Clark R. Chapman (SwRI), - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Clark R. Chapman (SwRI),


Other rare causes (e.g. tidally split SL9-like bodies) ... Basin Rims and Plains within Basins (A) Inner plains and annular plains of Rachmaninoff: ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Clark R. Chapman (SwRI),


Cratering on Mercury Insights
from the MESSENGER Flybys
  • Clark R. Chapman (SwRI),
  • R.G. Strom, C.I. Fassett, L.M. Prockter, J.W.
    Head III, S.C. Solomon, M. E. Banks, D. Baker,
    W.J. Merline

73rd Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical
Society 5325, 1145 a.m., Tuesday, 27 July
2010 New York City, NY USA
Meteoritical Context for Studying Craters on
  • Chronology. Was the history of cratering on
    Mercury the same as on the Moon and Earth?
  • Impactor Populations. Was the same mix of
    asteroids and comets responsible for Mercury
    cratering, or was there a later bombardment by
  • Style of Cratering on Mercury. Does the higher
    impact velocity on Mercury or other factors (e.g.
    those responsible for the prominence of large
    secondary craters on Mercury) help or hinder the
    launch of meteorites from Mercury that could
    reach the Earth?
  • Composition. Does the variety of compositional
    units revealed by penetration of Mercurys crust
    by large craters provide clues about how to
    identify meteorites that might have come from
  • Other Issues Addressed by Mercurys Craters
  • Large craters penetrate deep within the crust,
    revealing layers of different, deep geological
  • Crater densities (esp. of primary craters)
    reveal stratigraphic sequences in emplacement of
    geological units expressed on the surface.
  • Cratering physics why does basin morphology
    begin for smaller craters on Mercury than on
    other bodies like the Moon?

Mercury has Many Basins!
  • Mercury has many more basins than the Moon
  • Yet the spatial density of large basins per unit
    area is about the same as the Moon
  • This apparent contradiction is resolved by
    realizing that basin morphology appears at a
    considerably smaller diameter on Mercury than on
    the Moon
  • Data are (so far) from images with limited
    lighting and viewing geometries. Once we have
    good global coverage, and global laser altimetry,
    we can search for large quasi-circular features,
    like those found on Mars and the Moon

There are Multiple Potential Sources for
Mercurys Craters
  • Primary craters from the same populations of Near
    Earth Asteroids (NEAs) and comets that crater the
    Earth, Moon, Mars, and Venus today.
  • Primary craters from the same population/s that
    caused the Late Heavy Bombardment (LHB) on the
    Moon 3.9 Ga. (These may have been main-belt
    asteroids and outer solar system planetesimals,
    if the Nice Model is correct. Or other
    collisionally and dynamically processed remnants
    from accretion.)
  • Vulcanoids (remnants of hypothetical population
    of planetesimals interior to Mercurys orbit,
    which would not have appreciably cratered other
  • Secondary craters from larger craters and basins.
  • Endogenic craters (volcanic vents, subsidence
    craters, etc.)
  • Other rare causes (e.g. tidally split SL9-like

Our Working Hypothesis
  • Mercury was saturated with craters and basins
    during the Late Heavy Bombardment by the same
    population of impactors that struck the Moon.
  • Mercury has since been cratered by the same
    population of NEAs that still crater other inner
    solar system bodies.
  • Many-to-most craters lt10 km diameter on
    widespread plains units are secondary craters.
  • Endogenic craters are a small but important
    contribution to negative relief features.

Interpretational Framework Cratering Components
Populations 1 and 2 (R. Strom)
Schematic diagram of possible LHB scenario
  • Lunar highlands are prototype for Pop. 1 produced
    by LHB
  • Young Mars plains are prototype for Pop. 2
    (current NEAs derived by size-dependent Yarkovsky
    plus resonances from main belt) plus secondaries
    at Dlt1 km
  • Caloris exterior plains are dominantly Pop. 2
    (plus large secondaries Dlt10 km)

