Title: What is Bullying?
1What is Bullying?
2Bullying can be...
- One person making fun of another.
- One person trying to beat up another.
- A group of people ganging up against others.
3How does it make you feel?
4Does it have to be a part of growing up?
- No
- Each and every person has the right to feel safe
in your life and good about yourself.
5The 3 types of Bullying.
6The three types with examples
Physical Bullying Verbal Bullying Relationship Bullying
Hitting, Kicking, or Pushing someone Stealing, Hiding or ruining someone's things Making someone do something he or she doesn't want to do Name calling Teasing Refusing to talk to someone Spreading lies and rumors about someone Making someone feel left out
7Who is a Bully?
8Who is a Target for Bullying?
9How to Deal with Bullying!!
10What to do In the moment
Ignore them! Pretend you didnt hear them Dont even look at them
Dont Cry Dont get angry Dont show them that you are upset
Talk about it to someone else Write it down so you dont forget to tell someone Respond to the Bully evenly and firmly
11In the moment continued
Turn the comment into a joke. Turn and walk away.
Remove yourself from the situation. Go somewhere that an adult is present.
Remember you are not the one with the problem. The bully is. Talk to an adult!
12How should you handle a bully?
Ignore them Kick them Tell a teacher or parent
Yell at them Walk away Call them a bad name
Give them an I-Message Tell them to please stop Make fun of them
13What if your friend Is getting bullied?
14Some things you can say if someone is getting
"That's Not Funny"
"How would you like it if someone did that to
"Cut it out"
15Remember the golden rule
- Treat others the way you want to be treated.
Stand up for someone when he or she needs it, and
when you need it, someone will stand up for you.
16Are you a Bully?
17Ask yourself these questions.
- Does it make you feel better to hurt other people
or take their things? - Are you bigger and stronger than other people
your age? Do you sometimes use your size and
strength to get your way?
18How can you STOP being a Bully?
19If you are a bully, here are some ways to stop.
- Apologize to people that you have bullied, and
follow it up by being friendly. - They might not trust you right away, but
eventually they will see that you have changed.
20More ways to stop
- If you are having a hard time feeling good about
yourself, explore ways to boost your self-esteem.
- If you feel like youre having trouble
controlling your feelings, especially anger, talk
to a school counselor about it.