Unit 10: Changing - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Unit 10: Changing


Title: Unit 6 The Cold War Author: ddd13950 Last modified by: Elizabeth Etter Created Date: 5/3/2004 3:25:15 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Unit 10: Changing

Unit 10 Changing Enduring Issues
  • Element SSUSH25.d
  • Describe domestic and international events of
    Ronald Reagan's presidency including Reagonomics,
    the Iran-contra scandal and the collapse of the
    Soviet Union.
  • Element SSUSH25.e
  • Explain the relationship between Congress and
    President Bill Clinton including the North
    American Free Trade Agreement and his impeachment
    and acquittal.
  • Element SSUSH25.f
  • Analyze the 2000 presidential election and its
    outcome emphasizing the role of the electoral
  • Element SSUSH25.g
  • Analyze the response of President George W. Bush
    to the attacks of September 11, 2001 on the
    United States, the war against terrorism, and the
    subsequent American interventions in Afghanistan
    and Iraq.

Political DifferencesRepublicans/ Democrats/
Conservatives Liberals
  • Past presidents?
  • Why might they be on the rise?
  • Characteristics?
  • Past presidents?
  • Why might they be on the downfall?
  • Characteristics?

Republicans Democrats
  • Economy
  • Limited govt involvement to stimulate economic
  • Reduce taxes
  • Decrease regulation of industry
  • Economy
  • More govt involvement to lessen extreme economic
  • Social programs
  • Govt regulation of industry

Republicans Democrats
  • Foreign policy
  • Favored relying on our own national defense and
    actively fighting against communism in other
  • Social
  • Foreign policy
  • Favored international diplomacy to combat
    communism in other countries
  • Social

The Late Cold War Era
SSUSH25.d Describe domestic and international
events of Ronald Reagan's presidency including
Reagonomics, the Iran-contra scandal and the
collapse of the Soviet Union.
Ronald Reagan, 401981-1989
  • Ronald Reagan defeats Carter in 1980.
  • How?
  • Ronald Reagan united economic and cultural
    conservatives to win the White House in 1980
  • Other Republican helpers
  • Anti-bussing
  • Moral Majority Jerry Falwell
  • Sun Belt population movement to the South

Government was the problem, not the solution
  • Congress slashed support for the poor (food
    stamps, school lunches, Medicaid)
  • Biggest tax cut in the nations history (25 over
    three years)
  • Major increase in military spending

Supply-Side Economics
  • AKA Reaganomics, trickle-down economics, voodoo
  • If taxes are reduced, people will work more
    have more to spend, and the economy will grow!
  • Wealthy got the most tax cuts.

Economic results were mixed
  • Inflation dropped sharply
  • People in poverty increased unemployment rate
    grew to over 10
  • The economy did recover and unemployment dropped
    however, many of these jobs were low-paying with
    few fringe benefits
  • The national debt soared with the combination of
    tax cuts and military increases
  • Lots of legal immigration (7.3 million from L.A.)
    and some undocumented.

(No Transcript)
The U.S. in the 1980sSociety
  • Yuppies or young urban professionals were
    concerned with their private lives rather than
    public issues.
  • Upper-middle-class standard of living depended on
    both husband and wife holding full-time jobs
  • Cocaine addiction crime and AIDS were a problem
  • Campaigns were started against drunk driving and
    tobacco smoking

Reagan Re-Elected in 1984
  • Economy was better.
  • Attempted assassination in 81.
  • Appointed 3 justices to the Supreme Court
    including the first woman, Sandra Day OConnor.

Reagan and Foreign Policy
  • 1. Built up military
  • Peace should come through strength
  • 2. Support the anti-communists
  • EX supported Anit-Soviet rebels in Afghanistan
    and Contras in Nicaragua Grenada
  • 3. Met with Gorbechov
  • Gorbechov wanted less govt controlled economy
  • Reduced number of nuclear weapons in the world

Soviet Union Collapses Cold War Ends
  • Reagans speech 1089
  • Berlin Wall came down
  • President Bush Sr. Yeltsin
  • Poland, Czechoslovakia Hungary democratic
  • Soviet Union disintegrated into separate
    republics (ex Russia)
  • Communists fell from power
  • August 1991

Not all is well, especially in the Middle
EastThe Iran Contra Affair
  • Issues with Lebanon, Libya, Iran.
  • 1985 US sold weapons to Iran Iran promised to
    pressure terrorists in Lebanon to release USA
  • Not effective
  • Went against our policy of negotiating with

Watch Reagan Assassination Attempt Video
41 George Herbert Walker Bush (1989-1993)Not
in the standards poor guy
George Herbert Walker Bush (1989-1993)
  • Major Political Events
  • 1. No New Taxes Pledge Read My Lips, No New
  • He broke his central promise by agreeing to a
    compromise with Congress in 1993, that included
    increases in the gasoline tax, Medicare premiums,
    and the top income tax rate.

George Herbert Walker Bush (1989-1993)
  • 2. Persian Gulf War In August 1990, Iraqi troops
    invaded the Persian Gulf nation of Kuwait, known
    as Operation Desert Storm.
  • Kuwait controlled 10 of the worlds oil
  • Using the UN, Bush build a coalition to oppose
    Saddam Hussein.
  • After six weeks of bombing military
    infrastructures, more than 100,000 bombing
    missions, the ground war began.
  • It only took 100 hours under Gen. Norman
    Schwarzkopf to overwhelm the Iraqi army and
    liberate Kuwait.

42 William Jefferson Clinton(1993-2001)
SSUSH25.e Explain the relationship between
Congress and President Bill Clinton including the
North American Free Trade Agreement and his
impeachment and acquittal.
William Jefferson Clinton(1993-2001)
  • Major Political Events
  • 1. Dont Ask Dont Tell Gays in the military.
  • 2. NAFTA Trade Agreement North American Free
    Trade Agreement, removed all trade barriers among
    the U.S., Canada and Mexico.

Major Political Events
  • 3. Tax cuts for Middle America yeah right
  • Democrats lost control of Congress 2 years in
  • Impeded a lot of legislation
  • 4. Impeachment for perjury on the stand during
    the Congressional hearings into the Monica
    Lewinski situation.
  • He was found not guilty of perjury (AQUITTED) and
    was not removed from office.

43 George W. Bush (2001-2009)
SSUSH25.f Analyze the 2000 presidential election
and its outcome emphasizing the role of the
electoral college.
SSUSH25.g Analyze the response of President
George W. Bush to the attacks of September 11,
2001 on the United States, the war against
terrorism, and the subsequent American
interventions in Afghanistan and Iraq.  
Election, 2000
  • Closest election in history.
  • Al Gore Democrat
  • George W. Bush Republican incumbent
  • Winner of popular vote?
  • Florida?
  • Electoral College?

George W. Bush
  • September 11th, 2001
  • War on Terrorism Afghanistan and Iraq
  • Re-elected in 2004
  • Proposed two amendments
  • Banning gay marriage
  • Banning flag burning

Barack Obama (2009-present)
  • Not in the standards yet what do we know?

  • Repeal of Dont Ask, Dont Tell
  • Removal of troops from Iraq
  • Passage of a controversial health care plan
  • Successful re-election in 2012
  • More to come
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