Title: The Great Midwestern PM2.5 Episode of February 2005
1The Great Midwestern PM2.5 Episode of February
- A compendium of data from the LADCO ftp site
- Compiled by Donna Kenski
- from data contributed by
- Rudy Husar, Wash. Univ Matthew Harrell, Ill
EPA Neal Conatser, Mich. DEQ Bob Swinford, Ill.
EPA and Jay Turner, Wash. Univ.
2Combined Aerosol Trajectory Tool CATT
- Indicates the origin of air masses for specific
aerosol condition - MANE-VU MRPO
Fast Aerosol Sensing Tools for Natural Event
Tracking FASTNET
Demonstration of tools and procedures for natural
event characterization NESCAUM
Tools in support of Inter-RPO Data Analysis
3Combined Aerosol Trajectory Tool (CATT)
- Example Airmass origin for high (2.5average)
Boundary Waters
Doly Sods
Lye Brook
Smoky Mtn.
Triangulation indicates nitrate source in the
corn belt
4 FASTNETInter-RPO pilot project, through
NESCAUM, 2004Web-based data, tools for
community useBuilt on DataFed infra-structure,
NSF, NASAProject fate depends on sponsor, user
5Datasets Used in FASTNET
Near Real Time Data Integration Delayed Data
Integration Surface Air Quality AIRNOW O3,
PM25 ASOS_STI Visibility, 300
sites METAR Visibility, 1200 sites VIEWS_OL 40
Aerosol Parameters Satellite MODIS_AOT AOT, Idea
Project GASP Reflectance, AOT TOMS Absorption
Indx, Refl. SEAW_US Reflectance, AOT Model
Output NAAPS Dust, Smoke, Sulfate,
AOT WRF Sulfate Fire Data HMS_Fire Fire
Pixels MODIS_Fire Fire Pixels Surface
Meteorology RADAR NEXTRAD SURF_MET Temp, Dewp,
Humidity SURF_WIND Wind vectors ATAD Trajector
y, VIEWS locs.
- Data are accessed from autonomous, distributed
providers - DataFed wrappers provide uniform geo-time
referencing - Tools allow space/time overlay, comparisons and
6Some of the Tools Used in FASTNET
Consoles Data from diverse sources are displayed
to create a rich context for exploration and
Viewer General purpose spatio-temporal data
browser and view editor applicable for all
DataFed datasets
CATT Combined Aerosol Trajectory Tool for the
browsing backtrajectories for specified chemical
- Data Catalog
- Data Browser
- PlumeSim, Animator
- Combined Aerosol Trajectory Tool (CATT)
7Midwest HazeCam Image ConsoleImage Archive and
Other FASTNET Consoles
Select date and time
Set image size and time
MW HazeCam Console
Midwest HazeCam Image Browser
- Hourly Midwest HazeCam Images are archived by
DataFed data access system - Archived images for all cameras can be browsed
through this console - HazeCam URL for a day http//www.datafed.net/cons
300datetime2005-01-31T130000 - URL for a site and day http//webapps.datafed.net
ti.jpg - URLs can be embedded as links into emails,
bookmarks, web pages, PPT and PDF files.
8Midwest HazeCam ImagesJan 27-Feb 3, 2005
- The images were part of the Midwest HazeCam
Console of FASTNET project.
