Product Liability: A Review - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Product Liability: A Review


Product Liability: A Review TECH-435 Legal Aspects of Safety Dr. E. Hansen, CIE, CHCM Northern Illinois University Department of Technology Introduction The ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Product Liability: A Review

Product LiabilityA Review
  • TECH-435
  • Legal Aspects of Safety
  • Dr. E. Hansen, CIE, CHCM
  • Northern Illinois University
  • Department of Technology

  • The manufacturer of a product must exercise
    reasonable care to prevent injury to consumers
    and others who may come in contact with their
    product. This reasonable care includes insuring
    that the product is fit for its intended purpose.
    Product liability or negligence may also extend
    to dealers, sellers, suppliers, repairers and
    others within the product chain.

Brief History
  • While the product liability cases today stem from
    the Consumer Product Safety Act (CPSA) of 1972
    ("CPSA," 1972) prior historical cases and events
    fueled the debate and subsequent passage of the
  • Prior to the turn of the century the general
    attitude was that of caveat emptor, or buyer
    beware based on common law.
  • The logic was simple people should examine what
    they are to receive before they buy it. The
    origins for caveat emptor stem from early
    English social and legal philosophy reflected
    in the manufacturing nature of the economy
    (Vaughn, 1999).
  • Two differing views on the first case of
    product liability
  • McPherson v. Buick Motor Company (Vaughn, 1999)
  • Donaghue v. Stevenson (Vogt, 2000).

Brief History First Case 1
  • In his book, Legal Aspects of Engineering,
    Richard Vaughn claims the origin of product
    liability stems from the McPherson v. Buick Motor
    Company case in 1916.
  • The plaintiff in the case suffered injuries when
    the wheel on his new Buick collapsed.
  • The judge ruled in favor of the plaintiff despite
    the use of the historical defenses of caveat
    emptor and privity of contract (an individual can
    not recover damages from the manufacturer, only
    the middlemen).
  • The judges reasoning is virtually a statement
    of products liability law as it evolved years
    later. It was also during this time that the
    philosophies of negligence and warranty were
  • (Vaughn, 1999)

Brief History First Case 2
  • According to Susan Vogt, in her article Warning
    Product liability law is extremely hot!, the
    first product liability lawsuit was Donaghue
    versus Stevenson decided the British House of
    Lords in 1932.
  • This case was about a snail that was almost
    swallowed by a woman who discovered it in a
    bottle of ginger beer.
  • Its importance lies in the fact that the
    manufacturer was held liable, despite the absence
    of a contractual relationship, because the
    damages suffered were a foreseeable result of the
    manufacturer's negligence. (Vogt, 2000)

Theories of Product Liability
Theories of Product Liability (continued)
  • In most areas of the country the plaintiffs
    cause of action may be based on one or more of
    three different theories (Kionka, 1999)
  • Negligence
  • Breach of Warranty
  • Express warranties
  • Implied warranties
  • Merchantability and fitness for a particular use
  • Strict Liability

  • is the committing of an act, which a person
    exercising ordinary care would not do under
    similar circumstances - or the failure to do what
    a person exercising ordinary care would do under
    similar circumstances. (

Negligence ? Case Example
  • Richelman v Kewanee Machinery And Conveyor
  • Suit based upon negligence and strict liability
    was brought against manufacturer designer as
    result of two-year nine-month-old child having
    suffered a traumatic amputation of his right leg
    when he became entangled in a grain auger located
    in his grandfather's farmyard.
  • The Circuit Court, St. Clair County, William P.
    Fleming, J., entered judgment, based on jury's
    findings, against manufacturer designer.
    Manufacturer designer appealed.
  • The Appellate Court, Moran, J., held that whether
    child's injuries upon inadvertently tripping or
    falling into open hopper was foreseeable was
    question for jury, inasmuch as defendant could
    "objectively expect" that if an adult with a
    smaller than 45/8 shoe width were to trip or fall
    near auger he could be injured because of
    inadequate safety guard.
  • ("Richelman v. Kewanee Machinery And Conveyor
    Company," 1978)

