Title: Overlaps of AQ and climate policy
1Overlaps of AQ and climate policy global
modelling perspectives
- David Stevenson
- Institute of Atmospheric and Environmental
ScienceSchool of GeoSciencesThe University of
Edinburgh - Thanks to
- Ruth Doherty (Univ. Edinburgh)
- Dick Derwent (rdscientific)
- Mike Sanderson, Colin Johnson, Bill Collins (Met
Office) - Frank Dentener, Peter Bergamaschi, Frank Raes
(JRC Ispra) - Markus Amann, Janusz Cofala, Reinhard Mechler
(IIASA) - NERC and the Environment Agency for funding
2- Material mainly from 2 current publications
- The impact of air pollutant and methane emission
controls on tropospheric ozone and radiative
forcing CTM calculations for the period
1990-2030 - Dentener et al (2004) Atmos. Chem. Phys. Disc.
- (currently open for discussion on the web)
- Impacts of climate change and variability on
tropospheric ozone and its precursors - Stevenson et al (2005) Faraday Discussions
- (upcoming discussion meeting at Leeds in April)
- Regional-global scale AQ legislation has
implications for climate forcing quantify these
for current and possible future policies (use 2
very different models to try and reduce model
uncertainty) - Climate change will influence AQ use coupled
climate-chemistry model to identify potentially
important interactions
4Modelling Approach
- Global chemistry-climate model STOCHEM-HadAM3
(also some results from TM3others) - Three transient runs 1990 ? 2030, following
different emissions/climate scenarios - 1. Current Legislation (CLE)
- Assumes full implementation of all current
legislation - 2. Maximum Feasible Reductions (MFR)
- Assumes full implementation of all available
current emission reduction technology - 3. CLE climate change
- For 1 and 2, climate is unforced, and doesnt
change. - For 3, climate is forced by the is92a scenario,
and shows a global surface warming of 1K between
1990 and 2030.
- Global Lagrangian chemistry-climate model
- Meteorology HadAM3 prescribed SSTs
- GCM grid 3.75 x 2.5 x 19 levels
- CTM 50,000 air parcels, 1 hour timestep
- CTM output 5 x 5 x 9 levels
- Detailed tropospheric chemistry
- CH4-CO-NOx-hydrocarbons (70 species)
- includes S chemistry
- Interactive lightning NOx, C5H8 from veg.
- these respond to changing climate
- 3 years/day on 36 processors (SGI Altix)
6Global NOx emissions
Figure 1. Projected development of IIASA
anthropogenic NOx emissions by SRES world region
(Tg NO2 yr-1).
7Global CO emissions
Figure 2 Projected development of IIASA
anthropogenic CO emissions by SRES world region
(Tg CO yr-1).
8Global CH4 emissions
Figure 3 Projected development of IIASA
anthropogenic CH4 emissions by SRES region (Tg
CH4 yr-1).
9Regional NOx emissions
Figure 4. Regional emissions separated for
sources categories in 1990, 2000, 2030-CLE and
2030-MFR for NOx Tg NO2 yr-1
10Surface O3 (ppbv) 1990s
A large fraction is due to ship NOx
Change in surface O3, CLE 2020s-1990s
12CLE Surface Annual Mean O3 2020s-1990s TM3 (top)
and STOCHEM (bottom)
Figure 13. Decadal averaged ozone volume mixing
ratio differences ppbv comparing the 2020s and
1990s for (a) TM3 CLE and STOCHEM CLE.
13Surface ?O3 2030CLE2000(NB July)
18 Models from IPCC-ACCENT intercomparison
14Change in surface O3, MFR 2020s-1990s
15MFR Surface Annual Mean O3 2020s-1990s TM3 (top)
and STOCHEM (bottom)
Figure 13(b) Decadal averaged ozone volume mixing
ratio differences ppbv comparing the 2020s and
1990s for TM3 MFR and STOCHEM MFR
16Surface ?O3 2030MFR2000(NB July)
18 Models from IPCC-ACCENT intercomparison
17CH4, ?CH4 OH trajectories 1990-2030
18If the world opts for MFR over CLE, net reduction
in radiative forcing of 0.2-0.3 W m-2 for the
period 2000-2030
19Part 1 Summary
- Co-benefits for both AQ and climate from some
emissions controls - Methane offers the best opportunity (also CO and
NMVOCs) - NOx controls (alone) benefit AQ, but probably
worsen climate forcing (via OH and CH4)
(Similarly for SO2) - AQ policies influence climate this study gives
a quantitative assessment - Use of many models shows results are quite
20?O3 from climate change
Warmertemperatures higher humidities increase
O3 destruction over the oceans
But also a role from increases in isoprene
emissions from vegetation changes in lightning
2020s CLEcc- 2020s CLE
21Zonal mean ?T (2020s-1990s)
22Zonal mean H2O increase 2020s-1990s
23Zonal mean change in convective updraught flux
24C5H8 change 2020s (climate change fixed climate)
25Lightning NOx change 2020s(climate change
fixed climate)
More lightning in N mid-lats Less, but higher,
tropical convection No overall trend in
Lightning NOx emissions
26Zonal mean PAN decrease 2020s (climate change
fixed climate)
Colder LS
Increased PAN thermal decomposition, due
to increased T
27Zonal mean NOx change 2020s (climate change
fixed climate)
Increased N mid-lat convection and lightning
Less tropical convection and lightning
Increased PAN decomposition
28Zonal mean O3 budget changes 2020s (climate
change fixed climate)
29Zonal mean O3 decrease 2020s (climate change
fixed climate)
30Zonal mean OH change 2020s (climate change
fixed climate)
Complex function F(H2O, NOx, O3, T,)
31Influence of climate change on O3 4 IPCC ACCENT
32Part 2 Summary
- Climate change will introduce feedbacks that
modify air quality - These include
- More O3 destruction from H2O
- More stratospheric input of ozone
- More isoprene emissions from vegetation
- Changes in lightning NOx
- Increases in sulphate from OH and H2O2
- Wetland CH4 emissions (not studied here)
- Changes in stomatal uptake? ()
- These are quite poorly constrained different
models show quite a wide range of response large