14 Vector Autoregressions, Unit Roots, and Cointegration - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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14 Vector Autoregressions, Unit Roots, and Cointegration


14 Vector Autoregressions, Unit Roots, and Cointegration What is in this Chapter? This chapter discusses work on time-series analysis starting in the 1980s. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: 14 Vector Autoregressions, Unit Roots, and Cointegration

14 Vector Autoregressions, Unit Roots, and
What is in this Chapter?
  • This chapter discusses work on time-series
    analysis starting in the 1980s.
  • First there is a discussion of vector
    autoregression models,
  • Next we talk of the different unit root tests.
  • Finally, we discuss cointegration, which is a
    method of analyzing long-run relationships
    between nonstationary variables. We discuss tests
    for cointegration and estimation of cointegrating

14.2 Vector Autoregressions
  • In previous sections we discussed the analysis of
    a single time series
  • When we have several time series, we need to take
    into account the interdependence between them
  • One way of doing this is to estimate a
    simultaneous equations model as discussed in
    Chapter 9 but with lags in all the variables
  • Such a model is called a dynamic simultaneous
    equations model

14.2 Vector Autoregressions
  • However, this formulation involves two steps
  • first, we have to classify the variables into two
    categories, endogenous and exogenous,
  • second, we have toimpose some constraints on the
    parameters to achieve identification.
  • Sims argues that both these steps involve many
    arbitrary decisions and suggests as an
    alternative, the vectorautoregression (VAR)
  • This is just a multiple time-series
    generalization of the AR model.
  • The VAR model is easy to estimate because we can
    use the OLS method

14.2 Vector Autoregressions
14.2 Vector Autoregressions
14.2 Vector Autoregressions
14.2 Vector Autoregressions
14.2 Vector Autoregressions
14.3 Problems with VAR Models in Practice
  • We have considered only a simple model with two
    variables and only one lag for each.
  • In practice, since we are not considering any
    moving average errors, the autoregressions would
    probably have to have more lags to be useful for
  • Otherwise, univariate ARMA models would do

14.3 Problems with VAR Models in Practice
  • Suppose that we consider say six lags for each
    variable and we have a small system with four
  • Then each equation would have 24 parameters to be
    estimated and we thus have 96 parameters to
    estimate overall
  • This overparameterization is one of the major
    problems with VAR models.

14.3 Problems with VAR Models in Practice
  • One such model that has been found particularly
    useful in prediction is the Bayesian
    vectorautoregression (BVAR)
  • In BVAR we assign some prior distributions for
    the coefficients in the vector autoregressions
  • In each equation, the coefficient of the own
    lagged variable has a prior mean 1, all others
    have prior means 0, with the variance of the
    prior decreasing as the lag length increases
  • For instance, with two variables y1t and y2t and
    four lags for each, the first equation will be

14.3 Problems with VAR Models in Practice
14.4 Unit Roots
14.4 Unit Roots
14.5 Unit Root Tests
14.5 Unit Root Tests
14.5 Unit Root Tests
14.5 Unit Root Tests
14.5 Unit Root Tests
  • The Low Power of Unit Root Tests
  • Schwert (1989) first presented Monte Carlo
    evidence to point out the size distortion
    problems of the commonly used unit root tests
    the ADF and PP tests.
  • Whereas Schwert complained about size
    distortions, DeJong et al. complained about the
    low power of unit root tests
  • They argued that the unit root tests have low
    power against plausible trend-stationary

14.5 Unit Root Tests
  • They argue that the PP tests have very low power
    (generally less than 0.10) against
    trend-stationary alternatives but the ADF test
    has power approaching 0.33 and thus is likely to
    be more useful in practice.
  • They conclude that tests with higher power need
    to be developed

14.5 Unit Root Tests
14.5 Unit Root Tests
14.5 Unit Root Tests
14.5 Unit Root Tests
  • Structural Change and Unit Roots
  • In all the studies on unit roots, the issue of
    whether a time series is of the DS or TS type was
    decided by analyzing the series for the entire
    time period during which many major events took
  • The Nelson-Plosser series, for instance, covered
    the period 1909-1970,which includes the two world
    wars and the Depression of the 1930s

14.5 Unit Root Tests
  • If there have been any changes in the trend
    because of these events, the results obtained by
    assuming a constant parameter structure during
    the entire period will be suspect
  • Many studies done using the traditional multiple
    regression methods have included dummy variables
    (see Sections 8.2 and 8.3) to allow for different
    intercepts (and slopes)
  • Rappoport and Richlin (1989) show that a
    segmented trend model is a feasible alternative
    to the DS model.

14.5 Unit Root Tests
  • Perron (1989) argues that standard tests for the
    unit root hypothesis against the trend-stationary
    (TS) alternatives cannot reject the unit root
    hypothesis if the time series has a structural
  • Of course, one can also construct examples where,
    for instance
  • y1, y2, , ym is a random walk with drift
  • ym1, ..., ymn is another random walk with a
    different drift
  • and the combined series is not the DS type

14.5 Unit Root Tests
  • Perron's study was criticized on the argument
    that he "peeked at the data" before analysisthat
    after looking at the graph, he decided that there
    was a break
  • But Kim (1990), using Bayesian methods, finds
    that even allowing for an unknown breakpoint, the
    standard tests of the unit root hypothesis were
    biased in favor of accepting the unit root
    hypothesis if the series had a structural break
    at some intermediate date.

14.5 Unit Root Tests
  • When using long time series, as many of these
    studies have done, it is important to take
    account of structural changes. Parameter
    constancy tests have frequently been used in
    traditional regression analysis.

14.6 Cointegration
14.6 Cointegration
  • In the Box-Jenkins method, if the time series is
    nonstationary (as evidenced by the correlogram
    not damping), we difference the series to achieve
    stationarity and then use elaborate ARMA models
    to fit the stationary series.
  • When we are considering two time series, yt and
    Xt say, we do the same thing.
  • This differencing operation eliminates the trend
    or long-term movement in the series

14.6 Cointegration
  • However, what we may be interested in is
    explaining the relationship between the trends in
    yt and Xt
  • We can do this by running a regression of Yt on
    Xt, but this regression will not make sense if a
    long-run relationship does not exist.
  • By asking the question of whether yt and Xt are
    cointegrated, we are asking whether there is any
    long-run relationship between the trends in yt
    and xt.

14.6 Cointegration
  • The case with seasonal adjustment is similar
  • Instead of eliminating the seasonal components
    from y and x and then analyzing the
    de-seasonalized data, we might also be asking
    whether there is a relationship between the
    seasonals in y and x
  • This is the idea behind "seasonal cointegration.
  • Note that in this case we do not considerfirst
    differences or I(1) processes
  • For instance, with monthly data we consider
    twelfthdifferences yt-yt-12 Similarly, for Xt we
    consider Xt-Xt-12

14.7 The Cointegrating Regression
14.7 The Cointegrating Regression
14.7 The Cointegrating Regression
14.7 The Cointegrating Regression
14.7 The Cointegrating Regression
14.9 Cointegration and Error Correction Models
  • If xt and yt are cointegrated, there is a
    long-run relationship between them
  • Furthermore, the short-run dynamics can be
    described by the error correction model (ECM)
  • This is known as the Granger representation
  • If Xt I(1), yt I(1), and zt yt -ßxt is I(0),
    then x and y are said to be cointegrated
  • The Granger representation theorem says that in
    this case Xt and yt may be considered to be
    generated by ECMs

14.9 Cointegration and Error Correction Models
14.9 Cointegration and Error Correction Models
14.10 Tests for Cointegration
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