9PM25, RHBext, Temperature Pattern
From Rudy Husar
Jan.24, 2005
Jan.25, 2005
Jan.26, 2005
Jan.27, 2005
Jan.28, 2005
Jan.29, 2005
Jan.30, 2005
Jan.31, 2005
Feb. 1, 2005
Feb. 2, 2005
Feb. 3, 2005
Feb. 4, 2005
Feb. 5, 2005
Feb. 6, 2005
11Regional Average PM25 Concentration
PatternBased on AIRNOW
0502 PM Event
Midwest Region
- Compared to past PM25 events, since 2003 the 0502
event was - Lower peak concentration (40 ug/m3 avg) than the
yearly July 4 spikes (gt55 ug/m3 avg) - Much longer (10 days) than the July 4 spikes (2-3
hours) - The event time integral was 2x higher than the
largest summer events
12Regional Average PM25 Concentration
PatternBased on AIRNOW
0502 PM Event
- Time pattern of the 0502 Event
- The overall event lasted about 10 days, Jan
28-February 7 - The Upper Midwest peaked first (Jan 31-Feb 2)
Industrial MW later (Feb 3 6) - The Industrial MW region show more diurnal
variation (lowest in the mid-afternoon)
13NOAA GASP GOES Satellite Aerosol Optical
Feb 04 2005
Feb 05 2005
Feb 03 2005
Feb 07 2005
14MODIS Satellite AOD IDEA ProjectJan 28-Feb 9
15WRF PM25 Model
16NRL NAAPS Aerosol Forecast Model
Aerosol Bext Data
- NRL model
- Surface Bext
- Overlay
- Problem humidity correction
Feb 2, 2005
Jan 30, 2005
Jan 31, 2005
Feb 1, 2005
18(No Transcript)
19Over the Upper Midwest, between Feb. 15-19, the
dew point temperature increased from 20 to 30
F Similarly, the temperature rose from 10 to
40 F. the over four days, causing a rapid taw
through out the region
Interestingly, the rise in aerosol Bext during
Feb 16-19 coincided with the rising temperatures
and humidity. Is there a causality?? Possible
nitrate release?
20Real-time Surface Meteorology provided a rich met
context.Link to the Animation of the period Feb
21Monthly Nitrate, VIEWS 2000-2003
22FASTNET Report 0409FebMystHaze
Mystery Winter Haze Natural? Nitrate/Sulfate?
AIRNOW PM25 - February
Contributed by the FASNET Community, Sep.
2004 Correspondence to R Husar , R Poirot
Coordination Support by Inter-RPO WG Fast
Aerosol Sensing Tools for Natural Event Tracking,
FASTNET NSF Collaboration Support for Aerosol
Event Analysis NASA REASON Coop EPA -OAQPS
23Secondary MP25 Peak in February-March
Sulfate-driven Jul-Aug peak
Feb-Mar peak, of unknown origin
- The AIRNOW PM25 data are available real-time for
300 stations since July 2002. - The 30-day smoothing of the average hourly data
shows the Eastern US PM25 seasonality - The seasonal pattern shows the summertime sulfate
peak and a second Feb/Mar peak - The the existence, characteristics and origin of
this regional peak is not known - The objective of effort is to characterize this
mysterious phenomenon over the EUS - The approach is to seek out the community as a
resource for collaborative analysis
24Seasonal PM25 by Region
- The 30-day smoothing average shows the
seasonality by region - The Feb/Mar PM25 peak is evident for the
Northeast, Great Lakes and Great Plains - This secondary peak is absent in the South and
25FRM PM25 Monthly Concentration
EPA AIRS 1999-2002
- Monthly average FRM PM25 are shown as circle and
contour (Blue 0 Red 25 mg/m3) - The Feb/Mar peak is clearly evident in the
Midwest region also in January - Hence, there is some deviation in peak location
and time among the networks
26Satellite Data POLDER Aerosol Polarization Index
Dauze et. al, 2001
- The (short-lived, Nov 96-Jun97) POLDER satellite
sensor measured the of aerosol polarization,
which is sensitive to fine particles, lt 1 mm - For Jan-Mar the data show a strong aerosol signal
over the Upper Midwest and adjacent Canada - Skeptics have attributed the anomalous aerosol
zone to interferences such as snowy ground
reflectance - In light of the recent ground-based PM25
monitoring data, the early (1997) POLDER results
deserve full attention
27(No Transcript)
28(No Transcript)
29Seasonal Pattern of Dust Baseline and Events
- The dust baseline concentration is has a 5x
seasonal amplitude from 0.2 to 1 ug/m3 - The dust events (determined by the spike filter)
occur in April/May and in July - The two April/May and the July peak in avg. dust
is due to the events
30Seasonal Average Fine Soil (VIEWS database,
- Fine soil concentration is highest in the summer
over Mississippi Valley, lowest in the winter - In the spring, high concentrations also exists in
the arid Southwest (Arizona and Texas) - Evidently, the summer Mississippi Valley peak is
