Title: Creating the Triple Bottom Line of Sustainable Developmen
1Creating the Triple Bottom Line of Sustainable
Development Healthier Economies, Communities and
- Debra Rowe, Ph.D.President
- U.S. Partnership for Education for Sustainable
Developmentwww.uspartnership.org Senior
FellowUniversity Leaders for a Sustainable
Futurewww.ulsf.orgCo-coordinator - Higher Education Associations Sustainability
Consortium - www.heasc.net
- Senior Advisor
- Association for the Advancement of Sustainability
in Higher Education - dgrowe_at_oaklandcc.edu
2- Part I What is Sustainable Development?
- Part II National Trends and Resources
- Part III Actions Required
- Part IV Next Steps
3Sustainable Development is often defined as
- meeting the needs of the present
- without compromising the ability of
- future generations to
- meet their own needs
- World Commission on Env. and Development.
(1987). Our Common Future. England Oxford
University Press. - Â
4 Social Justice
Flourishing Environment
Strong Economy
Sustainable Society
The Three Components of Sustainable
Development What Businesses call The Triple
Bottom Line
5The United Nations has declared a Decade of
Education for Sustainable Development2005-2014
6Education for a Sustainable Society enables
people to develop the knowledge, values and
skills to participate in decisions , that will
improve the quality of life now without damaging
the planet for the future.Â
Sustainable Communities
Public Choices and Behaviors-Laws
Applied Knowledge/ Technological Skills
Private Choices and Behaviors-Habits
Sustainable Economies
8Why Sustainability Now?
- We are the first generation capable of
determining the habitability of the planet for
humans and other species. Â
9Why Sustainability Why Now?
- There is no longer any doubt that every
ecosystem that life depends on is compromised and
in danger. - U.N. Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, 2005
10Why Sustainability Why Now?
- Climate change is for real. We have just a
small window of opportunity and there is not a
moment to lose. - Dr. Rajendra Pachavri, Chairman,
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,
January, 2005
- Disruption of food production and the food chain
- More extreme weather events
- Disruptions of ecosystems, including water
supplies - Spread of disease e.g. West Nile, Malaria
- Submersion of land masses
- was 1 to 4 foot sea level rise - now up to 48
feet - 50 of worlds population lives on the coasts
- (75 in 2050)
- Civilization disruption
- Sources Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change, EPA
12Why EFS so Important?
- Public unaware that we are exceeding the carrying
capacity of the planet. - The U.S. has approximately 5 of the worlds
population and is consuming 25 of the worlds
resources. - Public unaware that we can build stronger
economies that will reduce human suffering,
environmental degradation and social injustice
now. - A rapid shift in mindset is needed and education
to action is the key
13Global Perspective
life supporting resources declining
consumption of life supporting resources rising
14Global Transition
- From
- Fossil powered
- Take, make, waste
- Living off natures capital
- Market as master
- Loss of cultural biological diversity
- Individual centered
- Materialism as goal
- To
- Solar powered
- Cyclical production
- Living off natures income
- Market as servant
- Increased cultural biological diversity
- Community centered
- Human satisfaction goal
15Why is this so important?
- Â
- We bear a profound moral and social
responsibility/opportunity to increase the
awareness, knowledge, skills and values needed to
create and implement viable solutions to the
interconnected environmental, economic, and
social problems that now threaten our physical
survival as a species and threaten to increase
human suffering. - Tzedakah righteousness
- Tikkun Olam repairing the world
- Â
16- We can share the principles of Sustainability as
the lens through which we collectively examine
and act upon our shared world systems and through
which we analyze our own individual lifestyles. - Outcome a more just, healthy and prosperous
society. -
17Part II
- National Trends and Resources
18Business principles of sustainability
- Cradle to Cradle (McDonough)
- Biomimicry (Benyas Like nature, efficient and
not toxic) - World Business Council for Sustainable
Development (www.wbcsd.org) - Natural Step (Sweden and U.S.)
- Natural Capitalism (Lovins, Harvard Business
19Business principles of sustainability
- Business for Social Responsibility
- Goldman Sachs, Citibank
20GREAT NEWS!!!Growing National TrendOver 2
dozen national HE associations are creating
initiatives on Education for Sustainable
21Engaged National Associations
- ACEAm. Council on Ed.
