Chapter 1 Section 4 The Reformation Continues - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 1 Section 4 The Reformation Continues


Chapter 1 Section 4 The Reformation Continues Other Reformation Movements John Calvin 1509-1564(Calvinism) wanted a theocracy to rule. Strict rules. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chapter 1 Section 4 The Reformation Continues

Chapter 1 Section 4The Reformation Continues
Other Reformation Movements
  • John Calvin 1509-1564(Calvinism) wanted a
    theocracy to rule. Strict rules. Predestination
    (God has already chosen those to save. The
    elect) p61
  • John Knox (Presbyterians) community churches led
    by laymen, elders (presbyters) became official
    religion of Scotland in 1560s. Got rid of Mary
    Queen of Scots, replaced by son James. p62
  • Anabaptistspeople who believed that people
    should make informed decision to join a church
    and were baptized again. Church and state should
    be separate.

Reformation Leaders
John Calvin 1509-1564
John Knox 1513-1572
Huldrych Zwingli 1484-1531
Marguerite of Navarre 1492-1549
Ignatius of Loyola 1491 -1556
Catholic Reformation
  • Catholic Church saw need to repair itself
  • Ignatius of Loyola spiritual prayers and
    meditation about Jesus would cleanse soul
  • Pope creates order of Jesuits from followers of
    Loyola to do three things
  • Start schools of Classical and theological study
  • Convert non-Christians by sending missionaries
    around the world
  • Stop spread of Protestantism

  • Council of TrentCatholic bishops and Cardinals
    agree on important topics
  • Churchs interpretation of Bible was final
  • Faith and good works needed for salvation
  • Bible and Church instruction were equal
    authorities for guiding Christian living
  • Indulgences were valid expressions of faith
  • Index of Forbidden Books was created to list
    books dangerous for Catholics to read and many
    were burned in bonfires across Europe

Legacy of Reformation
  • Protestant Churches flourish
  • New types of Christianity develop
  • Roman Catholic Church became more unified and
    made some reforms
  • Emphasis on education became important for
  • Individual monarchs gain power as Church loses
    power and influence
  • Questioning of beliefs and authority set
    foundation for Age of Enlightenment in 18th
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