Title: CEE454
- Earthquake Load Formulation using ASCE7-05
2Outline of lecture topics
- In order to model seismic loadings, we must
- examine the dynamic behavior of buildings and use
mathematical models to predict behavior. - identify the seismic hazard in the region.
- select framing systems to counter the lateral
forces imposed. - ASCE7-05 sections 11-23 contains this information
in a particular format. - We will introduce the general concepts of
dynamics before introducing the standard loading
formulation of ASCE7-05.
3Dynamic behavior
- Design models based upon
- Observation
- Mathematics
- Full-scale calibration
- Start with simplest case of free vibration
- Incorporate into loading formulation
4Chopra (2003)
5Chopra (2003)
6Damped Free Vibration
- A damping force is added to the EOM. It is
proportional to the velocity. - No forcing so the RHS is zero.
- The EOM is
7Chopra (2003)
9Effect of damping on free vibration Chopra (2003)
10How do we incorporate into ASCE7-05?
Ref Army Manual
11General model for design
Ref Army Manual
12ASCE7-05 Section 12.8, p. 129In the book,
chapter 2 and Appendix C.
- Model is of equivalent inertial forces applied to
characterize the effect of base movement --
previous slide - Dynamic behavior of building considered
- Soil conditions considered
- Location in US considered
13Equivalent Lateral Force Procedure
14Importance Factors ASCE7-05 Table 11.5-1 shown
Occupancy Category I
I or II 1.0
III 1.25
IV 1.5
15Site Class Table 1613.5.2
- Appendix C, p. C.36 of Breyer text
- Site Class
- A, B, C, D, E, F
- Characterizes the soil properties
- Usually this information is provided
16Approximate fundamental period, Ta, p. 2.52-2.53
17Table for Ta calculation p. 2.53 of the text
Structure Type Ct x
Steel moment resisting frames 0.028 0.8
Concrete moment resisting frames 0.016 0.9
Eccentrically braced steel frames 0.03 0.75
All other structural systems 0.02 0.75
18Mapped spectral response accelerationsFigures on
pages C.18-C.35
- Are for Site B soil condition
- Need to be modified for other site classes soil
conditions other than B - Are used in the equations to find the Design
spectral response accelerations such as SDS and
19Site coefficients adjusted max EQ spectral
response accelerations
20Site Coefficients Fa and Fv (pp.
C.36-C.37)Tables from ASCE7 are below These are
the same as Table 1613.5.391)
21Site Coefficients Fa and Fv The ASCE7 table is
given below. It is the same as Table 1613.5.3(2)
as shown below on p. C.37 of the text.
22Design Spectral Response Accelerations for
short and 1-second periods see p. 2.51 of the
23Seismic Design Category Short Period Design
SDSTable 11.6-1 in ASCE7-05 is the same as Table
1613.5.6 (3) p. C.38 in the text.
24Seismic Design Category 1-second Period Design
SD1Table 1613.5.6(2) p. C.38 of the text.
25Seismic Response Coefficient Cs
26Cs need not be greater than p. 2.50
27But shall not be taken less than p. 2.51
28Vertical distribution of base shear
29Overturning moment at level x, Mx
30General Seismic Load Process
- Determine occupancy, seismic use factor and site
class. - Calculate W from dead load values.
- Determine period T (or Ta) and building factor R.
- Read SS and S1 from maps as needed for given
location and modify via Fa and Fv as needed to
convert from Site B. - Calculate SMS SM1.
- Calculate design values ( SDS and SD1).
- Calculate Cs and base shear V.
- Distribute V as necessary using the Fx equations.
- If Mx is needed, calculate from applicable Fx.