- AACU Ass. of American Colleges and Universities
- AACC Am. Ass. of Community Colleges
- AASCU State Colleges and Universities
- Governing Boards
- Campus Activities
- Educational Buyers
- Facilities Officers
- Business Officers
- 10. SCUP College and University Planners
- 11. ACUI Student Unions
- 12. ACPA Student Affairs
- 13. NACUFS Food
- 14. ACEED-I Events and Conference Directors
- 15. NACS Campus Stores
22HE Sustainability Examples
- Systemic integration
- University of Florida
- Georgia Tech
- University of Michigan
- Syracuse University
- Curricula
- Northern Arizona and Arizona State Universities
- University of Georgia
- Emory
- Minnesota
- St. Olaf and Alverno
- Lane and Oakland and Maricopa Comm. College
- Too many to list hundreds of colleges
23U.S. Partnership for Education for Sustainable
Development Sector Teams Business, Higher
Education, K-12, Communities,
24Trends and resources in other sectors some
- Communities - Mayors Climate Protection and Smart
Growth, Federal Summit II, GR model - Business - LOHAS, U.S. Business Council for
Sustainable Development, SOL Sustainability
Consortium, CERES, Businesses for Social
Responsibility - K-12 Nat. Assoc. of Independent Schools, U.S.
Partnership - Faith - National Religious Partnership and
Interfaith Alliance, Regeneration Project, COEJL
Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life
25- Part III
- Actions Required
26Students and staff at Hillel institutions have an
important and unique contribution to make to a
sustainable future
27What other organizations have done
Possibilities for You
- Curricula
- Professional Development
- Standards Tenure, Building, Operations,
Endowments - Pledges Sustainability and Climate Neutrality
- Legislation Formation
- Public Information
- Cross- Sector projects
28Higher Education Associations Sustainability
Consortium (www.heasc.net)
- Sample Resources for your members to use and
improve from ACPA and others - Learning Outcomes
- Change Agent/Civic Engagement Skills
- List of possible campus activities
- Sustainability primer
- Socially/environmentally responsible operations
- http//www.myacpa.org/task2Dforce/sustainability/
- Change norms so all students and the Jewish
community becomes - environmentally responsible
- socially responsible
- economically responsible
30Key places to place it and institutionalize it
with each Hillel
- Programming for student life
- Programming for the community
- Permanent signs
- Websites
- Hillel and HE Mission and Planning
- Interaction in the community and the world
31Learn and explore
- (i) the facts regarding ecosystem degradation,
human suffering and economic regulations - (ii) the importance of real economic and social
and political freedom - (iii) what social scientists and others know
about how to change societal culture and - CHANGE IT! It is powerful and fun!!
- Make sustainability behaviors and policies the
new norm!!!
32Examples of how students can make a difference in
this world1. South Africa divestment2.
Jewish involvement in civil rights 3. The Nike
story4. Campus climate challenge
33Building self-concepts in yourself and others
You can help change society!!Imagine students
literate in the real world sustainability
challenges and engaged in the solutionsProvide
the models and opportunities for practicing the
changing of behaviors and policies
- Imagine a country where all college students get
credit for helping to solve our societal problems
through their academic assignments.
35Real world sustainability projects
- Match making website
- Students can work on real world sustainability
projects from government, business, non-profits,
etc. -
- Assignments that make a difference in the world.
- Build a positive change agent self-concept!
- www.playagreaterpart.org
36Examples of Student Led ProjectsAcademic Credit
for Students
- Sustainability audits
- Sustainable purchasing
- Campaigns to change company practices (e.g. Nike,
endowments) - Greenhouse gas reductions (www.energyaction.net
and www.hecap.org) - Student generated film and speaker series, poetry
nights, behavior campaigns, and futures fairs - Green building designs and sustainable living
campaigns - Info on sustainability in career office,
orientation, first year experience - Many more possibilities
37Helpful simulation tool
- We Can Afford to Solve the Worlds Problems
The World Game Institute - 18 strategies for
confronting the major systemic problems
confronting humanity - http//www.unesco.org/education/tlsf/theme_a/mod02
38StudentsBeyond Armchair pontification!
