1Relevant IndicatorsA Cross-Disciplinary
Indexing Tool?
- Examples from Mythological Thinking
- Frog
- University of Helsinki
- Transcultural Contacts in the Circum-Baltic
Area - 2nd Meeting of the Austmarr Network
- 8th10th June 2012, Helsinki, Finland
2Relevant Indicator as a Term
- Viking Age in Finland project
3Relevant Indicator as a Term
- Viking Age in Finland project
- Proposed by Lassi Heininen
- Perspective of Geopolitics
4Relevant Indicator as a Term
- Viking Age in Finland project
- Proposed by Lassi Heininen
- Perspective of Geopolitics
- Problem of data from diverse disciplines
- Relating a plurality of data
- Identifying data as relevant
5Relevant Indicator as a Term
- Viking Age in Finland project
- Proposed by Lassi Heininen
- Perspective of Geopolitics
- Problem of data from diverse disciplines
- Relating a plurality of data
- Identifying data as relevant
- An indexing strategy
- Correlating markers of continuity or change
6Relevant Indicator as a Term
- Viking Age in Finland project
- Proposed by Lassi Heininen
- Perspective of Geopolitics
- Problem of data from diverse disciplines
- Relating a plurality of data
- Identifying data as relevant
- An indexing strategy
- Correlating markers of continuity or change
- Two benefits
- Allows ambiguity
- Specific relevance may remain unresolved
- Markers may be indicators of several things
7Relevant Indicator as a Term
- Still preliminary
- Only a few trying to use this as a tool
- Focus on indicators of change
- Something different in one period than in another
- Focus on groups and social processes
8Relevant Indicator as a Term
- Still preliminary
- Only a few trying to use this as a tool
- Focus on indicators of change
- Something different in one period than in another
- Focus on groups and social processes
- Potential indexing tool for a database
- Problem of data from diverse disciplines
- Navigating a plurality of data
9Relevant Indicator as a Term
- Still preliminary
- Only a few trying to use this as a tool
- Focus on indicators of change
- Something different in one period than in another
- Focus on groups and social processes
- Potential indexing tool for a database
- Problem of data from diverse disciplines
- Navigating a plurality of data
- Three aspect model?
- Semiotics conceptual systems social practices
10Relevant Indicator as a Term
- Still preliminary
- Only a few trying to use this as a tool
- Focus on indicators of change
- Something different in one period than in another
- Focus on groups and social processes
- Potential indexing tool for a database
- Problem of data from diverse disciplines
- Navigating a plurality of data
- Three aspect model?
- Semiotics conceptual systems social practices
- Diachronic processes systemic models of change
- Synchronic systems ethnocultural substrata
11Is Relevant Indicator too Vague?
- Problems in earlier research
- Interpretations too concrete and/or absolute
- Observations in data could still be valid
12Is Relevant Indicator too Vague?
- Problems in earlier research
- Interpretations too concrete and/or absolute
- Observations in data could still be valid
- Undeveloped understandings of cultural processes
- Linguistics / phonetics, material culture,
folklore, literature
13Is Relevant Indicator too Vague?
- Problems in earlier research
- Interpretations too concrete and/or absolute
- Observations in data could still be valid
- Undeveloped understandings of cultural processes
- Linguistics / phonetics, material culture,
folklore, literature - Ways of thinking about material
14Is Relevant Indicator too Vague?
- Problems in earlier research
- Interpretations too concrete and/or absolute
- Observations in data could still be valid
- Undeveloped understandings of cultural processes
- Linguistics / phonetics, material culture,
folklore, literature - Ways of thinking about material
- Ideal models versus variation
- Reconstruction and (anachronistic)
15Is Relevant Indicator too Vague?
- Problems in earlier research
- Interpretations too concrete and/or absolute
- Observations in data could still be valid
- Undeveloped understandings of cultural processes
- Linguistics / phonetics, material culture,
folklore, literature - Ways of thinking about material
- Ideal models versus variation
- Reconstruction and (anachronistic)
interpretation - Isolated cultural phenomena from social practices
- What but not why
16Is Relevant Indicator too Vague?
- Problems in earlier research
- Interpretations too concrete and/or absolute
- Observations in data could still be valid
- Undeveloped understandings of cultural processes
- Linguistics / phonetics, material culture,
folklore, literature - Ways of thinking about material
- Ideal models versus variation
- Reconstruction and (anachronistic)
interpretation - Isolated cultural phenomena from social practices
- What but not why
- Isolated phenomena from one another
- Versus cumulative indicators
- Versus systemic modelling
17Is Relevant Indicator too Vague?
- Depends what we want it to do
- Does not
- Distinguish indicator as cause, consequence
or symptom - Necessarily define or classify indicator
- Distinguish indicator as exclusive
18Is Relevant Indicator too Vague?
- Depends what we want it to do
- Does not
- Distinguish indicator as cause, consequence
or symptom - Necessarily define or classify indicator
- Distinguish indicator as exclusive
- Allows (indicator of)
- Marking as significant without resolution
- Multiple indexing brooch from Uppåkra
19Is Relevant Indicator too Vague?