Breach of Warranty
  • a warranty is an express or implied undertaking
    by a seller guaranteeing that the thing being
    sold is as promised (
  • The primary breach of a warranty is the fitness
    of use of the product.
  • Product liability law is primarily concerned
    with three of these warranties (Kionka, 1999)
  • Express warranties
  • Implied warranties
  • Merchantability and fitness for a particular use

Express Warranties
  • The representations or promises relating to the
    material facts about the products, as described
    in salespersons statements, in pictures or
    writing on product or product packaging, and in
    advertisements persuaded the consumer to buy
  • A breach occurs when these representations are
    not true.
  • In other words an express warranty is a
    promissory assertion of fact about the product
    which the seller made as a part of the sales
    transaction and which was a basis of the
  • (Kionka, 1999)

Implied Warranties
  • those warranties created and imposed by law,
    and accompany the transfer of title to goods
    unless expressly and clearly limited or excluded
    by the contract. (Kionka, 1999)
  • These warranties are not dependent on whether the
    manufacturer has made any actual statements or
    representations about its product.
  • The implied warranty extends to both uses and
    that are reasonably foreseeable. An implied
    warranty extends to all persons who the
    manufacturer, seller, lessor, or supplier might
    reasonable have expected to use, consume or be
    affected by the goods. (Bonsignore, 2003)

Express/Implied Warranties ? Case Example
  • Cipollone v. Liggett Group, Inc.
  • Cipollone is particularly notable for its legacy
    of preemption in interpreting the 1965 and 1969
    Acts. Because merchants must properly package and
    label goods in order for them to be merchantable,
    the Supreme Courts interpretation of the 1965
    and 1969 Acts is crucial to an analysis of the
    implied warranty of merchantability. (Crawford,
  • If plaintiffs cannot bypass the preemption issues
    posed by Cipollone, then juries will never
    evaluate the merits of their claims and those
    causes of action will fail. (Crawford, 2002)

Express/Implied Warranties ? Case Example
  • Rose Cipollone, a smoker for forty-two years,
    contracted lung cancer and filed suit against the
    Liggett Group, Inc., which had manufactured the
    cigarettes she had smoked. After Cipollone died
    from lung cancer in 1984, her husband, Antonio,
    continued the action as the executor of his
    wifes estate. (Crawford, 2002)
  • The Cipollones complaint alleged many claims,
    including strict liability, negligence, breach of
    warranty, and intentional tort. After an
    interlocutory appeal and a 400,000 verdict for
    the Cipollones, the Third Circuit heard the case
    for the final time and affirmed the district
    courts finding of a broad preemptive effect for
    the 1969 Act. (Crawford, 2002)

Express/Implied Warranties ? Case Example
  • The Court of Appeals found that the 1969 Act
    preempts state law damage actions that
    challenge . . . the propriety of a partys
    actions with respect to the advertising and
    promotion of cigarettes. Therefore, the
    plaintiffs post-1965 failure to warn, express
    warranty, and intentional tort claims were
    preempted because they were based on the
    advertising and promotion of cigarettes. The
    Supreme Court subsequently granted certiorari for
    review. (Crawford, 2002)

Express/Implied Warranties ? Case Example
  • Justice Stevens produced the most important
    opinion of the case, although it did not garner a
    majority of the Court. Stevens found that the
    preemptive effect of the 1969 Act barred
    requirements or prohibitions imposed by
    state law relating to advertising and promotion
    of cigarettes, and therefore the 1969 Act would
    preempt most claims arising under state statutes
    and the common law.
  • The key question in the analysis is whether the
    legal duty that is the predicate of the
    common-law damages action constitutes a
    requirement or prohibition based on smoking and
    health . . . imposed under State law with respect
    to . . . advertising or promotion.
  • Justice Stevens concluded that the Cipollones
    claims for failure to warn, breach of express
    warranty, and fraudulent misrepresentation were
    preempted however, the state law conspiracy
    claim remained. Despite the fractured nature of
    the Cipollone decision, most circuits have
    adopted Justice Stevenss plurality opinion.
    (Crawford, 2002)

Merchantability and fitness for a particular use
  • Merchantability and fitness for a particular use
    requires that the product (and its container)
    meet certain minimum standards of quality,
    chiefly that it be fit for the ordinary purposes
    for which the goods are sold. This includes a
    standard of reasonable safety.
  • This is furthered with fitness for a particular
    purpose where the seller knows or has reason to
    know what specific purpose the goods sold will
    be used for and the purchaser of these goods is
    relying on the supplier to provide suitable
  • (Kionka, 1999)

