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OST164 Text Editing Applications


OST164 TEXT EDITING APPLICATIONS Chapter 5 - Comma Pages 104-114 Proofreading for comma errors is important, because missing or misused commas can change the meaning ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: OST164 Text Editing Applications

OST164 Text Editing Applications
  • Chapter 5 - Comma
  • Pages 104-114

Proofreading for comma errors is important,
because missing or misused commas can change the
meaning of a sentence or make a sentence
unclear. The comma and the period are the two
most frequently used punctuation marks, and the
comma is the most frequently misused.
Rules for commas with letter parts
  1. In the date line, the day and the year are
    separated by a comma. August 25, 2010
  2. In the inside address and the return address, the
    city and state abbreviation are always separated
    by a comma. Denver, CO 80214
  3. In the complimentary closing, a comma is used at
    the end of the line when the standard punctuation
    style if being used. (No comma is used with the
    open punctuation style.) Sincerely yours,
  4. In the writers identification line, a comma is
    used to separate the writers name and title when
    on the same line. No comma is used when they are
    on separate lines. Ruth Plemmons, President
    Ruth Plemmons President

Revision symbols for correcting commas
  • Insert a comma
  • We live in Madison Wisconsin.
  • Delete a comma
  • Julia, and Tim are the managers.
  • Change a period to a comma
  • After you draft the report. Well review the



Checkup 5-1
  • Writers Name and Title on Two Lines
  • James R. Reid,
  • Vice President
  • Writers Name and Title on the Same Line
  • Kimberly Lanier, Manager
  • Return Address and Date Line
  • 1934 North Marion Drive November 19, 2005
  • Covington, KY 41011
  • Inside Address
    Complimentary Closing

  • (Standard
  • Mr. Raymond Porter Moseley
  • 5213 Braxton Court Very truly yours,
  • High Point, NC 27263-1578

Rules for commas that set off
  • Within a sentence, use two commas to set off the
    year when it follows the month and date.
  • On July 12, 2003, we expanded our operations.
  • No comma is used to set off just the month and
  • The conference will be in June 2011 in Georgia.
    (no commas inserted)
  • Within a sentence, use two commas to set off the
    name of a state when it follows the name of a
    city. Also use the commas to set off the name of
    a province or country from the name of a
    city. Joe changed plans in Chicago, Illinois, on
    his trip.

7 Commas used to set off names used in direct
  • Do you agree, Christina, that we should ship the
  • I would appreciate your feedback, Eric.
  • Sally, what do you think about the decision?

8 Commas are used to set off words or phrases
in apposition
  • Ms. Thompkins, our receptionist, is on vacation.
  • Mrs. Reid, our district manager, recommended Cody
    for the job.
  • Our first fund-raiser, a silent auction, was very
  • Please email your decision by Monday, the last
    day of the year.

9 Commas are used to set off parenthetical, or
nonessential, elements from the rest of the
  • We should, in my opinion, purchase the apartment
  • George Braswell, who is the head of the city
    council, will present the awards.
  • Ross Davis decided, unfortunately, to cancel his
  • HINT To determine whether an element is
    nonessential or essential, read the sentence
    without the word or words that are set off. If
    the sentence is clear without the words, the
    words are nonessential and commas should be used.

  • Look at the different in these sentences
  • Essential
  • There is, no doubt, more than one applicant.
  • Nonessential
  • There is no doubt about the accuracy of this
  • Essential
  • After all, we have been through a lot.
  • Nonessential
  • After all we have been through, the project was

Checkup 5-2
  • 1
  • Tom Phillips, as you probably know. Graduates
    from Harvard next spring.
  • Tom Phillips, as you probably know, graduates
    from Harvard next spring.
  • 2
  • Recent high temperatures which have been in the
    high 90s have increased the demand for
  • Recent high temperatures, which have been in the
    high 90s, have increased the demand for
  • 3
  • Jack Hatchel our vice president is also the
    director of our volunteer program.
  • Jack Hatchel, our vice president, is also the
    director of our volunteer program.

