Title: Measurements and Models of the Atmospheric Ar/N2 ratio
1Measurements and Models of the Atmospheric Ar/N2
- Mark Battle (Bowdoin College)
- Michael Bender (Princeton)
- Melissa B. Hendricks (Princeton)
- David T. Ho (Princeton/ Columbia)
- Robert Mika (Princeton)
- Galen McKinley (MIT/INE Mexico)
- Song-Miao Fan (Princeton)
- Tegan Blaine (Scripps)
- Ralph Keeling (Scripps)
2002 Fall AGU 12/09/02
Funding from NSF NOAA GCRP Ford Res. Labs NDSEGFP
2On the agenda
- What makes a good tracer
- Why Ar/N2
- How (and where) we measure Ar/N2
- What we observe
- Comparison with models
- Conclusions and future prospects
3The ideal tracer(one experimentalists
- Conservative
- Known sources and sinks, globally distributed
- Seasonally varying over land and ocean
- Measurable with great signal to noise
4Ar/N2 The almost ideal tracer(one
experimentalists perspective)
- Conservative
- Known sources and sinks, globally distributed
- Seasonally varying over land and ocean
- Measurable with great signal to noise
chemically and biologically inert
5Ar/N2 The almost ideal tracer(one
experimentalists perspective)
- Conservative
- Known sources and sinks, globally distributed
- Seasonally varying over land and ocean
- Measurable with great signal to noise
chemically and biologically inert
oceanic sources driven by heat fluxes
6Ar/N2 The almost ideal tracer(one
experimentalists perspective)
- Conservative
- Known sources and sinks, globally distributed
- Seasonally varying over land and ocean
- Measurable with great signal to noise
chemically and biologically inert
oceanic sources driven by heat fluxes
seasonal, but ocean only
7Ar/N2 The almost ideal tracer(one
experimentalists perspective)
- Conservative
- Known sources and sinks, globally distributed
- Seasonally varying over land and ocean
- Measurable with great signal to noise
chemically and biologically inert
oceanic sources driven by heat fluxes
seasonal, but ocean only
well, maybe not great
8The Ar/N2 source/sink
Atmosphere Ar 1 O2 22.5 N2 84
9The Ar/N2 source/sink
Atmosphere Ar 1 O2 22.5 N2 84
Heat Fluxes ? ?Ar/N2
10The Ar/N2 source/sink
Atmosphere Ar 1 O2 22.5 N2 84
Heat Fluxes ? ?Ar/N2
?Ar/N2 ? ?O2/N2 (thermal)
11A quick word on units
Ar/N2 changes are small ?Ar/N2 per meg ?
(Ar/N2sa Ar/N2st)/(Ar/N2st) x106 1 per meg
0.001 per mil
12Our measurement technique
- Paired 2-l glass flasks
- IRMS (Finnigan DeltaXL) 40/28 and 32/28
- Custom dual-inlet system
- Standards High pressure Al cylinder
For more details Sunday afternoon poster Ho et
al. GC72B-0230
13Princeton Ar/N2 cooperative flask sampling network
14Climatology of Ar/N2 seasonal cycle
- Monthly average
- values shown
- Multiple years (3) stacked
15Testing models with observations
Observed modeled heat fluxes ? Solubility
equations ? Atmospheric transport
model ? Predicted Ar/N2
16Data-Model comparison
17Data-Model comparison
- Overall agreement
- Phase problems
Transport matters
Heat fluxes matter
20Cape Grim
Transport and heat fluxes matter
21Data-Model comparison
- Overall agreement
- Phase problems
- SYO Transport matters
- MAC Heat fluxes matter
- CGT Both terms matter
22Conclusions and the future
- Ar/N2 a promising new tracer
- General data-model agreement
- Better observations to come
- Need Ar/N2 as active tracer in OGCMs
- Ready for Ar/N2 in more atmospheric models
23Odds and Ends
- Interannual variability in the seasonal cycle
(perhaps primarily atmospheric) - Secular trend Tiny (0.2 per meg/yr)
- Size of O2/N2 thermal cycle 13-34 of total
- Intersite gradients A problem
- All fitting techniques equivalent
- Std error on monthly avg. shown in plots
- Std error reflects
- Limited IRMS precision (??4.0)
- Fractionation during transfer from flask to IRMS
(??8.6) - Uncorrelated fractionation of flasks during
collection - (??2.6)
- Correlated fractionation of flasks during
collection (?) - Real variability within month (?)
25Correlated variability in Ar/N2 and O2/N2
26Improving collection protocols
27SST relaxation term in MIT OGCM