Intersubject Normalization for Group Analyses in fMRI - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Intersubject Normalization for Group Analyses in fMRI


Jody Culham Department of Psychology University of Western Ontario Intersubject Normalization for Group Analyses in fMRI – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Intersubject Normalization for Group Analyses in fMRI

Intersubject Normalizationfor Group Analyses in
Jody Culham Department of Psychology University
of Western Ontario
Last Update November 29, 2008 fMRI Course,
Louvain, Belgium
Brains are Heterogeneous
Slide from Duke course
How can we define regions?
  • Talairach coordinates
  • Example The FFA is at x 40, y -55, z -10
  • Anatomical localization
  • Example The FFA is in the right fusiform gyrus
    at the level of the occipitotemporal junction
  • Functional localization
  • Example The FFA includes all voxels around the
    fusiform gyrus that are activated by the
    comparison between faces and objects

Kanwisher, McDermott Chun, 1997, J Neurosci
Talairach Coordinate System
  • Talairach Tournoux, 1988
  • made an atlas based on one brain
  • any brain can be squished or stretched to fit
    hers and locations can be described using a 3D
    coordinate system (x, y, z)

from an alcoholic old lady
Note Thats TalAIRach, not TAILarach!
Rotate brain into ACPC plane
Find anterior commisure (AC)
Find posterior commisure (PC)
ACPC line horizontal axis
Note official Tal says to use top of AC and
bottom of PC but I suspect few people actually do
Source Duvernoy, 1999
Deform brain into Talairach space
  • Mark 8 points in the brain
  • anterior commisure
  • posterior commisure
  • front
  • back
  • top
  • bottom (of temporal lobe)
  • left
  • right

Extract 3 coordinates
Do We need a Tarailalch Atras?
Smoothing and Averaging
Large activations across multiple subjects are
more likely to show common activation than small
ones --gt Need to smooth (esp. for RFX analyses)
UNDER CONSTRUCTION Need to make a slide that
shows this with real data
Talairach Pros and Cons
  • Advantages
  • widespread system
  • allows averaging of fMRI data between subjects
  • allows researchers to compare activation foci
  • relatively easy to use
  • Disadvantages
  • not appropriate for all brains (e.g., Japanese
    brains dont fit well)
  • activation foci can vary considerably other
    landmarks like sulci may be more reliable

MNI Space
  • Researchers at the Montreal Neurological
    Institute created a better template based on a
    morphed average of hundreds of brains (not just
    one brain like Talairach)
  • The MNI brain is more representative of average
    brain shape however, it does not provide
    Brodmann areas
  • The MNI alignment is more complex than Talairach
    SPM uses it but many software packages still use
  • CAVEAT The MNI and Talairach coordinate are
    similar but not identical -- careful comparison
    requires a transformation

Source http//
Left is what?!!!
Note Make sure you know what your magnet and
software are doing before publishing left/right
Note If youre really unsure which side is
which, tape a vitamin E capsule to the one side
of the subjects head. It will show up on the
anatomical image.
Brodmanns Areas
Brodmann (1905) Based on cytoarchitectonics
study of differences in cortical layers between
areas Most common delineation of cortical
areas More recent schemes subdivide Brodmanns
areas into many smaller regions Monkey and human
Brodmanns areas not necessarily homologous
Anatomical LocalizationSulci and Gyri
gray/white border
pial surface
Source Ludwig Klingler, 1956, in Tamraz
Comair, 2000
Variability of Sulci
Source Szikla et al., 1977, in Tamraz Comair,
Variability of Functional Areas
  • Watson et al., 1995
  • - motion-selective area, MT (V5) is quite
    variable in stereotaxic space
  • however, the area is quite consistent in its
    location relative to sulci
  • junction of inferior temporal sulcus and lateral
    occipital sulcus
  • see also Dumoulin et al., 2000

Cortical Surfaces
segment gray-white matter boundary
inflate cortical surface
render cortical surface
sulci concave dark gray gyri convex light
  • Advantages
  • surfaces are topologically more accurate
  • alignment across sessions and experiments allows
    task comparisons

Cortical Inflation Movie
Movie unfoldorig.mpeg http//
eno/unfoldorig.mpg Source Marty Serenos web
Cortical Flattening
2) make cuts along the medial surface (Note,
one cut typically goes along the fundus of the
calcarine sulcus though in this example the cut
was placed below)
1) inflate the brain
3) unfold the medial surface so the cortical
surface lies flat
4) correct for the distortions so that the true
cortical distances are preseved
Source Brain Voyager Getting Started Guide
Spherical Averaging
Future directions of fMRI Use cortical surface
mapping coordinates Inflate the brain into a
sphere Use sulci and/or functional areas to match
subjects data to template Cite latitude
longitude of spherical coordinates
Movie brain2ellipse.mpeg http//
sereno/coord1.mpg Source Marty Serenos web page
Source Fischl et al., 1999
Spherical Averaging
Source MIT HST583 online course notes
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