Title: Unit 1, Week 4 The Astronaut and the Onion
1Unit 1, Week 4The Astronaut and the Onion
- ONeal Elementary
- 4th Grade
- endless having no limit or end, without a finish
- realistic showing people, things, or events as
they appear in everyday life - universe everything that exists, including
Earth, the other planets, stars, and space - astronaut a person trained to fly in a
spacecraft - sensible showing good judgment
- protested complained or objected to something
- paralyzed unable to move or act
3Vocabulary Context Clues
- Sometimes the meaning of an unfamiliar word can
be found by looking at surrounding words in the
same sentences. The meaning of those surrounding
words can be clues. - Context Clues
4Vocabulary Words in Contextparalyzed, sensible,
astronaut, protested, realistic, universe, endless
- Dr. Street became an ________ because she loved
to fly. - Traveling through space changed Dr. Streets view
of the _________. - Gloria was ________ with fear when she threw the
onion. - Gloria told her teacher about meeting Dr. Street.
I thought you were more _______ than to tell a
story like that, he said. - Gloria ________ that she was telling the truth.
- It just didnt seem ________ that a famous person
would be in the local supermarket! - Dr. Street described space as a wonderful
_________ place.
5Word Study Dictionary Pronunciation and Meaning
- A dictionary tells the readers the meaning of a
word. - The reader will have to decide which meaning is
being used from the context. - A dictionary includes symbols that show how to
pronounce each part of a word and which part is
accented. - dictionary test tutor
6Word Study Dictionary Pronunciation and Meaning
- Bethany walked down the produce aisle.
- A) produce verb (pre dus) To bring forth yield
- B) produce noun (pro dus) farm products,
especially fruits and vegetables - At the music store I bought a new record.
- A) record noun (rek erd) a disc on which sounds
are recorded to be played back - B) record verb (ri kord) to set down in
permanent form
7Word Study Dictionary Pronunciation and Meaning
- The stain was so minute that my friend could
hardly see it. - A) minute adjective (mi nut) very small tiny
- B) minute noun (min it) a unit of time equal to
60 seconds
8Vocabulary Story Words
- Orbits are circular paths that heavenly bodies
travel in around other bodies. - Craters are deep pits or valleys.
- An object is said to rotate when it turns around
in a circle. - An exploration is a journey into an unknown
place. - pennants long, narrow flags shaped like
triangles - time warp a shift in the progress of time that
causes it to stop, slow down, or speed up
9Fluency Intonation/Pausing
- Good readers learn to read groups of words
together in phrases. - A comma means to pause and a punctuation mark
means to stop. - Good readers vary the tone, pitch, and intonation
with the character and the feeling expressed in
the quoted words. -
10Fluency Intonation/Pausing
- Read the sentences below, listen carefully to
your pauses and intonation as you read. A single
slash indicates a pause, usually between phrases
pr a persons words and a the name or pronoun of
the person speaking. A double slash indicates a
stop, usually between sentences. - I heard a womans voice. // I have your
onion. // - I opened my eyes. // The woman in the jogging
suit handed the onion to me. // - Lucky I used to play baseball, / she said. //
- O-o-o-h, / I said. // I clutched the onion.
// - O-o-o-h, / I moaned again. //
- Youre welcome, / was all she said. //
- She had brown eyes with a sparkle in them, /
and her hair was in shiny black ringlets. // She
wore blue-green earrings that hung on tiny gold
chains. //
11PhonicsDecode Words with Long i
- In words with /i/ sounds, the long I can be
spelled several different ways. The most common
ways to spell the /i/ sound are i-consonant-e as
in file, ie as in pie, or y as in spy. - Other ways of spelling this sound include igh
and in sigh, I as in climb, and ei as in height.
12PhonicsDecode Words with Long i
- Read the following words aloud and point out how
the long i is spelled. - climb slight sly wipe die
13PhonicsDecode Words with Long i
- Sort the following words by how the long /i/
sound is spelled height, insight, arrived,
paralyzed, clarify, nighttime, heightened,
mindfully, organize, clothesline
i-consonant-e ie y -igh i ei
14ComprehensionMake Inferences/ Analyze Character
- Like real people, characters in stories have
traits, or qualities that give them their
personalities. - A characters emotions can change often. A
characters traits are longer lasting parts of
their personality. - Good readers begin to analyze a characters
traits by noting how he or she is described by
the author or the other characters. - Good readers also pay attention to the
characters words, and actions to help identify
character traits.
15ComprehensionMake Inferences/ Analyze Character
- Major Character the characters who are described
in greatest detail by the author and whose
actions are most important to the plot of the
story - Minor Character a character who does not have
such importance to the plot and who are not as
fully developed
16ComprehensionAnalyze Character
ComprehensionMake Inferences/ Analyze Character
- Reread what Ana says in the last paragraph on
page 84 then fill out the character web. As you
read look for clues that tell you what kind of
person she is.
17ComprehensionMake Inferences/ Analyze Character
- Inference Character Actions
- Character Tutor
18Comprehension Point of View
- A story is told from the point of view of a
narrator, wither in the first person or the third
person. - First person when a story is told by a character
who refers to himself or herself as I or me - Third Person when the narrator is not a
character and may know the thoughts of several or
all the characters
19Text Feature Diagram
- Diagrams can help a reader visualize information
explained in the text. - Diagrams usually contain labels that help to
identify each part. - Captions explain the diagram as a whole.
- Diagrams provide additional information that may
not appear within the text. - Look at the diagram on page 103 and calculate how
many miles is earth from the sun.
20Reflection Day 1
- How might Glorias character traits help her
become an astronaut? Use Character Web and story
details to support your answer.
21Reflection Day 2
- How would you summarize what Dr. Street
experienced in space? - Why do you think Gloria shivers when she tries to
imagine what Dr. Street saw?
22Reflection Day 3
- Re-read page 91 where the word paralyzed is used.
What is another word for paralyzed? What
information in the story helps you know.
23Reflection Day 4
- Describe what Gloria is like. Explain why her
character is important to the story. Use three
details from the story in your answer.
24Reflection Day 5
- Describe how Gloria figures out who the woman is.
What does this tell you about Gloria?