Title: All About [Your Animal]
1All AboutYour Animal
Insert Picture Here
NOTE TO TEACHERS Have students use the Find and
Replace feature to change the words Your Animal
to the actual name of the animal in their
presentation. Remind them that if the animals
name starts with a vowel they must change a to
- By
- Your Name
- Your Teachers Name
- Your Grade
2All About Your Animal
- Write an introductory
- paragraph about your animal. Be sure to include
at least one interesting fact. (For example, a
lion spends about 20 hours a day just lying
around.) -
3The Classification of Your Animal
- Write a paragraph about the different types of
animals. State whether your animal is a
vertebrate or an invertebrate.
4The Habitat of Your Animal
- Write a paragraph about your animals habitat.
State whether it is an aquatic habitat or a land
5Food Preferences of Your Animal
- Write a paragraph about the food preferences of
your animal here. State whether it is a herbivore
or a carnivore.
6A Your AnimalsEarly Stages of Life
- Write a paragraph about your animals early
stages of life. What is your animal called when
it is a baby? How long does it stay with its
7The Survival of Your Animal
- Write a paragraph about how your animal survives.
Be sure to state how it adapts to its environment.
8An Interesting Fact AboutYour Animal
- Write a concluding paragraph about your animal.
Include an interesting fact about your animal.