Title: ESYCOM 5 avril 2005 C. R. 1
1 Origin of ESYCOM 2 Configuration of
ESYCOM 3 An example of item Microwave
Photonics 4 Synthesis and prospects
31 Origin of ESYCOM
- 1994 Master High Frequency Communication
Systems, - cooperation UMLV, CNAM, ESIEE, INT Evry
- 1996 High Frequency Electronics Pole with CNAM,
ESIEE, UMLV in Marne la Vallée - Jan. 2000 Label for 2 years as Equipe
daccueil by french Research Ministry under the
name Equipe Systèmes de Communication, ESYCOM - Jan. 2002 new label for 2 years
41 Origin of ESYCOM
- in 2003 association with MEMS team of ESIEE
- gt Equipe Systèmes de Communication et
Microsystèmes, ESYCOM - Jan. 2004 label for 2 years
- Oct. 2005 cooperation with french CNRS in a
Groupement dIntérêt - Scientifique
- Oct. 2005 label for 4 years (2006-2009)
52 Configuration of ESYCOM
Research items
- Electromagnetism and applications, UMLV, ESIEE
- Digital wireless communications, ESIEE
- Microsystems and microtechnologies, ESIEE, CNAM,
UMLV - Photonics and microwaves, CNAM, ESIEE, UMLV
High Frequency Measurements
- Antennas, Propagation and EMC, UMLV
- Characterisation of circuits and digital
communication systems in microwaves and optics,
ESIEE - Photonics and microwave characterisation, CNAM
MEMS technology, ESIEE
62 Configuration of ESYCOM
Research items
1 - Electromagnetism and applications UMLV,
ESIEE - Numerical computations for
electromagnetism - Antennas and networks -
EMC, propagation and mastering of hertzian
channel 2 Digital Wireless Communications
ESIEE - Transmitter/Receiver architectures -
Signal and image coding 3 - Microsystems (MEMS)
and technology ESIEE, CNAM, UMLV - Sensors,
actuators and associated electronics - RF and
optical MEMS 4 - Photonics and microwaves CNAM,
ESIEE, UMLV - Microwave circuits and links in
optics - Photonics and microwave components
72 Configuration of ESYCOM
- 4 research items
- 34 teachers-researchers
- 29 Ph D
- 5 technicians/engineers
- 15 Ph D passed since 2000
- 3 measurement equipments
- MEMS technology
82 Configuration of ESYCOM
Human resources
Teachers- researchers Ph D Technic. Techno Technic. Engin.
UMLV 9 9 1
CNAM 4 4 0,2
ESIEE 21 16 2,5 (8) 1,2
ESYCOM 34 29 2,5 (8) 2,4
92 Configuration of ESYCOM
29 Ph D T1 French research ministry
funding T2 Cifre funding T3 R/D
contracts T4 Foreign affairs ministry, foreign
government funding T5 Institutions or industry
funding T6 Others
102 Configuration of ESYCOM
Main activities
- European network of excellence Network of
Excellence in broadband - Fiber Radio Techniques and its Integration
Technologies NEFERTITI - European network of excellence Antenna Center
of Excellence ACE -
- 3 french RNRT (National Research Network in
Telecommunications) contracts - 3 ANVAR contracts
- 1 CNES contract
- 1 CNRS contract
- 1 ACI Ville contract
- etc
112 Configuration of ESYCOM
- Main activities
- Organisation of Europan Microwave Week in Oct.
2000 in Paris La Défense - 3 conferences, 11 workshops, 3 short courses, 1
exhibition - 2000 registrations conf. and workshops, 1300
visitors of exhibition, - 38 countries
- Organisation of 3 Summer Schools on RF and
Microwave Systems - - Sept. 2001 Architectures for RF systems
(ESIEE) - - Sept. 2002 Mastering of hertzian channel with
several communication systems (UMLV) - - March 2004 Advanced design of MMICs for
millimeter waves, photonic and multifunction
applications (CNAM)
122 Configuration of ESYCOM
Item 1 Electroma-gnetism Item 2 Wireless communic. Item 3 Microsyst.-microtechno Item 4 Microwave photonics Total
Scientific books 2 3 5 6 16
Transactions 22 11 16 5 54
Conferences 48 50 59 28 175
Patents 3 4 6 2 15
Ph D 4 5 5 6 20
133 An example of item microwave photonics
- 3 professors, 2 lecturers, 4 passed Ph D,
- 5 Ph D, 5 Engineer diploma memoires
- Why microwave photonic links?