Merchantability ? Case Example
  • Tim Skaggs, born on March 5, 1950 died on
    October 17, 1991 from acute lymphoblastic
    leukemia. Tim worked for Simpson Lumber Company
    at its Arcata mill starting at age 21. His
    initial employment as a night shift laborer
    resulted in his working at various jobs,
    including assignments to the paint line
    department where he handled and sawed lumber
    treated with Woodlife, a wood preservative
    manufactured and sold to Simpson by Champion.
  • Although this action sought to hold Champion
    liable for negligence in not warning about the
    hazards of this product, which Champion knew was
    being handled improperly by its customers, and
    for breach of warranty, the primary legal basis
    for this action was for selling a defective
    product. (Alexander, 1998a)

Merchantability ? Case Example (continued)
  • In the Skaggs case the plaintiffs claimed that
    Defendant Champion International was negligent in
    the production, retailing and distribution of
    Woodlife Clear RTU contaminated with dioxins and
    furans, was strictly liable for producing and
    distributing a defective chemical product and
    additionally liable for breaching an implied
    warranty that Woodlife with pentachlorophenal was
    of good and merchantable quality, safe and fit
    for its intended use.
  • It was also claimed that the Defendants knew this
    product was hazardous, misrepresented that it was
    safe to use and concealed from Simpson that many
    people inadvertently and routinely handled it in
    a dangerous manner. (Alexander, 1998a)

Merchantability ? Case Example (continued)
  • The Skaggs case settled before Judge Michael
    Brown, following the denial of Champion's motion
    for summary judgment and after the completion of
    expert depositions before the scheduled trial.
    While denying liability, the Defendant paid
    550,000 in settlement of all claims, a
    substantial recovery in Humboldt County where the
    primary industries are logging and fishing and
    average income is in the lowest twenty percent of
    California counties.
  • (Alexander, 1998a)

Strict Liability
  • Under a strict liability standard, once the
    plaintiff establishes that a product is
    defective, liability results from that fact alone
    no matter how much care was applied during
    design, manufacture, marketing, distribution and
    sale (Larson, 2003).
  • The term strict, in this situation, refers to
    the fact that the injured product user need not
    show negligence or fault. Commonly most states
    follow the rule of products liability as set
    forth in section 402A of the Restatement of

Strict Liability ? Case Example
  • Toole v. Richardson
  • Toole v. Richardson (1967) Cal.App.2d 689, 710,
    60 Cal.Rptr. 398 involves the infamous MER/29. In
    affirming a jury verdict for the plaintiffs eye
    damage as a result of inadequate warnings given
    with this prescription drug, Justice Salsman
    found there was substantial evidence to support
    the jury¹s verdict and award of punitive damages.
    On the strict liability question the court
  • The possibility of eye injury and age was known
    to appellant before product was placed on the
    market yet no warning of this danger was given
    until the weight of accumulating evidence and the
    insistence of the FDA compelled it. Thus strict
    liability justified on the ground that the
    product was marketed without proper warning of
    its known dangerous effect. (Id., p.710.)

    (Alexander, 1998b)

  • Restatements are highly regarded distillations of
    common law prepared by the American Law Institute
  • The goal is to distill the "black letter law"
    from cases, to indicate a trend in common law,
    and, occasionally, to recommend what a rule of
    law should be.
  • In essence, they "restate" existing common law
    into a series of principles or rules.
  • Restatements are not primary law, however they
    are considered persuasive authority by many
  • Numerous Restatement sections have become primary
    law when a court or legislature has adopted its
    language (Harvard, 2003).

Restatements (continued)
  • In 1998 the third edition of Restatements was
  • There have been debates and challenges to this
  • Many states have adhered more closely with the
    second edition of the Restatements that was
    published in 1965.
  • The wording of section 402 and 403 of this
    Restatement is important

Restatements s 402A
  • Special Liability Of Seller Of Product For
    Physical Harm To User Or Consumer
  • One who sells any product in a defective
    condition unreasonably dangerous to the user or
    consumer or to his property is subject to
    liability for physical harm thereby caused to the
    ultimate user or consumer, or to his property, if
  • the seller is engaged in the business of selling
    such a product, and
  • it is expected to and does reach the user or
    consumer without substantial change in the
    condition in which it is sold.
  • The rule stated in Subsection (1) applies
  • the seller has exercised all possible care in the
    preparation and sale of his product, and
  • the user or consumer has not bought the product
    from or entered into any contractual relation
    with the seller
  • (Restatement of Torts, 1965).