Checkup 5-2
  • 4
  • Dr. Grace Statin moved to Jacksonville Florida
    after she was married.
  • Dr. Grace Statin moved to Jacksonville, Florida,
    after she was married.
  • 5
  • Kathleen Hensley my friend since elementary
    school is now a registered nurse.
  • Kathleen Hensley, my friend since elementary
    school, is now a registered nurse.
  • 6
  • We have in fact postponed our cruise
  • We have, in fact, postponed our cruise

Checkup 5-2
  • 7
  • Are you sure that the company is based in Bristol
    Tennessee and not Bristol Virginia?
  • Are you sure that the company is based in
    Bristol, Tennessee, and not Bristol, Virginia?
  • 8
  • Did you change planes in Atlanta Barbara?
  • Did you change planes in Atlanta, Barbara?
  • 9
  • By November 21, 2020 we will have paid half of
    what we owe on our home mortgage.
  • By November 21, 2020, we will have paid half of
    what we owe on our home mortgage.

Checkup 5-2
  • 10
  • Your fathers estate Donald is valued at over 3
  • Your fathers estate, Donald, is valued at over
    3 million.
  • 11
  • I moved to Chicago on August 22, 1998 after
    getting my masters degree in business.
  • I moved to Chicago on August 22, 1998, after
    getting my masters degree in business.
  • 12
  • Victor is in Austin Texas until December 30.
  • Victor is in Austin, Texas, until December 30.

Checkup 5-2
  • 13
  • On Monday August 14 we will begin staying open 24
    hours a day.
  • On Monday, August 14, we will begin staying open
    24 hours a day.
  • 14
  • We should in my opinion close the outlet store by
    May 15.
  • We should, in my opinion, close the outlet store
    by May 15.
  • 15
  • Rob, a hard-working associate came in two hours
    early this morning because of the crisis.
  • Rob, a hard-working associate, came in two hours
    early this morning because of the crisis.

Rules for Commas that separate
  • Use a comma after each part of an address within
    a sentence.
  • Please write Mr. Porter, 1426 East Mayfield Road,
    Flushing, New York 11361, to request a copy.
  • Commas are used to separate three of more items
    in a series.
  • Bill, Steve, and Tom requested vacations in
  • Carolyn reviewed the facts, made a decision, and
    took immediate action.
  • I ordered a hamburger, fries, and a soft drink.
  • Alice opened the door, let the dog out, and then
    closed the door.

Rules for Commas that separate
  • Use a comma before the conjunction (and, or, but,
    yet, nor) in a compound sentence. The comma,
    along with the conjunction, separates the two
    independent clauses.
  • Amanda agreed to assist Joyce, but she was not
    enthusiastic about the project.
  • Victor wrote the book, and he also drew the
  • Sally likes to play ball, yet she wouldnt come
    on the field yesterday.

Rules for Commas that separate
  • Use a comma after an introductory word, phrase,
    or clause.
  • Yes, the property has been rezoned.
  • Incidentally, we have checked all the zoning
  • In my opinion, we should purchase the beach house
    and rent it.
  • Opened in 2002, the museum is located in our
    historic downtown district.
  • Before the remodeling is begun, you must obtain a
    permit from the city of Shelby.
  • When Mr. Miller calls, please request his email
    and his fax number.

Introductory dependent clauses
  • Look for the following words that often begin
    introductory dependent clauses at the beginning
    of a sentence. Use a comma to separate the
    dependents clause from the rest of the sentence.
  • after before unless
  • as soon as if when
  • because though while
  • If you decide to travel, leave early.
  • Before you begin, read the directions.
  • As soon as you can, please call his mother.
  • Unless I hear from you, I am going to go ahead.
  • While I really like to swim, I dont want to go.
  • After they leave, please clean the dishes.