- Provide academic and student life
- opportunities to build
- CHANGE AGENT identities, skills and behaviors
- Campus Ecology
- www.nwf.org/campusecology/
- U.S. Fair Trade www.transfairusa.org
- Climate Challenge Campaign - http//www.energyacti
on.net and www.hecap.org
39- Help students understand the
- consequences of their choices as consumers and
investors - The Natural Step - www.naturalstep.org
- Smart Consumers Website - http//ibuydifferent.or
g - Consumer and Investor Power for Social Change -
http//www.coopamerica.org/ - Ecological Footprint Calculator -
http//www.rprogress.org and http//www.myfootprin
t.org  - Center for a New American Dream
- http//www.newdream.org/
40Utilize outside stakeholders and powerful cross
sector collaboration
- Businesses
- City and county government
- Non-profit organizations
- Alumni
41Key strategies to build the perceived critical
- Positioning the initiative as the least
threatening choice - Key places to place it and institutionalize it
Mission, Strategic Planning, Orientation,
Curricula Review, First Year Experience, Student
Life - Combine diversity, international education,
service learning, environmental, human rights
groups to work for sustainability - Preventing burnout
42Preventing Burnout - The ABCs Ask for help -
Build Support Systems - Celebrate the Baby Steps
of Success Dream big! - Eliminate Griping Move
to Problem Solving Foster Self-care, Physical
Mental Health Get Flexible and Take a
Multi-pronged Long-term Approach Humor those who
participate - Involve everyone affected by
decisions Jazz up meetings with creativity - Keep
on keepin on to get energy Laugh a lot - Make
light of problems - Nature is renewing connect
with it! Open your eyes and heart to the beauty
around you Picture your joy when the tide starts
to turn Quit worrying! - Re-live past successes
to renew commitment Say the kind things every
time you think of one - Thank all who
helped Understand that slow beats stop -
Visualize the joy of success Wait with confidence
that your persistence will matter Xerox a joke of
the day with your logo to hand out Yell a little,
just for fun Zealously assure yourself a good
nights rest every night! Thanks to Norma T
43Skills Be An Agent of Change
- Create new norms at the university
- 1st semester Educate
- 2nd semester Engage in a changing the world
campaign - 2nd year Create new campaigns
- Create brown bag lunches invite everyone
- Use, Im wondering
- THINK and ACT BIG!!!
44Use the media strategically
- As often as possible
- Create new angles
- Multiple avenues for multiple audiences
45Imagine a world where
- national trends in the business sector, higher
education sector and faith sector come together - to demand and support legislation that will
foster a sustainable future
46Emphasize the benefits - Embracing esd can
- Students prepared for citizenship and career
- Attraction of students, faculty, community and
funding - Save and other resources for Hillel and society
while reducing pollution and human suffering - Create pilots that are national models (e.g.
freshman pledge for sustainability) - Help improve town/gown relationships
- Fulfill moral and social responsibility
- Improve strategic positioning regarding higher
- 1. The U.S. public is not educated enough about
sustainability issues and solutions. - 2. We need sustainability literacy and engagement
for ALL. We all need skills to change
consumption, investment and civic behaviors and
to support appropriate market modifications
(legislation) for sustainability. - 3. Learn systems thinking and change agent skills
- 4. Model life long learning and change agent
identities - 5. Some exciting developments, too many to
report, but much more needs to be done. You are
in a key position to make this happen. - 6. There are many resources and strategies to
help you infuse sustainability into Hillel,
higher education and the larger society. We can
assist you. - 7. Document all you do and share.
48More Resources for your Association
- Association for the Advancement of Sustainability
in Higher Education aashe.org - Higher Education Associations Sustainability
Consortium heasc.net - Association of University Leaders for a
Sustainable Future ulsf.org - U.S. Partnership for Education for Sustainable
Development uspartnership.org - Stuart Hart, Jeff Sachs, Prahalad, David Orr,
Bill McDonough, Loeb
49 We can choose
our future
50The Power of What You Do
- We can choose a sustainable future
51Core Questions for Next Steps1. What low
hanging fruit can we implement immediately?2.
What are the key strategic actions we can take to
shift to a sustainable society as soon as
possible?Let our enthusiasm show!