Science Enabled by New Atmospheric CO2 Measurements - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Science Enabled by New Atmospheric CO2 Measurements


Science Enabled by New Atmospheric CO2 Measurements What are the priority science uses of the new measurements? Reduce carbon source/sink uncertainties – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Science Enabled by New Atmospheric CO2 Measurements

Science Enabled by New Atmospheric CO2
  • What are the priority science uses of the new
  • Reduce carbon source/sink uncertainties
  • Improve understanding of the underlying
    biospheric processes
  • What do we need to do scientifically to use these
    new measurements and/or to get ready for the
  • Retrieving XCO2 from OCO spectra or ASCENDS
    differential absorption
  • Validation strategy and infrastructure
  • Deriving CO2 sources and sinks (data
  • Are there any major issues to be resolved before
    this science is enabled, and if so, what are they
    and what needs to be done?
  • Improved atmospheric transport models
  • OSSEs to quantify ASCENDS measurement
  • Flight testing of ASCENDS instruments
  • What is the impact of an observation gap between
    OCO and ASCENDS?

Measuring XCO2 With OCO
Column Abundance Path Dependent
OCO Collects Science Data in 2 Modes Nadir
Highest spatial resolution Glint 10 to 100x SNR
increase over oceans
XCO2 is the normalized CO2 mixing ratio in a
column of air. Focuses on CO2 concentration
variability rather than topographic variability
(number of molecules) Accuracy 1 ppm (0.3)
  • OCO flies at the head of the A-Train
  • 705 km altitude sun synchronous, 98.2?
    inclination, 98.8 minute period
  • Global coverage with a 16-day (233 orbit)
    ground track repeat cycle

Making Precise XCO2 Measurements from Space
  • High resolution spectra of reflected sunlight in
    near IR CO2 and O2 bands used to retrieve the
    column average CO2 dry air mole fraction, XCO2
  • 1.61 ?m CO2 band Column CO2
  • 2.06 ?m CO2 band Column CO2, Aerosols
  • 0.76 ?m O2 A-band Surface pressure, clouds,
  • Why high spectral resolution?
  • Enhances sensitivity, minimizes biases

O2 A-band
CO2 2.06 ?m
CO2 1.61?m
Column CO2
Clouds/Aerosols, H2O, Temperature
Clouds/Aerosols, Surface Pressure
OCO Dense, Global Sampling Will Lead to Improved
Estimates of Carbon Sources and Sinks
OCO Sampling 1-Day
Fractional Flux Error Reduction Using OCO Data
After 8 Days
OCO Sampling 3-Days
After 30 Days
Red points show mostly clear scenes (AOD lt 0.2)
where accurate XCO2 retrievals are possible
Chevallier et al. 2006
Preparing for OCO Data Products
Retrieval Algorithm
XCO2 Maps
Source/Sink Inversion Model
IOC6 Months (August 2009)
IOC9 Months (November 2009)
  • The OCO team is focusing on
  • Retrieving XCO2 from OCO spectra
  • Validating XCO2 retrievals from OCO
  • Deriving CO2 sources and sinks from OCO XCO2 data

As Available
Active Sensing of CO2 Emissions over Nights,
Days, Seasons (ASCENDS)
Mission Objectives
Airborne Demonstration
Day/Night Global CO2 Column Measurements
  • Approach
  • ASCENDS will deliver laser based remote sensing
    measurements of CO2 mixing ratios (XCO2)
  • Day and night
  • At all latitudes
  • During all seasons
  • ASCENDS includes simultaneous measurements of
  • CO2 number density (ND) tropospheric column
  • O2 ND column surface pressure for CO2 to XCO2
  • Temperature profile improved CO2 accuracy
  • Altimetry surface elevation, cloud top heights
  • CO profile identify combustion sources of CO2
  • ASCENDS will be a logical extension of OCO and
    GOSAT capabilities

Airborne Test Flights
  • Summary
  • ASCENDS identified as a medium size mission in
    the NRC Decadal Survey
  • LRD 2013-2016 to overlap with OCO (OCO scheduled
    launch Dec 2008)
  • Data have been collected from airborne
    instruments to verify the CO2 measurement
    capability of the laser based approach

CO2 column mixing ratio (XCO2) measurement with
Laser Absorption Spectrometer (LAS) technique
requires the simultaneous measurement of the CO2
column number density (CND) the O2 column number
density to converting the CND to XCO2 and the
path length of the measurement. A temperature
profile measurement is also required to constrain
the XCO2 measurement. A column CO measurement
over the same XCO2 path is also recommended for
interpreting sources and sinks of CO2.
  • CO2 column measurement
  • CO2 Laser Absorption Spectrometer to resolve (or
    weight) the CO2 altitude distribution,
    particularly across the mid to lower troposphere.
  • Baseline 1.6 µm LAS
  • Option Integrated 1.6 µm 2.0 µm
  • Surface pressure measurement
  • O2 Laser Absorption Spectrometer to convert CO2
    number density to mixing ratio.
  • Surface/cloud top altimeter
  • Laser altimeter to measure CO2 column length.
  • Temperature sounder
  • Six channel passive radiometer to provide
    temperature corrections.
  • CO sensor
  • Gas Filter Correlation Radiometers (at 2.3 4.6
    µm) to separate biogenetic fluxes from biomass
    burning and fossil fuel combustion.
  • Imager
  • To provide cloud clearing for soundings.

ASCENDS Key Mission Milestones
  • Pre-Phase A Present April 2010
  • Start Phase A April 2010
  • Confirmation April 2012
  • Payload Delivery April 2014
  • Satellite Ship September 2015
  • Launch October 2015
  • End of Primary Mission (3 years) October 2018
  • Note Earlier launch (August 2014) is
    technically feasible if prior year
    implementation funding is provided.

Transmittances Weighting Functions from Orbit
2.05 mm
1.57 mm
RTM April 2008
Advanced CO2 and Climate LAser International
Mission (ACCLAIM)(Active Laser System for
ITT Engineering Development Unit used to validate
end-end system performance model technology
readiness for ACCLAIM Mission and capability for
high precision CO2 measurements.
ACCLAIM Flight Test Campaigns
May 21-25, 2005 Ponca City, Oklahoma (DOE ARM
Site) (5 Science Flights Land, Day Night,
) June 20-26, 2006 Alpena, Michigan (6 Science
Flights Land Water, Day Night) October
20-24, 2006 Portsmouth, New Hampshire (4 Science
Flights Land (inc. mountains) Water, Day
Night) May 20-24, 2007 Newport News,
Virginia (8 Science Flights Land Water, Day
Night) October 17-22, 2007 Newport News,
Virginia (9 Science Flights Land Water, Day
Night, Clear Cloudy)
ACCLAIM JPL LAS Flight Test CampaignNewport
News/ Williamsburg Airport, 17-23 October 2007
JPL LAS-Twin Otter
Water-Land Transition Between Tracks 2 1 on 22
Oct. 2007
Center On-Line Signals
Off-Line-2 Signals (-50 pm)
CO2 Optical Depths
Land-Leg SNR (1 s) 263 (1.4 ppm)
Water-Leg SNR (10 s) 291 (1.3 ppm)
Example of Data from Oct. 21 Virginia Flight
  • Online and Offline return signal powers are
    highly correlated along Track 4, as expected when
    primary fluctuation source is due to surface
    reflectance variability
  • We achieved a differential absorption precision
    of 2. This is consistent with speckle-limited
    fluctuation amplitudes for the data averaging
    time ( 1 s). Faster data transfer electronics
    will reduce speckle effect for a given data
    averaging time.

RTM April 2008
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