Restatements s 402B
  • Misrepresentation By Seller Of Chattels To
  • One engaged in the business of selling chattels
    who, by advertising, labels, or otherwise, makes
    to the public a misrepresentation of a material
    fact concerning the character or quality of a
    chattel sold by him is subject to liability for
    physical harm to a consumer of the chattel caused
    by justifiable reliance upon the
    misrepresentation, even though
  • it is not made fraudulently or negligently, and
  • the consumer has not bought the chattel from or
    entered into any contractual relation with the
  • (Restatement of Torts, 1965).

Basis for Product Liability
Basis for Product Liability
  • While the laws applicable to defective product
    cases varies from state to state, there are three
    legal theories common to all jurisdictions which
    may form the basis of a successful product
    liability case
  • Manufacturing defect
  • Design defect
  • Failure to warn, or "inadequate warning

Manufacturing Defect
  • In such cases the injury was caused as a result
    of defect in the manufacturing of the product.
    These cases are the hardest to prove, as evidence
    the example below is of a case that was lost.
  • Case example
  • Meli v. General Motors Corp.

Meli v. General Motors Corp.
  • The plaintiff blamed an accident on a broken
    accelerator spring, but could not isolate a
    possible manufacturing defect that would have
    caused the accident, the Court found that the
    trial court properly granted a directed verdict
    to the defendant.
  • In addition to having been driven for over 32,000
    miles, the vehicle had been serviced numerous
  • Because the accelerator spring had been exposed
    during service, there was no reason to conclude
    that a defect in manufacture was any more likely
    than negligent service to have been the cause of
    the accident. ("Sundberg v. Keller Ladder," 2002)

Design Defect
  • In these cases the injury was caused by a poor
    design despite the fact that there may be no
    defect in the individual product itself.
  • This design defect is not limited to the product
    itself. Improper packaging resulting in safety
    related damage during shipping and handling may
    also be considered.
  • Case Example
  • Babcock v. General Motors Corporation

Babcock v. General Motors Corporation
  • The United States Court of Appeals case arose
    from an accident on February 21, 1998, when a
    General Motors pickup truck driven by Paul A.
    Babcock, III, went off the road and struck a
    tree. The accident rendered Babcock a paraplegic.
    On June 15, 1999, Babcock died as a result of
    complications from his injuries
  •  Plaintiff brought suit alleging negligence and
    strict liability against the defendant.
  • ("Babcock v. General Motors Corp., 299 F.3d 60
    (1st Cir. 2002)," 2002)

Babcock v. General Motors Corporation(continued)
  • The jury returned a verdict finding GM liable on
    the negligence count and not liable on the strict
    liability count. It is undisputed that when
    Babcock was first seen after the accident his
    seat belt was not fastened around him.
  • The complaint alleged that Babcock was wearing
    his seat belt prior to the accident, but that the
    belt unbuckled as soon as pressure was exerted on
    it and the buckle released due to a condition
    known as "false latching." The main focus of the
    trial was on this claim of false latching.
  • ("Babcock v. General Motors Corp., 299 F.3d 60
    (1st Cir. 2002)," 2002)

Babcock v. General Motors Corporation(continued)
  • The original case was proven by the plaintiff and
    awarded unspecified amount. This case was won
    largely in part of expert testimony.
  • The expert determined crash speed by methodology
    generally accepted in accident reconstruction
    field and approved by National Highway Traffic
    Safety Administration (NHTSA) (Nordberg, 2003) .
    His opinion was that the seatbelt would have
    restrained passenger at that speed if
    nondefective and in use, and concluded from
    inspection of seatbelt that it had indeed been in
    use just prior to impact (Nordberg, 2003) . He
    also showed an alternative design from Volvo that
    helps prevent false latching.
  • This case was affirmed and the court further
    awarded the plaintiff legal and court fees
    incurred during the appeals process.

