Title: Flip Chip Assembly in Air
1Flip Chip Assembly in Air
Antonio Prats March 2002
2Flip Chip Assembly in Air
- Very low oxygen levels in reflow allow good
yields over a wide range of conditions - Unfortunately, nitrogen can be expensive in
certain regions - Reflow in nitrogen can increase the chance of
tombstoning with small 0201 and 0402 components - It would be nice to have an air reflow process
for flip chip assembly
3Universal Consortium Flip Chip Test Substrate
Trench and Pads
Trench and Pads
4Air Reflow ProfilesProfile A was Also Run with
1000 ppm Oxygen
5Paste Fluxes and Liquid Fluxes
6Very Poor Soldering
Alpha Metals CF2400, Hot Air
3.7 mil
Heraeus TF38, Cool Air
7Poor Soldering
Indium FC-NC-LT-C, Hot 1010 ppm Oxygen
Exposed Gold
8No Electrical Failures but Poor Soldering
Almit BM1-RMA-NC, Cool Air
9No Electrical Failures but Poor Soldering
Indium TAC023, Hot Air
Exposed Gold
10Good Soldering
2.6 mil
Almit BM1-RMA-NC, Hot 985 ppm Oxygen
Indium TAC023, Cool Air
Kester R903, Cool Air
11Fluxes that Exhibited Good Soldering
Hot Profile Peak 228C, end of soak 168C Cool
Profile Peak 210C, end of soak 152C
12Jet Dispensing of Liquid Fluxes for Flip Chip
Antonio Prats March 2002
13Jet Dispensing of Liquid Fluxes for Flip Chip
- In the past, spray fluxing of water-soluble or
no-clean liquid fluxes did not offer a robust
assembly process - It is time to re-evaluate liquid fluxes and look
at the Asymtek Dispense Jet process
14Jet Dispensing of Liquid Fluxes for Flip Chip
15Dispense Pattern for Jetted Flux
16Jet Dispensing of Liquid Fluxes for Flip Chip
- Some Fluxes Volatilize Quickly
- Only one leaves behind a tacky film (Alpha Metals
9171) - The rest leave a non-tacky film that does not
hold a flip chip in place - Other Fluxes Do Not
- These fluxes remain fluid through die placement
17List of Liquid Fluxes That Were Evaluated
Volatile fluxes are those which dried before
the die could be placed. The other fluxes
remained liquid for die placement.
18Air Reflow ProfilesFluxes Showed No Preference
19Residue and Some Bridging with Liquid Fluxes
Indium FC-NC-LT-B, 1010 ppm Oxygen
Almit BM1-RMA-5000, cool air
20Alpha Metals 9171Flux Residue Varies from
Excessive to Very Little
- A good liquid flux will
- Promote good soldering without solder bridges
- Hold the die in place through reflow
- By remaining liquid or
- By volatilizing and leaving behind a sufficiently
tacky film - Not leave excessive amounts of residue
- We should be able to dispense less flux, and see
what effect that has upon the amount of residue - At this time, we have no information on underfill
compatibility with these fluxes. This will be
very important.