14 Commas used to separate two or more
consecutive adjectives that modify the same noun.
  • To determine if a comma is needed to separate two
    or more consecutive adjectives that modify the
    same noun, say the word AND between them. If the
    sentence makes sense, separate the adjectives by
    a comma.
  • Our medical clinic provides convenient,
    affordable health services.
  • She is a very sweet, loving person.
  • It was a very well-written, professional report.
  • Harry gave the cold, dirty dog a warm bath.

Checkup 5-3
  • 1
  • To enter the contest mail a completed entry form
    to us by December 30.
  • To enter the contest, mail a completed entry form
    to us by December 30.
  • 2
  • Our company owns valuable beachfront property.
  • (Correct as it is - no comma should be here.)
  • 3
  • Dennis Sue and Roger filed their tax returns
  • Dennis, Sue, and Roger filed their tax returns
  • 4
  • Toms sales are the highest and he definitely
    will win the award.
  • Toms sales are the highest, and he definitely
    will win the award.

Checkup 5-3
  • 5
  • After your job transfer, you will live in the
    beautiful scenic mountains of North Carolina.
  • After your job transfer, you will live in the
    beautiful, scenic mountains of North Carolina.
  • 6
  • Shannon Russell sent invitations to all the board
    members phoned everyone to confirm their
    reservations and arranged for the hotel
  • Shannon Russell sent invitations to all the board
    members, phoned everyone to confirm their
    reservations, and arranged for the hotel
  • 7
  • Joseph will work with the customer service
    department or he will assist the computer
    technology group.
  • Joseph will work with the customer service
    department, or he will assist the computer
    technology group.

Checkup 5-3
  • 8
  • Most employees would prefer to work in a relaxed
    less format setting.
  • Most employees would prefer to work in a relaxed,
    less format setting.
  • 9
  • Maria, Jorge, and Roberto, have formed a
    consulting group for people interested in doing
    business in Mexico.
  • Maria, Jorge, and Roberto, have formed a
    consulting group for people interested in doing
    business in Mexico.
  • 10
  • Yes wireless Internet is available in our
  • Yes, wireless Internet is available in our

Checkup 5-3
  • 11
  • We produced, edited, and distributed a
    documentary film on recycling programs in our
    state. CORRECT
  • 12
  • My new address is 3128 Kilarney Lane Ocala,
    Florida, 32672.
  • My new address is 3128 Kilarney Lane, Ocala,
    Florida 32672.
  • 13
  • While attending a conference in London Matt met
    with several prospective employees.
  • While attending a conference in London, Matt met
    with several prospective employees.

Checkup 5-3
  • 14
  • Kathleen Wilson Reid joined our company less than
    six months ago and she has already achieved
    recognition as a top sales agent.
  • Kathleen Wilson Reid joined our company less than
    six months ago, and she has already achieved
    recognition as a top sales agent.
  • 15
  • Harrys new address is 3642 Springs Drive,
    Peoria, IL, 61607.
  • Harrys new address is 3642 Springs Drive,
    Peoria, Illinois 61607.

Spell out the state name and omit the comma after
Checkup 5-4Page112
Sentence Number Rule Number
1 1
2 2
3 12
4 8
5 11
6 14
7 9
8 7
9 6
10 5
11 13
12 6
13 8
14 3
15 4
When NOT to use commas
  • Do NOT use a comma to separate a subject from a
    predicate that immediately follows. The predicate
    is the verb plus any of its modifiers.
  • Incorrect The flight attendant, assisted the ill
  • Do NOT use a comma to separate a predicate from
    an object that immediately follows.
  • Incorrect Glenn wrote the book, Surfing the Net.

When NOT to use commas
  • Do NOT use a comma to separate the parts of a
    compound subject. A compound subject consists of
    two or more subjects joined by a conjunction
    (and, or).
  • Incorrect Managers, and their sales staff voted
    for additional insurance coverage.
  • Do NOT use a comma to separate the parts of a
    compound predicate.
  • Incorrect Fred just completed the training
    program, and is currently looking for another
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