Failure to Warn / Inadequate Warning
  • These cases refer to injuries caused as a result
    of a product known to be potentially dangerous
    which was sold without warning labels or having
    inadequate labeling to properly warn the
    consumer. Including inadequate or no
    instructions for proper setup, use or
  • Example of failure to warn Gall v. Union Ice Co
  • Example of inadequate warning Laramendy v. Myers

Gall v. Union Ice Co
  • (1952) 108 Cal.App. 303, 230 P.2d 48
  • Involved the absence of sufficient warning labels
    on drums of sulfuric acid that exploded.
  • Affirming verdicts for the plaintiffs, the court
    held that the question of defendants chemical
    companies' negligence in failing to place proper
    warning labels on sulfuric acid drums were for
    the jury (Alexander, 1998b).

Laramendy v. Myers
  • (1954) 126 Cal.App.2d 636, 272 P.2d 824. A
    theatrical smoke-producing device set fire to a
    child's dress.
  • "The written directions which were with the
    device when it was received, warned to hold the
    device away from the face while filling the hole
    with powder and to stand back without making
    contact (when the device is on the floor) so that
    'puff' will not strike face."
  • Notwithstanding these warnings the court found
    the warning was incomplete, affirmed a verdict
    for plaintiff, and held that the "defendants
    neglected to reasonably warn of the dangerous
    propensities of the device. There was no
    warning of danger from fire." Id., at p.639.
  • (Alexander, 1998b).

Legal Stages
Product Liability Good Questionable Results
  • Product liability cases have undoubtedly changed
    the way products reach consumers.
  • Product liability cases are on the rise.
  • The upside to these cases is consumers should be
    more confident in the products they buy.
  • Products should be safer and if a dangerous
    product causes an injury there have been
    precedents set to rectify the situation.
  • The downside, however is that with the increase
    in legitimate cases there has also been a rise in
    cases with little or no merit, individuals and
    ethically questionable attorneys out for an easy
    financial gain.

Positive product liability cases
Source http//
px (ATLA, 2001)
Positive product liability cases (continued)
Source http//
px (ATLA, 2001)
Questionable Results
  • Product liability cases have encouraged
    manufacturers to design, manufacture and
    distribute safer products. However, with the
    potential for, and increasing numbers of,
    frivolous lawsuits something should be done to
    regulate the current system. This is not to say
    that society should return to the days buyer
    beware, but rather the system needs to move away
    from the current trend of seller beware.
  • Two cases with questionable results
  • The McDonalds Coffee Case
  • Carrying a Full Fish Tank Full of Water

The McDonalds Coffee Case
  • In February of 1992 a New Mexico senior citizen,
    Stella Liebeck, was a passenger in her grandson's
    car when she suffered third-degree burns from
    McDonald's coffee.
  • After receiving the coffee from the drive-through
    window, the grandson pulled over to allow his
    grandmother to add cream and sugar to her coffee.
    In attempting to remove the plastic lid, the
    coffee spilled into her lap causing severe burns
    to her upper thigh area.
  • She was hospitalized for eight days, during which
    time she underwent numerous skin grafts. When
    McDonalds's refused to settle the case for
    20,000, the grandmother retained an attorney to
    file charges against McDonald's.
  • During discovery, documents obtained from
    McDonald¹s showed more than 700 claims by people
    burned by its coffee between 1982 and 1992,
    proving that McDonald's had knowledge of the
    dangers of their product.

The McDonalds Coffee Case (continued)
  • Other facts in the case
  • McDonald's quality assurance manager testified
    that the company actively enforces a requirement
    that coffee be held in the pot at 185 degrees,
    plus or minus five degrees
  • Plaintiff's expert testified that liquids, at 180
    degrees, will cause a full thickness burn to
    human skin in two to seven seconds.
  • McDonald's asserted that customers buy coffee on
    their way to work or home, intending to consume
    it there.
  • The jury awarded Liebeck 200,000 in compensatory
    damages. This amount was reduced to 160,000
    because the jury found Liebeck 20 percent at
    fault in the spill. The jury also awarded Liebeck
    2.7 million in punitive damages.
  • The trial court subsequently reduced the punitive
    award to 480,000.
  • The judge called McDonald's conduct reckless,
    callous and willful.
  • Source Consumer Attorneys Association of Los
    Angeles (CAALA)