Sahara dust while the Spring peak is from local
31TOMS and VIEWS, July
- TOMS Dust plume from Sahara
- VIEWS SOILf in July Sahara dust plume
penetrating the continent
32Origin of Fine Dust Events over the US
Gobi dust in spring Sahara in summer
Fine Dust Events, 1992-2003
Fine dust events over the US are mainly from
intercontinental transport
33PM Event Detection from Time Series
Event Deviation gt xpercentile
- Contributed by the FASNET Community, Sep. 2004
- Correspondence to R Husar , R Poirot
- Coordination Support by
- Inter-RPO WG Fast Aerosol Sensing Tools for
Natural Event Tracking, FASTNET - NSF Collaboration Support for Aerosol Event
Analysis - NASA REASON Coop
34Temporal Analysis
- The time series for typical monitoring data are
messy the signal variation occurs at various
scales and the time pattern at each scale is
different - Inherently, aerosol events are spikes in the time
series of monitoring data but extracting the
spikes from the noisy data is a challenging
Typical time series of daily AIRNOW PM25 over the
Northeastern US
- The temporal signal can be meaningfully
decomposed into a - Seasonal component with stable periodic pattern
- Random variation with white noise pattern
- Spikes or events that are more random in
frequency and magnitude - Each signal component is caused by different
combination of the key processes emission,
transport, transformations and removal
35Temporal Signal Decomposition and Event Detection
EUS Daily Average
50-ile, 30 day 50-ile smoothing
- First, the median and average is obtained over a
region for each hour/day (thin blue line) - Next, the data are temporally smoothed by a 30
day moving window (spatial median - red line
spatial mean heavy blue line). These determine
the seasonal pattern.
Event Deviation gt xpercentile
Deviation from -ile
- Finally, the hourly/daily deviation from the the
smooth median is used to determine the noise
(blue) and event (red) components
Mean Seasonal Conc.
Median Seasonal Conc.
36Causes of Temporal Variation by Region
- The temporal signal variation is decomposable
into seasonal, meteorological noise and events - Assuming statistical independence, the three
components are additive - V2Total V2Season V2MetNoise V2Event
- The signal components have been determined for
each region to assess the differences
Northeast exhibits the largest coeff. variation
(56) seasonal, noise and events each at
30 Southeast is the least variable region (35),
with virtually no contribution from
events Southwest, Northwest, S. Cal. and Great
Lakes/Plains show 40-50 coeff. variation mostly,
due to seasonal and meteorological
noise. Interestingly, the noise is about 30 in
all regions, while the events vary much more,
37Composition of Eastern US Events
- The bar-graph shows the various combinations of
species-events that produce Reconstructed Fine
Mass (RCFM) events - Composition is defined in terms of
co-occurrence of multi-species events (not by
average mass composition) - The largest EUS RCFM events are simultaneously
events (spikes) in sulfate, organics and soil! - Some EUS RCFM events are events in single
species, e.g. 7-Jul-97 (OC), 21-Jun-97 (Soil)
Based on VIEWS data
38Application of Automatic Event DetectionA
Trigger and Screening Tool
- The algorithmic aerosol detection and
characterization provides only limited
information about events - However, it can be used to trigger further action
during real-time monitoring of events - Also, automatic event quantification can be used
as a screening tool for the further analysis of
qualified events, e.g. the selection of natural
events from the total event pool
39Analysts Consoles for Event Characterization
- Analysts consoles deliver the state of the
aerosol, meteorology etc., automatically from
real-time monitoring data - Dozens of maps depict the spatial pattern using
dozens of surface and satellite-detected
parameters - The temporal pattern are presented on time series
for the regional average and for individual
stations - The following pages illustrate the 2004 EUS
events, through a subset of the monitored
parameters. - The event-presentation includes limited
interpretative comments the full interpretation
of this rich context is left to subsequent
communal analysis
Spatial Console
Temporal Console
40Feb 19 2004
- Isolated high PM25 occurs over the Midwest,
Northeast and Texas - The aerosol patches are evident in AIRNOWPM25,
