Governance 4 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Governance 4


Governance 4 Modern European Governments – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Governance 4

Governance 4
  • Modern European Governments

  • SSsCGF The student will explain the structure of
    Modern European governments.

  • A. The student will compare the parliamentary
    system of the United Kingdom, the federal system
    of the Federal Republic of Germany (Germany), and
    the federation of the Russian Federation
    (Russia), distinguishing the form of leadership
    and the role of the citizen in terms of voting
    and personal freedoms.

  • In other words
  • You will need to be able to
  • Identify which country has which government
  • Know how each type of government is structured
    (who has the power and how is it organized)
  • What role and freedoms (or lack of freedoms) do
    the citizens of each government have
  • Tell how these nations governments are different
    and how they are alike

  • How are the various types of governments found in
    the U.K., Germany, and Russia alike and how are
    the different?

The United Kingdom Parliamentary Democracy
  • Parliamentary Democracy a political system in
    which the legislature (parliament) selects the
    governmentgt a Prime Minister, a premier, or a
    chancellor along with the cabinet ministers
  • These selections are made based on party strength
    through citizen elections (the political party
    with the most representatives elected to the
    legislature gets to choose the government).

  • Because the executive branch is nominated to
    their position (Prime Minister) by the
    legislature (parliament), they are directly
    responsible to that legislature
  • It basically breaks down to the fact that where
    we have three separate and independent branches
    of government here in the U.S. under presidential
    democracy, In the U.K.s parliamentary democracy
    they really only have two The Judicial Branch /
    Executive Legislative (because the executive
    and legislative are NOT independent of each other)

  • The government can be dissolved at will by the
    parliament by means of a no confidence vote.
  • The parliament can vote to get rid of the
    government if they all agree that the government
    is no longer serving the needs of the people

  • Or, the leader of the cabinet (Prime Minister)
    may dissolve the parliament if it can no longer
  • The Prime Minister can get rid of/shut down
    parliament if it were to ever get to the point
    that they could no longer work together to meet
    the needs of the people

United Kingdom Parliamentary Democracy
  • The United Kingdoms legislative body
    (parliament), is made up of two houses
  • The House of Lords
  • The House of Commons

House of Lords
  • In the past, a seat in the House of Lords was
    passed down through aristocratic (wealthy
    powerful) families.
  • Today, Lords are elected by the House or are
    appointed by the monarch
  • The House of Lords has little power
  • They can only make suggestions on ways to improve
    bills that are on their way to becoming a law

House of Commons
  • The members of the House of Commons are elected
    by the citizens in a general election
  • The power in The House of Commons comes from its
    control of the budget ().

From the House of Commons comes the Prime
  • After the election, the leader of the political
    party with the most members in the House of
    Commons becomes the Prime Minister
  • The Prime Minister is the head of the government,
    or chief executive and runs the government on a
    day to day basis

The Monarch
  • The monarch is the official head of state
  • They are the symbol of the country
  • Their duties are mostly ceremonial
  • Their role in the United Kingdom is restricted by
    the U.K.s constitution

Citizens Roles Freedoms in the United Kingdom
  • Citizens in the U.K. have personal freedoms like
    those in the United States
  • All citizens are treated equally and have the
    right to worship as they choose
  • British citizens have the freedom of speech, the
    right to a fair trial, the right to own property,
    and the right to security

  • 1S. Which representative body of parliament has
    the most power?
  • A. Monarch
  • B. Prime Minister
  • C. House of Lords
  • D. House of Commons

  • 17. To be Prime Minister, a person must first be
    elected to which governing body?
  • A. Congress
  • B. Privy Council
  • C. House of Lords
  • D. House of Commons

  • 18. Which part of government is responsible for
    making the laws of the United Kingdom?
  • A. Congress
  • B. High Court
  • C. Monarchy
  • D. Parliament

Germany Federal Republic
  • Federal Republic a state in which the powers of
    the central government are restricted and in
    which the component parts (states) keep a degree
    of selfgovernment
  • Ultimate power rests with the voters who elect
    their governmental representatives

Germany Federal Republic(Specifics)
  • The German parliament is made up of two houses
  • The Bundestag
  • The Bundesrat

The Bundestag
  • The Bundestag is the more powerful of the two
  • The citizens of each German state elects the
    members of the Bundestag
  • The Bundestag selects the chancellor

  • The Chancellor is the chief executive of the
    German government and head of the military

  • In Germany, the presidents role is mostly
    ceremonial and symbolic
  • (There Chancellor is more like our President
    their President is more like the Monarch in the
    United Kingdom)

The Bundesrat
  • The Bundesrat is the lower of the two houses and
    represents the interests of the state governments
  • Each state government selects representatives for
    the Bundesrat
  • The Bundesrat is mainly concerned with laws that
    affect the states, such as education and local
    government issues

Citizens Roles Freedoms in Germany
  • The Constitution in Germany is called the Basic
    Law. The Basic Law is what protects the rights
    and freedoms of Germanys citizens
  • All citizens have freedom of religion and
  • All are viewed as equal before the law
  • They have freedom of the press and protection of
    the family

  • Basic Law also states that Germany is a welfare
  • This means that the government guarantees people
    certain benefits when they are unemployed, poor,
    disabled, old, or sick

  • 19. How are members in the Bundestag selected?
  • A. Elected by the voters
  • B. Elected by the Bundesrat
  • C. Half through election/Half appointment by
  • D. Half selected by President/Half selected by

  • 20. In the German welfare state, who receives
    guaranteed benefits?
  • A. College students
  • B. Unemployed citizens
  • C. Government workers
  • D. Bundestag representatives

Russia Federation
  • Federation A form of government in which
    ultimate power is formally divided, usually by a
    constitution, between a central authority and a
    number of member regions (states) such that each
    individual member keeps some management of its
    own internal governmental issues

Russia Federation(Specifics)
  • The Russian Federal Assembly (legislature) is
    made up of two houses
  • The Federation Council
  • The State Duma

The Federation Council
  • The Federation council has two representatives
    from each state.
  • The states (not the citizens) appoint the
    members So, the Council represents the
    governments of the states
  • One of their important duties is to approve the
    Presidents choices of people to fill different
    government jobs

State Duma
  • The State Duma is larger than the Federation
    Council, with 4five0 members
  • The members of the State Duma are elected by the
  • They control the budget and make the laws
  • They approve the Presidents choice of Prime

  • The Russian President is head of state
  • Elected by the citizens
  • Selects the Prime Minister
  • Can disband (get rid of) the legislature (The
    Federal Assembly)
  • Day to day running of the government is split
    between the President and the Prime Minister

Citizens Roles Freedoms in Russia
  • Russias constitution guarantees human and civil
    rights for all of its citizens
  • All are viewed as equal before the law
  • They have the right to life and dignity, freedom
    of speech, and the right to privacy

  • 21. In the Russian Federation, which office do
    the people elect?
  • A. Federation Council
  • B. President
  • C. Prime Minister
  • D. Public Chamber

  • 22. Who is the Russian head of state?
  • A. President
  • B. Prime Minister
  • C. Deputy of the State Duma
  • D. Federation Council Member

  • 23. How is the Russian Prime Minister Selected?
  • A. By a vote of the citizens
  • B. By a vote of the State Duma
  • C. By appointment of the Federal Assembly
  • D. By appointment of the President
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