in this a quarter of an hour.

She cant what is happening around her, where she
To seem like shes washing her hands.
Target Question Why is Lady M Washing her hands
in her sleep?
Still, heres a spot of blood-she cant get it
all off.
  • Lady MacbethYet here's a spot. Doctor
  • Hark! she speaks
  • I will set down what
  • comes from her, to satisfy
  • my remembrance the
  • more strongly.

Write down
To help my memory
Target Question In this picture why is the
blood only dripping in the shadow?
Cursed, destined to go to hell.
  • Lady Macbeths next line is
  • Out, damned spot! out, I say!
  • Imagine you are an actress playing LM. What would
    your EVA be like when saying these lines?
  • Copy out the quotation and complete these
  • Her expression should be............because.....
  • The actresses voice would be ..............since
  • Her actions..........For the reason

An old word used to show disgust with, somebody.
Time to do what?
  • Lady Macbeth    Out, damned spot! out, I
    say!--One two why,     then, 'tis time to
    do't.--Hell is murky!--Fie, my     lord, fie! a
    soldier, and afeard? What need we     fear who
    knows it, when none can call our power to
        account?--Yet who would have thought the old
    man     to have had so much blood in him.

A soldier and scared!-Who is she talking to?
Weve no need to be scared who knows that we
killed Duncan?
Target Question Who is the old man?
Nobody can question our actions-why?
  • Doctor     Do you mark that? Lady
    Macbeth    The thane of Fife had a wife where
    is she now?--     What, will these hands ne'er
    be clean?--No more o'     that, my lord, no more
    o' that you mar all with     this starting.

Thane of FifeMacduff. His wife and family were
murdered by Macbeth.
Target Question How would the doctor say these
lines to the gentlewoman?
Go away, youve heard something you shouldnt.
  • Doctor     Go to, go to you have known what
    you should not. Gentlewoman     She has spoke
    what she should not, I am sure of     that
    heaven knows what she has known.

She has said something she shouldnt.
God knows her crimes.
Target Question Who last used heaven and hell
Target Question Why wont the perfumes wash
away the smell?
  • Lady Macbeth     Here's the smell of the blood
    still all the     perfumes of Arabia will not
    sweeten this little     hand. Oh, oh, oh!

She lets out a series of moans.
Arabia (in the Middle East) was famous in
Shakespeares time for exotic perfumes
Painfully heavy/full
  • Doctor     What a sigh is there! The heart is
    sorely charged.

To charge a glass means to fill it up
Target Questions What does the doctor mean when
he says her heart is full?
  • What does this picture have to do with Lady

  • Gentlewoman     I would not have such a heart
    in my bosom for the     dignity of the whole

Target Questions Why doesnt the Gentlewoman
want Lady Macbeths heart?
The Four Humoursmoods
  • Doctors in Shakespeares time thought that the
    human body was filled with four basic substances,
    called humours.
  • If they were balanced you were healthy.
  • If they were unbalanced (you had too much or two
    little of one of them) they could make you sick
    and affect your personality.
  • The four humours were called
  • Black bile, made you melancholy sad.
  • Yellow bile, made you angry and bad tempered.
  • Phlegm, made you unemotional and calm.
  • Blood, made you brave and amorous. If you had too
    much of this doctors would bleed you with

What kind of person are you? Which humour have
you got too much of?
Diagnosis Murderer
  • The four humours were called
  • Black bile, made you melancholy sad.
  • Yellow bile, made you angry and bad tempered.
  • Phlegm, made you unemotional and calm.
  • Blood, made you brave and amorous. If you had too
    much of this doctors would bleed you with
  • If you were the Doctor of Physic investigating
    Lady Macbeths illness, which of these humours
    would you diagnose as her problem? What is your

  • What has this picture got to do with the scenes
    we are studying?

  • What about this one?

Hes interested
  • Doctor     Well, well, well,-- Gentlewoman
        Pray God it be, sir.

I pray to God it is well.
She takes the word well to mean good/healthy.
Metaphor, guilt as a disease.
  • Doctor     This disease is beyond my practise
    yet I have known     those which have walked in
    their sleep who have died     holily in their

My experience or skill.
Like saints
Target Question Why does the Dr say this?
She is reliving the events after the murder.
  • Lady Macbeth     Wash your hands, put on your
    nightgown look not so     pale.--I tell you yet
    again, Banquo's buried he     cannot come out
    on's grave. Doctor     Even so?

Of his
What part of the play is she reliving here?
Is that right?
  • Lady Macbeth   To bed, to bed! there's
    knocking at the gate     come, come, come,
    come, give me your hand. What's     done cannot
    be undone.--To bed, to bed, to bed!     Exit

After the murder of Duncan, Macduff arrives and
knocks the porter of Macbeths castle up
Target Question What cant be undone?
  • Doctor     Will she go now to bed?
    Gentlewoman     Directly.

Straight there, straight away
amongst people
Horrible rumours are spreading.
  • Doctor
  • Foul whisperings are abroad unnatural deeds
        Do breed unnatural troubles infected minds
        To their deaf pillows will discharge their

Unnatural actions
Blood will have blood
Metaphor, guilt as a disease
Personification-pillows with human qualities
Target Question What foul whisperings does he
Task - Metaphor Mapping
  • Why is guilt like a disease?

A priest, bishop etc in the service of God.
  • More needs she the divine than the physician.
        God, God forgive us all!

Target Question Why does Lady Macbeth need a
priest rather than a doctor?
Remove anything she could use to hurt herself
  • Look after her     Remove from her the
    means of all annoyance,     And still keep eyes
    upon her. So, good night     My mind she has
    mated, and amazed my sight.     I think, but
    dare not speak. Gentlewoman     Good night,
    good doctor.     Exeunt

Beaten-checkmated, winning move in chess
Target Question Why wont he speak?
The Doctor says Unnatural deeds do breed
unnatural troublesWhat is unnatural in the
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