The McDonalds Coffee Case (continued)
  • The questionably positive result is that now
    McDonalds places the following warning on their
    coffee cups
  • Warning Contents Hot.
  • In this authors opinion this case was completely
    frivolous with no benefit to safety whatsoever
  • Most people, except the very young or the
    mentally disadvantaged, would expect that hot
    coffee would be hot. But our courts and our
    judges seem to have retreated from the reasonable
    person standard in holding companies liable for
    product misuse.
  • (Smith, 1997)

Carrying a Full Fish Tank Full of Water Source
Mealey's Litigation Reports (, 2003)
  • SALEM, Ore. -- A plaintiff who won a jury verdict
    after she was seriously injured by a shattering
    fishbowl has less than four weeks to decide
    whether to accept remittitur of her punitive
    damages award or face a new trial to set the
    proper amount
  • (Arleen E. Waddill v. Anchor Hocking, Inc., No.
    A91012, Ore. App.).
  • The case was back before the Oregon Court of
    Appeals after the U.S. Supreme Court, citing
    State Farm v. Campbell (538 U.S. __, 123 S. Ct.
    1513 2003), vacated the 1 million award based
    on compensatory damages one-tenth the size.

Carrying a Full Fish Tank Full of
  • Arleen E. Waddill was carrying a fishbowl
    containing water in her arms when the glass bowl
    shattered, slicing the ulnar artery, ulnar nerve
    and a tendon in her left arm and lacerating the
    index finger and an artery and nerve on her right
  • Waddill suffered lingering pain, numbness and
    weakness in her arms that her physician told her
    would be permanent.
  • Waddill sued Anchor Hocking Inc., which made the
    fishbowl, complaining that the company failed to
    attach a warning to the fishbowl against carrying
    it when loaded with water.
  • Source Mealey's Litigation Reports (,

Carrying a Full Fish Tank Full of
  • Anchor Hocking knew of three other incidents in
    which customers were injured in similar
    circumstances but did nothing to improve the
    product's safety and in fact destroyed records
    pertaining to those incidents, she alleged.
  • A Multnomah County Circuit Court jury found that
    Anchor Hocking was negligent and that the
    fishbowl was dangerously defective because of the
    company's failure to affix an appropriate
  • It assessed actual damages of 132,472, reduced
    to 100,854 by the jury's finding that Waddill
    was 25 percent at fault, and awarded 1 million
    in punitive damages.
  • Source Mealey's Litigation Reports (,

Carrying a Full Fish Tank Full of
  • A panel of the Oregon Court of Appeals affirmed
    the judgment in its entirety, finding that the
    jury's decision to award punitive damages
    complied with both state and federal law,
    including the U.S. Constitution's 14th Amendment.
  • The U.S. Supreme Court, however, granted
    certiorari to Anchor Hocking, vacated the award
    and remanded to the appellate court for further
    consideration in light of State Farm.
  • The panel concluded that the maximum
    constitutionally permissible award in the instant
    case was four times the compensatory damages, or
  • However, it offered Waddill the choice of
    accepting the reduced amount or consenting to a
    new trial to establish a more appropriate level
    of punitive damages.
  • Source Mealey's Litigation Reports (,

Carrying a Full Fish Tank Full of
  • The questionably positive result is not yet
    known, as the new trial has not yet been set.
  • Undoubtedly, Anchor Hocking will have to place a
    warning label so that people know not to carry a
    full fish tank full of water.
  • Sympathy is felt for the individual and resulting
    injuries, but should Anchor Hocking have to pay
    for her lapse in judgment?
  • Humanity will not be better served if a warning
    label is affixed to every fish tank that says
  • Warning Full Fish Tanks May Cause Injuries If
    Carried When Full Of Liquid.

Warning Label Overkill
  • Many people question the validity of warning
    labels on products.
  • The litigious nature of our society has
    manufacturers affixing labels to protect
    themselves from these rising court costs and
    people out to make easy money.
  • The following slide contains a few warning labels
    that are obviously due to product liability laws
    and generous courts.