- Depends what we want it to do
- Does not
- Distinguish indicator as cause, consequence
or symptom - Necessarily define or classify indicator
- Distinguish indicator as exclusive
- Allows (indicator of)
- Marking as significant without resolution
- Multiple indexing brooch from Uppåkra
- Technology,
20Is Relevant Indicator too Vague?
- Depends what we want it to do
- Does not
- Distinguish indicator as cause, consequence
or symptom - Necessarily define or classify indicator
- Distinguish indicator as exclusive
- Allows (indicator of)
- Marking as significant without resolution
- Multiple indexing brooch from Uppåkra
- Technology, trade,
21Is Relevant Indicator too Vague?
- Depends what we want it to do
- Does not
- Distinguish indicator as cause, consequence
or symptom - Necessarily define or classify indicator
- Distinguish indicator as exclusive
- Allows (indicator of)
- Marking as significant without resolution
- Multiple indexing brooch from Uppåkra
- Technology, trade, economics,
22Is Relevant Indicator too Vague?
- Depends what we want it to do
- Does not
- Distinguish indicator as cause, consequence
or symptom - Necessarily define or classify indicator
- Distinguish indicator as exclusive
- Allows (indicator of)
- Marking as significant without resolution
- Multiple indexing brooch from Uppåkra
- Technology, trade, economics, gender,
23Is Relevant Indicator too Vague?
- Depends what we want it to do
- Does not
- Distinguish indicator as cause, consequence
or symptom - Necessarily define or classify indicator
- Distinguish indicator as exclusive
- Allows (indicator of)
- Marking as significant without resolution
- Multiple indexing brooch from Uppåkra
- Technology, trade, economics, gender,
- social structures,
24Is Relevant Indicator too Vague?
- Depends what we want it to do
- Does not
- Distinguish indicator as cause, consequence
or symptom - Necessarily define or classify indicator
- Distinguish indicator as exclusive
- Allows (indicator of)
- Marking as significant without resolution
- Multiple indexing brooch from Uppåkra
- Technology, trade, economics, gender,
- social structures, contacts,
25Is Relevant Indicator too Vague?
- Depends what we want it to do
- Does not
- Distinguish indicator as cause, consequence
or symptom - Necessarily define or classify indicator
- Distinguish indicator as exclusive
- Allows (indicator of)
- Marking as significant without resolution
- Multiple indexing brooch from Uppåkra
- Technology, trade, economics, gender,
- social structures, contacts, historical
- continuity,
26Is Relevant Indicator too Vague?
- Depends what we want it to do
- Does not
- Distinguish indicator as cause, consequence
or symptom - Necessarily define or classify indicator
- Distinguish indicator as exclusive
- Allows (indicator of)
- Marking as significant without resolution
- Multiple indexing brooch from Uppåkra
- Technology, trade, economics, gender,
- social structures, contacts, historical
- continuity, mythology,
27Is Relevant Indicator too Vague?
- Depends what we want it to do
- Does not
- Distinguish indicator as cause, consequence
or symptom - Necessarily define or classify indicator
- Distinguish indicator as exclusive
- Allows (indicator of)
- Marking as significant without resolution
- Multiple indexing brooch from Uppåkra
- Technology, trade, economics, gender,
- social structures, contacts, historical
- continuity, mythology, mythological thinking,
28Is Relevant Indicator too Vague?
- Depends what we want it to do
- Does not
- Distinguish indicator as cause, consequence
or symptom - Necessarily define or classify indicator
- Distinguish indicator as exclusive
- Allows (indicator of)
- Marking as significant without resolution
- Multiple indexing brooch from Uppåkra
- Technology, trade, economics, gender,
- social structures, contacts, historical
- continuity, mythology, mythological thinking,
29Is Relevant Indicator too Vague?
- Depends what we want it to do
- Does not
- Distinguish indicator as cause, consequence
or symptom - Necessarily define or classify indicator
- Distinguish indicator as exclusive
- Allows (indicator of)
- Marking as significant without resolution
- Multiple indexing brooch from Uppåkra
- Technology, trade, economics, gender,
- social structures, contacts, historical
- continuity, mythology, mythological thinking,
fashion, etc.
30Is Relevant Indicator too Vague?
