Title: Going to Mexico A Virtual Field Trip
1Going to MexicoA Virtual Field Trip
2Welcome to Mexico! Today we will be flying to
different places in Mexico. Our final destination
is Nonstop Learning and Fun! Enjoy the Ride!
3First Stop Mexico City
4Welcome to Mexico City
- Mexico City is the capital of Mexico. It is the
largest city in the world and is sometimes called
The Manhattan of Latin America.
5Mexico City is home to over 24 million people.
It was built on the ancient Aztec capital,
Tenochtitlan. Today, Mexico city has a mixture
of ancient heritage and modern city styles.
6- Mexico City has over 150 museums.
The Museum of Anthropology holds archeological
relics of Mexicos past
The Castillo de Chapultepec, a museum, was once
the presidents mansion
The Franz Mayer museum
7Mexico City is a beautiful place.
Thanks for stopping by!
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9Second Stop The Yucatan Peninsula
The Yucatan Peninsula is at the southern end of
Mexico. Here, we can find many ruins from the
Mayan civilization.
10Our first stop in the Yucatan peninsula is Uxmal.
Uxmal means Thrice built and most likely refers
to this pyramid being built 3 times. The Mayan
civilization flourished here between 600-900 AD.
The Pyramid of the Magician is the largest of the
Mayan pyramids.
11Our second stop in the Yucatan Peninsula is
Chichen Itza.
This is the Temple of the Warriors. It is a
statue of the God, Chac Mool.
This is Caracol, or Snail. It was used by the
Mayans as an observatory to see the heavens.
This is the ball court at Chichen Itza. Every
Mayan city had at least 1 playing field or ball
Many human sacrifices took place here.
12Thank You for Visiting The Yucatan Peninsula!
Come again!
13Third Stop Teotihuacan!
Teotihuacan , or City of the Gods, was part of
the Aztec Empire. It is Mexicos biggest ancient
city and was a large market center for its
14This is Ciudadela. It is located in the center
of Teotihuacan. Archaeologists believe it was
mainly used for a market place, rituals and as a
home for members of the elite community.
15The Pyramid of the Sun
Teotihuacan is home to over 600 Aztec pyramids.
The Pyramid of the Sun is the biggest pyramid in
the city and was probably the most important.
16Hope you had fun visitingTeotihuacan! Come back
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18Last Stop Cancun
The city of Cancun used to be a small fishing
town, however, now it is one of Mexicos biggest
tourist attractions!
19Plaza de Toros
Bull-fighting is one of the biggest and oldest
sports found in Mexico.
20This Monument, found in Cancun, was built to
commemorate the history of Mexico.
21Thank You for Cancun!Hope you got a tan!
Cancun at night
One of the many beautiful beaches in Cancun
22Thank You for Flying with Air Mexico!
- Please remain seated until further instructions.
Hope you had a great trip!