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Chapter 1


Chapter 1 Section 4 Temperature in Thermal Systems – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chapter 1

Chapter 1 Section 4
  • Temperature in Thermal Systems

  • Define thermal energy.
  • Name the property that determines the temperature
    of an object.
  • Convert Fahrenheit temperatures to Celsius vice
  • Explain the difference between heat thermal
  • Explain the relationship between heat transfer
    and temperature change.
  • Solve heat transfer problems.

  • Energy is the ability to do work.
  • Potential energy is energy of position. When you
    lift an object, it has potential energy because
    you lifted it higher.
  • Kinetic energy is energy of motion. A moving
    object has energy because of its speed.

Thermal Energy
  • The atoms of a substance are in constant motion,
    even if the substance is frozen.
  • Because the atoms are moving, they have kinetic
  • The total energy of all the atoms in a substance
    is its thermal energy.

  • The temperature of an object is a measure of the
    average kinetic energy of all the particles in
    the object.
  • As energy is added to the object, the particles
    speed up thus increasing the kinetic energy of
    the particles.
  • As a result, the temperature rises. The object
    gets hotter.

Measuring Temperature
  • A thermometer uses expansion contraction of a
    liquid to measure temperature (usually colored
    alcohol or mercury).
  • When placed in contact with a hot object or
    substance, heat flows from the object to the
    thermometer. The liquid in the thermometer

Measuring temperature - cont
  • The heat flows until the thermometer and the
    object are in thermal equilibrium, i.e. they are
    the same temperature.
  • Likewise, for a cold object, heat flows from the
    thermometer to the object until thermal
    equilibrium is reached. The liquid contracts.

Temperature Scales
  • Celsius (formerly centigrade) is based on the
    freezing point (FP) and boiling point (BP) of
  • FP 0o C BP 100o C
  • Fahrenheit is still used in the US.
  • FP 32o F BP 212o F

Converting temperatures
  • To convert Celsius to Fahrenheit use the formula
    TF 9/5 TC 32
  • To convert Fahrenheit to Celsius use the formula
    TC 5/9 (TF - 32)

Kelvin temperature scale
  • Also known as the absolute temperature scale.
  • To convert Celsius to Kelvin Tk TC 273
  • Thus 0 K -273o C
  • 0 K is known as absolute zero.

  • Heat is a form of energy.
  • Heat flows spontaneously from a high temperature
    source to a low temperature source.
  • The rate at which heat flows increases as the
    temperature difference between the objects or
    areas increases.

Prime Movers
  • In mechanical systems, force is the prime mover.
  • In fluid systems, pressure difference is the
    prime mover.
  • In electrical systems, potential difference or
    voltage is the prime mover.
  • In thermal systems, temperature difference is the
    prime mover.

Heat transfer methods
  • Conduction objects are in direct contact. Heat
    (kinetic energy) is transferred as atoms collide
    with other atoms. Examples iron in a fire
    metal spoon in a hot liquid.
  • Convection heat is transferred by moving large
    quantities of fluid (liquid or gas). Examples
    weather systems, forced air heaters, convection
    ovens, hair dryers.
  • Radiation the only heat transfer method that
    does not require a medium. Example sunshine.

  • The SI unit of heat is the joule (J)
  • Other commonly used units are the calorie (cal)
    and the British thermal unit (BTU).
  • 1 cal is the amount of heat that must be added to
    1 gram of water to raise its temperature 1o C. 1
    cal 4.184 J
  • 1 BTU is the amount of heat that must be added to
    1 lb of water to raise its temperature 1o F.

Specific heat
  • The specific heat of a substance is the amount of
    heat needed to raise a unit of mass a unit of
  • By the definition of the calorie, the specific
    heat of water is 1 cal/g.oC.
  • By the definition of the BTU, the specific heat
    of water is 1BTU/lb.oF.

Heat formula
  • Q mCDT where
  • Q heat (energy)
  • m mass
  • C specific heat (see chart page 71)
  • DT temperature difference

Heat formula cont.
  • This formula assumes that there is no phase
  • A phase change is going from solid to liquid
    liquid to solid or liquid to gas gas to liquid.
  • If a phase change occurs, a different formula is

Phase Change Diagram
Phase change formulas
  • Hv heat of vaporization the amount of heat
    needed to change state from liquid to gas.
  • Hf heat of fusion the amount of heat needed
    to change state from solid to liquid.
  • Q mHv or Q mHf
  • Chart pg 75 lists Hf Hv for some materials.

  • The thermal energy of a body is the total kinetic
    energy of all the particles in it.
  • The temperature of a body is the average kinetic
    energy of all the particles in it.
  • Three temperature scales are Celsius, Fahrenheit
    and Kelvin.
  • Heat flows due to a temperature difference.

More Summary
  • Heat flows from high temperature to low
  • The heat needed to raise the temperature of a
    substance is given by Q mCDT, assuming no phase
  • For a phase changes, Q mHf for solid liquid
    change or Q mHv for liquid gas change.
    During phase change, temp does not change.
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