- Depends what we want it to do
- Does not
- Distinguish indicator as cause, consequence
or symptom - Necessarily define or classify indicator
- Distinguish indicator as exclusive
- Allows (indicator of)
- Marking as significant without resolution
- Multiple indexing brooch from Uppåkra
- Technology, trade, economics, gender,
- social structures, contacts, historical
- continuity, mythology, mythological thinking,
fashion, etc. - Semantic networks and conceptual modelling
- intersecting with socio-historical processes
31Problem Lack of Frameworks
- Etymologies
- Finnish äiti / Gothic aiþei ON (poetic) eiða
mother - Contacts, social structures not in Karelian
- Indicator must be placed in relation to others
32Problem Lack of Frameworks
- Etymologies
- Finnish äiti / Gothic aiþei ON (poetic) eiða
mother - Contacts, social structures not in Karelian
- Indicator must be placed in relation to others
- Developed models of phonetic history
- Model can be accurate although no individual case
is 100 certain
33Problem Lack of Frameworks
- Etymologies
- Finnish äiti / Gothic aiþei ON (poetic) eiða
mother - Contacts, social structures not in Karelian
- Indicator must be placed in relation to others
- Developed models of phonetic history
- Model can be accurate although no individual case
is 100 certain - Modelling systems lacking for other areas of
cultural expression - Different types and levels of signification
- More complex units
34Indicators and Change
- Narrative traditions
- ATU 1148b Theft of the Thunder-Instrument
- Baltic, Finnic, Germanic, Sámi (also early Greek)
35Indicators and Change
- Narrative traditions
- ATU 1148b Theft of the Thunder-Instrument
- Baltic, Finnic, Germanic, Sámi (also early Greek)
- Culture-specific forms
- Relates to dominant models of thunder
- Change outcomes of social negotiation
- Indicators of social negotiation and its causes
36Indicators and Change
- Narrative traditions
- ATU 1148b Theft of the Thunder-Instrument
- Baltic, Finnic, Germanic, Sámi (also early Greek)
- Culture-specific forms
- Relates to dominant models of thunder
- Change outcomes of social negotiation
- Indicators of social negotiation and its causes
- Only one case cf. äiti
37Indicators and Change
- Narrative traditions
- ATU 1148b Theft of the Thunder-Instrument
- Baltic, Finnic, Germanic, Sámi (also early Greek)
- Culture-specific forms
- Relates to dominant models of thunder
- Change outcomes of social negotiation
- Indicators of social negotiation and its causes
- Only one case cf. äiti
- Develop and correlate multiple and diverse models
for each cultures traditions
- Iron-working
- Indicators of significance from folklore
beleifs, narratives, images, cosmological models - Connected with god identified with thunder /
- Iron-working
- Indicators of significance from folklore
beleifs, narratives, images, cosmological models - Connected with god identified with thunder /
lightning-weapon - New Circum-Baltic fire-striker model
- Oval-shaped stones
- Technology changes
- Symbolic world adapts
- Iron-working
- Indicators of significance from folklore
beleifs, narratives, images, cosmological models - Connected with god identified with thunder /
lightning-weapon - New Circum-Baltic fire-striker model
- Oval-shaped stones
- Technology changes
- Symbolic world adapts
- Unto Salo
- Vulva-shaped
- Hieros gamos
41Developing Indexical Networks
- Unto Salo
- Vulva-shaped stones
- Hieros gamos
- Thunder responds to female sexuality
- Fire-striking lightning
- Indicators form context
42Developing Indexical Networks
- Migration Period change in fire-striker symbolics
(however interpreted) - Fire-steel becomes stylized
43Developing Indexical Networks
- Migration Period change in fire-striker symbolics
(however interpreted) - Fire-steel becomes stylized
- Salo argues bow as primary
- Connects to gods arrow
- (shape becomes ambiguous)
44Developing Indexical Networks
- Migration Period change in fire-striker symbolics
(however interpreted) - Fire-steel becomes stylized
- Salo argues bow as primary
- Connects to gods arrow
- (shape becomes ambiguous)
- Gods arrow common lightning-weapon
- Found across Northern Eurasia
- Not manifest in Germanic / not prominent in
Baltic (?) - Rainbow Gods Bow
45Developing Indexical Networks
- Migration Period change in fire-striker symbolics
(however interpreted) - Fire-steel becomes stylized
- Salo argues bow as primary
- Connects to gods arrow
- (shape becomes ambiguous)
- Gods arrow common lightning-weapon
- Found across Northern Eurasia
- Not manifest in Germanic / not prominent in
Baltic (?) - Rainbow Gods Bow
- Migration Period carried influences from he
steppe(?) - Cannot interpret in isolation
46Relevant Indicator as Tool
- Identifying elements as potentially significant
- Overviews of
- Networks of symbols, semantics and conceptual
47Relevant Indicator as Tool
- Identifying elements as potentially significant
- Overviews of
- Networks of symbols, semantics and conceptual
systems - Contextualizing phenomena
48Relevant Indicator as Tool
- Identifying elements as potentially significant
- Overviews of
- Networks of symbols, semantics and conceptual
systems - Contextualizing phenomena
- Patterns in diachronic processes
49Relevant Indicator as Tool
- Identifying elements as potentially significant
- Overviews of
- Networks of symbols, semantics and conceptual
systems - Contextualizing phenomena
- Patterns in diachronic processes
- Synchronic perspectives on different eras
50Relevant Indicator as Tool
- Identifying elements as potentially significant
- Overviews of
- Networks of symbols, semantics and conceptual
systems - Contextualizing phenomena
- Patterns in diachronic processes
- Synchronic perspectives on different eras
- An indexing tool
- Considerations for database