ASOS and Fbext maps - The absence of TOMS signal indicates the lack of
smoke or dust at high elevation - The high surface wind speed over Texas, hints on
possible dust storm activity
- The NAAPS model shows high sulfate over the
Great Lakes, but no biomass smoke - Possible event causes nitrate in the Upper
Midwest and Northeast, sulfate around the Great
Lakes and dust over Texas
41Mar 25
- Broad, contiguous AIRNOW PM25 belt covers the
upper Midwest and the Northeast - The ASOS is moderate throughout, while the
surface FBExt is high over the U. Midwest - The absence of TOMS signal indicates the lack of
smoke or dust at high elevation - The surface winds indicates war air transport
from the Gulf to the U Midwest
- NAAPS shows high sulfate over the Great Lakes,
but no biomass smoke or dust - Possible causes nitrate in the Upper Midwest
and sulfate around the Great Lakes
42Apr 18
- This modest episode stretches from Wisconsin over
Pennsylvania to the Mid-Atlantic States - The ASOS is high over the Great Lakes and the
surface FBExt is high over the U. Midwest - TOMS shows smoke(?) over Mexico MODIS AOT is
moderate over the Mid-Atlantic - The surface winds indicate air transport from the
Gulf to the Upper Midwest
- NAAPS model indicates high sulfate over
Pennsylvania and smoke over the Midwest - Possible causes nitrate and smoke over the
Midwest, in the and sulfate around the Great Lakes
43Jun 6-8
- This intensive 3-day episode covers much of the
Eastern US - The AIRNOW, ASOS and Visibility FBext are all
elevated - TOMS shows smoke(?) over the Gulf and Mexico
MODIS AOT over the Northeast - The surface winds indicate stagnation over the EUS
- NAAPS model shows intense sulfate accumulation
over the industrial Illinois-New York . - Possible causes sulfate episode
44Jul 21-23
- This intensive 3-day episode covers much of the
Eastern US - The AIRNOW, ASOS and Visibility FBext are all
elevated - Extremely high MODIS AOT and GASP AOT values
cover the East Coast and Gulf Coast - The surface winds indicate stagnation over much
of the East Coast
- NAAPS model predicts elevated sulfate throughout
the Eastern US. - Possible causes sulfate episode
45Aug 18
- This episode has an intensive region in the
Northeast and another in the Southeastern US - The AIRNOW, ASOS and Visibility all show similar
location of elevated aerosol - Highest MODIS AOT and GASP AOT values occur over
the Northeast - The surface winds indicate stagnation over the
southeastern EUS
- NAAPS model predicts high sulfate in the
Northeast and biomass smoke over the Southeast - Possible causes sulfate episode in the
Northeast, smoke and sulfate in the Southeast(?)
46Sep 4
- A single strong aerosol blob cover the Midwest
- The AIRNOW PM25, ASOS and Fbext maps all show a
consistent spatial pattern - The MODIS AOT confirms the Midwestern haze the
GASP AOT peaks further south - The surface winds are low over much of the EUS
- NAAPS model also predicts a sulfate blob over
the Midwest without significant smoke or dust - Possible causes sulfate episode from stagnation
over the source region
47Aerosol Event Catalog Web pages
- Catalog of generic web objects pages, images,
animations that relate to aerosol events - Each web object is cataloged by location, time
and aerosol type.
48CATT Software Components and Data Flow
- The CATT software consists of two rather
independent components - Chemical filter component. This component is
accomplished through queries to chemical data
sets. The output of this step is a list of
qualified dates for a specific receptor
location. - Trajectory aggregator component. This
component receives the list of dates for a
specific location and performs the trajectory
aggregation, residence time calculation and other
spatial operations to yield a transport pattern
for specific receptor location and chemical
49Average Concentration of Different Species
-DKenski Metricyou guess the species ?
50OCf Concentration Field (DKenski Metric)
Avg. 98 Percentile
Avg. 95 Percentile
Avg. 90 Percentile
Avg. 80 Percentile
Average, All Data
51Sulfate Transport Pattern on 2004-07-20
All Data
SO4 gt 15
SO4 gt 5
52Sulfate Transport to BIBE, GRSM and LYBR
All Data
80-100 Percentile
0-20 Percentile
Big Bend, TX
Great Smoky, TN
Lynbrook, VT
53Incremental Transport Probability
54Seasonal Incremental Probability
55Secular Changes 1988-94 1995-2000