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Clark R. Chapman


The Threat to Earth from Asteroids and Comets and Possible Countermeasures Clark R. Chapman Southwest Research Inst. Boulder, Colorado Managing Global Scale ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Clark R. Chapman


The Threat to Earth from Asteroids and Comets
and Possible Countermeasures
  • Clark R. Chapman
  • Southwest Research Inst.
  • Boulder, Colorado

Managing Global Scale Disasters Western
Psychological Association Irvine, California
12 April 2002
The Hazard from Asteroids and Comets
  • Each year, there is a 1-in-200,000 chance that an
    asteroid or comet more than one kilometer wide
    will strike the Earth.
  • 40 percent of these objects remain to be found,
    and could strike without warning, threatening the
    future of civilization.
  • This extreme example of a natural disaster (a
    tiny chance of happening, but with huge
    consequences) challenges a rational response by
    citizens and policy-makers.

The processes that formed the planets 4.6 billion
years ago left smaller comets and asteroids some
of which occasionally cross the Earths orbit and
can strike our planet if it happens to be there
at the same time.
Small impacts happen frequently
Larger impacts happen rarely in human history...
This Siberian forest (the size of a major city)
was felled in 1908 by a 15-Megaton asteroid
Still larger, globally destructive impacts happen
very rarely...
  • Comet Shoemaker- Levy 9 struck the planet Jupiter
    in 1994, blackening parts of its atmosphere
    larger than the whole planet Earth
  • But Earth is struck by devastating objects less
    often every million years

Image from Peter McGregor and Mark Allen, ANU
2.3m telescope.
HUGE impacts have happened before65 million
years ago
What Do We Know About the Impact Hazard?
  • How many asteroids and comets there are of
    various sizes in Earth-approaching orbits (hence,
    impact frequencies are known).
  • How much energy is delivered by impact (such as
    the TNT equivalence, size of resulting crater).
  • How much dust is raised into the stratosphere and
    other environmental consequences.
  • Biosphere response (agriculture, forests, human
    beings, ocean life) to environmental shock.
  • Response of human psychology, sociology,
    political systems, and economies to such a
    catastrophe. Thats where YOU come in!

WE KNOW THIS Very Poorly Somewhat Very
Well Very Well
Classification of Hazards
  • High Altitude Disintegration (Brilliant Flash of
  • Projectile fragments and disperses at high
    altitudes (over 40 km)
  • Negligible surface damage
  • Local/Regional Effects (Blast Damage, Tsunami)
  • Projectile explodes in lower atmosphere or
    craters surface
  • Severe localized damage from blast or flooding by
  • Global Damage (Environmental Disaster)
  • Short-term global-scale climatic changes (e.g.
    impact winter)
  • Global loss of food crops leads to large-scale
    famine, disease, and possible breakdown of
  • Mass Extinction (Environmental Holocaust)
  • Severe global environmental destruction (e.g. K/T
  • Many species lost forever all, or nearly all,
    human beings die

Million Years
Hundred Million Years
Chief Environmental Consequences of Impacts
Is Civilization Robust or Fragile? A State of
  • Arguments for Fragility
  • Modern people are disconnected from nature,
  • Technology is ever more specialized
  • People are interdependent on distant resources,
    other nations
  • If societal breakdown spawns violence, modern
    weaponry is very dangerous
  •  Arguments for Robustness
  • Technological refugia exist (such as bomb
  • Society has become experienced in disaster
  • Technological know-how has become pervasive
  • Historical precedence recovery from WWII was

Risk vs. Scale of Impact
  • Annual fatalities peak for events near the
    threshold size, about 2 km
  • Orange/yellow zone illustrates our range of
    uncertainties for agricultural disaster due to
    stratospheric dust

Stratospheric Dust
A Royal Flush
  • Odds1 to 649,739
  • It is more likely that a mile-wide asteroid will
    strike Earth next year than that the next poker
    hand you are dealt will be a royal flush.

20th Century Catastrophes We have much more
to worry about!
  • Averaged over long durations, the death rate
    expected from impacts is similar to that from

Chances from Dying from Selected Causes (for
By terrorism (year 2001)
By terrorism (since 1970)
Fatality Rates Compared with Accidents and
Natural Hazards
Mitigation Options
  • Spaceguard Survey (ongoing telescopic search)
  • 90 of hazardous NEAs may be found by 2010,
    certified as safe.
  • Very unlikely one is found that will strike
    Earth within decades.
  • Deflect Asteroid away from Earth (nudge it from
    threatening path)
  • Spacecraft technologies exist to deliver
    deflection devices to threatening asteroid, given
    years/decades warning and lead-time.
  • Low-thrust device options rocket engine, solar
    sail, mass driver, even paint-it-black to take
    advantage of Yarkovsky Effect
  • Powerful devices anchored bombs or stand-off
    neutron bomb
  • Standard Hazard Mitigation (THIS IS FOR YOU TO
  • Extrapolate civil defense/natural disaster
    management from local to world context (e.g.
    store food supplies, evacuate countries around
    ground zero, prepare for post-disaster crisis).