- Signal distribution in phased array antennas
- commercial satellites or military planes. A few
metres. - Radio over fiber. Few km for microwaves over
optics and a few tens of meters for hertzian
microwave link - Optical distribution of a signal in very high
bit rate electronic systems. A few m or a few
tens of m.
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19- Establishment of a library of models to simulate
a complete - microwave photonic link with a non linear
frequency domain simulator - ( ADS). Many simulations in gain, noise and non
linearities of - microwave photonic links (3 CNAM memoires part
of a thesis) - ESYCOM Thales Airborne Systems
20Microwave optical links
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26- Opto amplifier at 30 GHz with InP/GaInAs
heterojunction - phototransistors (HPT) (Ph D)
- Design ESYCOM with our HPT models
- Technology OPTO Marcoussis
- Measurements LEST Brest
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283 An example of item microwave photonics
Circuits for microwave photonic links
- Broad band distributed preamplifier 0,2 to 20
GHz for photodiode - (CNAM memoire)
- Design ESYCOM Ferdinand Braun Institut für
- Höchstfrequenztechnik Berlin
- Technology UMS Orsay-Ulm
- Measurements ESYCOM
293 An example of item microwave photonics
Circuits for microwave photonic links
- Modulator (up converter) at 30 GHz (Ph D
patent) - Design ESYCOM
- Technology HFET UMS Orsay-Ulm
- Measurement ESYCOM
303 An example of item microwave photonics
Circuits for microwave photonic links
- Frequency tripler 12,66-38 GHz (Ph D)
- Design ESYCOM
- HFET technology OMMIC Limeil Brévanne
- Measurements ESYCOM Agilent Palo Alto
- Chipset for transmitter and receiver of UWB
signals (3,6-10,7 GHz) - (Ph D)
- Design ESYCOM
- Technology UMS Orsay-Ulm
- Measurements ESYCOM ENSTA Paris
31Monocycle wavelet generator
Generation of monocycle pulses with differential
pairs of transistors
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333 An example of item microwave photonics
Microwave photonic components
- InP/GaInAs heterojunction phototransistor (HPT)
(Ph D) - Numerical and physical simulations of
semiconductor - devices in finite differences ESYCOM
- Measuremens OPTO Marcoussis, LEST Brest,
ESYCOM - New concepts (optoelectronic S parameters) for
optoelectronic modelling of a HPT ESYCOM
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37HPT large signal model
- modulated light
- microwave response
- noise
- thermal behaviour
383 An example of item microwave photonics
Microwave photonic components
- Si/SiGe phototransistor (Ph D)
- Physical simulation and design ESYCOM
- Technology Atmel Heilbronn through Université
of Ulm - Microwave measurements IEF Orsay
- Optoelectronic measurements ESYCOM
- First world result for a Si/SiGe HPT
- Comparison with other teams in the world
(Germany, France, - Israel, Taïwan, USA) in a workshop organised by
ESYCOM in - Budapest in Sept. 2003 in association with an
IEEE Topical Meeting - on Microwave Photonics
- For a Si/SiGe HPT, a team of the University of
Taïwan began with a - MQW structure and recently switched to our
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42- Improving the frequency response of Si/SiGe PTH
by a focalisation of - optical absorption in the base by optimisation of
optical wavelength (Ph D) - Physical simulations ESYCOM
- Future technology Atmel Heilbronn through
University of Ulm -
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45- Improving the responsivity of a Si/SiGe by
insertion in a horizontal - optical cavity constituted of adjustable Bragg
reflectors (Ph D) - Optimisation of the number of blades of the
Bragg reflector to - improve absorption ESYCOM
- MEMS Si technology for Bragg reflectors ESYCOM
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483 An example of item microwave photonics
Microwave photonic components
- Study of a phase shifter constituted of two
coupled optical cavities - realized with Bragg reflectors (Ph D)
- Design of adjustable micro-photonic circuit
- Future realization with a MEMS technology on Si
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524 Synthesis and prospects
- Microwave photonic item
- First realization of a Si/SiGe microwave HPT
- Necessity to have an access to different
technologies Atmel Ulm, OPTO Marcoussis, OMMIC
Limeil Brévanne, UMS Orsay-Ulm - Direct acces to ESIEE MEMS Si technology for
micro-photonic circuits - Measurements realized in Brest, Orsay, Marne la
Vallée and Paris - ESYCOM
- Many contacts with other items of ESYCOM
- Also contacts with other microwave photonics
teams in Paris (Paris VI)