Warning Label Overkill (continued)
  • The Consumer Alert website provides the following
    eight real warning labels as examples of warning
  • Box of staples "Caution Staples have sharp
    points for easy penetration so handle with care."
  • Car sun shield "Do not drive with sun shield in
  • Sled "This product does not have brakes."
  • Marbles "Choking hazard - This toy is a marble.
  • Ladder "Do not overreach."
  • Child's play helmet "This is a toy."
  • Hair dryer "Do not use while sleeping."
  • Roller blading "Learn how to control your speed,
    brake and stop.
  • (Smith, 1997)

What Does Tort Liability Cost?
  • According to statisticians at the U.S. Department
    of Justice
  • Juries in the 75 largest counties disposed of
    12,000 tort, contract, and real property rights
    cases during a 12-month period ending June 30,
  • Jury cases were 2 of the 762,000 tort, contract,
    and real property cases disposed by State courts
    of general jurisdiction in the Nation's most
    populous counties.
  • Thirty-three percent of cases decided by juries
    were automobile accident suits.
  • (DeFrances et al.)

What Does Tort Liability Cost?(continued)
  • 11 were medical malpractice
  • 5 were product liability and toxic substance
  • In half of all jury cases, the jury found in
    favor of the plaintiff and in the 12-month period
    awarded an estimated 2.7 billion in compensatory
    and punitive damages.
  • The median total award for a plaintiff was
  • Punitive damages were awarded in 6 of the jury
    cases with a plaintiff winner.
  • Median punitive award was 50,000 average time
    from complaint filing to jury verdict was 2.5
  • (DeFrances et al.)

What Does Tort Liability Cost?(continued)
  • Claimants and plaintiffs are paid for economic
    losses sustained.
  • Additionally they are paid for non-economic
    losses, such as pain, suffering, claimants
    attorneys fees and administrative costs.
  • A reflection of the cost of the tort system is
    the price of liability insurance in defense of
    these claims
  • (III, 2003b).

What Does Tort Liability Cost?(continued)
  • Product liability cases have encouraged
    manufacturers to design, manufacture and
    distribute safer products. Furthermore, product
    liability cases have rightfully forced these same
    manufacturers to properly warn consumers of the
    potential dangers with their products. However,
    with the potential for, and increasing numbers
    of, frivolous lawsuits something should be done
    to regulate the current system. This is not to
    say that society should return to the days of
    caveat emptor, or buyer beware, but rather the
    system needs to move away from the current trend
    of seller beware.

Conclusion (continued)
  • In 1992, on the campaign trail, the first
    President Bush (George H. Bush) summed it up best
    when he made the following remarks
  • Product liability laws vary from State to State,
    and the rules have encouraged these crazy
    lawsuits and outrageous awards. And the cost of
    insurance keeps going right out through the roof,
    keeps skyrocketing. Big deal, right? So companies
    have to pay extra for a few lawyers. But it's not
    just companies who foot the bill we all pay
    higher prices for everything from medicine to
    stepladders. We never get to see a lot of good
    products because companies are afraid of
    excessive lawsuits (Bush, 1992).

Conclusion (continued)
  • In 1985 Senator Robert Kasten of Wisconsin
    introduced legislation that would replace the
    current open-ended system with uniform rules
    (Hansen, 2003). This legislation was in
    response to the fact that almost half of all the
    money paid out in these kinds of cases goes not
    to the injured party, but to the lawyers (Bush,
    1992). Senator Kasten led the charge for reform
    but lost his senatorial seat in 1992.
  • Since then various reform measures have been
    proposed. One of the reforms suggested was to
    limit punitive damages to the first successful
    claimant in suits involving a single product and
    a single manufacturer. Another reform suggested
    was to cap non-economic damages at 100,000 or
    250,000. (III, 2003a)

Conclusion (continued)
  • There is evidence of a changing attitude towards
    excessive claims. In 2001, the U.S. Supreme
    Court said that appellate courts must carefully
    analyze the evidence used to determine the amount
    of an award for punitive damages, rather than
    rely on the judgment of the trial court, to
    ensure that the rights of both individuals and
    corporations are protected. (III, 2003a)
  • The federal government should impose limits and
    pass some level of tort reform because without
    clear limits there can be dramatic and
    excessively costly deviations from realistic

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