Headline Mile-Wide Asteroid Will Hit in 2028
  • Which is least likely to be correct?
  • A. The news report is wrong due to bad or
    hyped journalism.
  • B. The scientific forecaster goofed. Were safe.
  • C. The astronomers erred. The asteroid is
    tiny most of the world is safe.
  • D. An asteroid will hit Earth in 2028.
  • The correct answer is D
  • A, B, and C are all much more likely to explain
    the headline.

The Scary Case of 1997 XF11
  • In March 1998, head-lines warned of pos-sible
    impact in 2028.
  • The next day, old data ruled it outbut the
    prediction was badly mistaken.

Prediction is the Event
  • Scientists who predict think of predictions as
    dry scientific results, with objective
  • Users of such predictions are mobilized into
    action by the prediction.
  • The predicted event may not happen as predicted
    it may or may not have consequences. The
    predictions always have consequences.
  • Predictions of emotionally laden disasters result
    in subjective, sometimes irrational responses.
  • Predictions must be made with social
    responsibility, whether of a potential terrorist
    operation or of an asteroid impact. Astronomers
    are learning!

The Torino Scale

How the Torino Scale is Calculated From the
Probability of Impact and Size
Current Dilemma. (Work is Starting to Fix it)
Our SwRI White Paper Highlights Lack of
Findings Evaluation, Warning, and Mitigation
  • Existing structure is disorganized Astronomers
    are just starting to learn how to communicate,
    but relevant agencies (e.g. FEMA) arent prepared
    to listen and act.
  • Asteroid deflection scenarios have been
    conceived, but no serious systems engineering or
    planning has been done to deal with various
    possible cases.
  • There is no known consideration by civil defense
    and disaster management agencies, let alone any
    assignment of responsibilities to relevant
  • No US governmental scientific advisory body has
    formally established the priority that the impact
    hazard should command with respect to other
    national priorities.

There Are Some Hopeful Signs
  • The British government debated the impact hazard
    and has started (a bit) to do something
  • The Organization for Economic Cooperation and
    Development (OECD) Global Science Forum decided
    in January 2002 to make NEOs one of its top
    priority projects through 2003
  • SAIC and the US Air Force Space Command are
    investigating how to establish a Natural Impact
    Warning Center
  • Public interest remains high, even if there is
    very little governmental funding

Some Salient Facts about the Impact Hazard
  • It is not a Deep Impact or Armageddon
    shoot-em-down just before they hit scenario
    (sorry, Benny!)
  • For asteroids, orbiting in the inner solar
    system, it is a case of finding them decades in
    advance of an impactwith long lead-times for
    mitigation For every asteroid with lt1 year
    warning time, there are 50 with 5 decades of
    lead-time (but comets are another matter)
  • It is one of the few big hazards for which it is
    technologically feasible, with some confidence,
    to stop the catastrophe from happening (by
  • Near-miss scares and cries of Wolf! are much
    more likely than an actual catastrophic impact

Why are the big/rare ones so much more important
than Tunguskas?
  • Only asteroids larger than 1 mile across can be
    globally destructive and threaten civilization
  • For every devastating 15-MT Tunguska blast,
    there are 100 earthquakes, floods, and typhoons
    that are equally destructive
  • Cost-effectiveness drops sharply with size the
    average annual fatalities drop while the costs of
    finding the objects and responding to them rises

But, there are contrary viewpoints and interests
On a politicians watch, why would he/she care
about what might happen decades from now? And
there are Star Warriors in the DoD who would
like to test their inventions and try shooting
down small asteroids. And astronomers who would
love to have more and bigger telescopes.
Conclusionsand Transition to the Psychological
and Sociological Perspectives
  • The impact hazard is REAL but it is VERY
    UNLIKELY to happen during our lifetimes
  • Its potential consequences are horrific
    exceeding any other natural hazard and equalling
    all-out nuclear war
  • We could avert a threatened impact
  • In a post-September 11th world, it is difficult
    (for me) to predict how people might react to
    near-misses, huge-but-low-probability disasters,
    bombs in space, and other impact hazard issues
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