Caloris Basin Relative Ages
Caloris is a relatively young basin, with about
half the density of superimposed craters as the
general cratered highlands of Mercury, but it was
cratered during the LHB, while the
interior/exterior plains mainly post-date the LHB.
Important result If exterior plains are even
younger than the Caloris interior plains, then
they are certainly volcanic flows. Thus Mariner
interpreta-tions of the knobby textured Odin
Formation as Cayley-Plains-like Caloris ejecta
are wrong.
Caloris Basin
Variability of Intercrater Plains
  • Bottom panel shows MESSENGER crater spatial
    densities (R values) in a part of Mercury that
    resembles the average highlands measured from
    favorably observed regions by Mariner 10. The
    distinct deficiency of craters on Mercury lt30 km
    diameter was ascribed to intercrater plains.
  • New studies of other regions show considerably
    variability. Top panel shows deficiency
    extending to craters 150 km in diameter, implying
    a thick sequence of intercrater plains (i.e.
  • Middle panel shows a modest deficiency extending
    to 100 km diameter, but a prominent secondary
    crater branch appears at an unusually large
    diameter, 20 km.

Twin Young Basins on Mercury
Raditladi Basin Seen on M1 Flyby
Rachmaninoff Basin Revealed on M3 Flyby
  • Both basins 250-300 km diam.
  • Similar inner peak rings
  • Lightly cratered floors with circumferential
    extensional troughs
  • Similar rim morphologies

A Closer Look at the Recently Discovered
Rachmaninoff Basin
  • Compare very low crater density inside peak ring
    with slightly higher crater density between peak
    ring and rim
  • Lighter colored interior floor has breached peak
    ring on the bottom
  • Both basins have fairly young ejecta blankets and
    many surround-ing secondary craters (next slide)

Ejecta and Secondary Craters of Raditladi and
Rachmaninoffand a Recently Volcanically Active
Raditladi Basin
Rachmaninoff Basin
Note orange color within peak ring, like other
young volcanic plains on Mercury. Also note the
proximity of Rachmaninoff to what may be a large
volcanic vent (in the very bright region
northeast of the basin).
100 km
Relative Ages Basin Rims and Plains within
Note Very low crater densities and small areas
of counting units cause poor statisticsbut its
the best we can do!
  • (A) Inner plains and annular plains of
    Rachmaninoff Inner plains are clearly younger
    than annular plains, but apparently older than
    Raditladi plains (but size distribution is not
    the same shape, confusing the comparison)
  • (B) Rachmaninoff rim and ejecta suggests an
    older basin formation age than for Raditladi

Basins and Plains Approximate Relative
Stratigraphy by Crater Density
Relative Crater Density (varies by factor gt30!)
  • 1.0 Highlands craters
  • 0.5 Caloris rim Rembrandt rim
  • 0.35 Floor of Rembrandt
  • 0.2 Interior Caloris plains (volcanic)
  • 0.15 Caloris exterior plains (volcanic)
  • 0.1 Rachmaninoff basin annular plains
  • 0.05 Rachmaninoff inner plains
  • 0.03 Floor of Raditladi rim of Raditladi (is
    floor impact melt prompt volcanism?)

Mercurys Absolute Chronology Raditladi Example
(applying lunar chronology)
  • Sequence Heavily cratered highlands ?
    Caloris basin ? Exterior plains ? Raditladi
  • If lunar chronology applies, then
  • If exterior plains formed early (3.9 Ga), then
    Raditladi is 3.8 Ga (red arrows)
  • If smooth plains formed 3.75 Ga then
    Raditladis age is lt1 Ga! (green arrows)

Two Chronologies for Mercury
Age before present, Ga
4.5 4 3.5 3
2.5 2 1.5
1 0.5 NOW
Formation to magma ocean/crustal solidification
Bombardment, LHB, intercrater plains formation
Smooth plains volcanism
Cratering, rays
Lobate scarps, crustal shortening
Classical (Lunar) Chronology
Vulcanoid Chronology Example
Formation to magma ocean solidification
Bombardment, LHB
Vulcanoid bombardment, intercrater plains
Smooth plains volcanism Raditladi
Cratering, ray formation
Lobate scarps, crustal shortening
Conclusion We must wait for orbital mission for
good stratigraphic studies
  • Mariner 10 imaged 45 of surface? (I dont think
  • MESSENGER has almost completed coverage? Not YET
    for robust geological analysis

Mariner 10 Image Shaded Relief
Introduction During its three Mercury flybys,
MESSENGER imaged most regions unseen by Mariner
10 and viewed some previously seen regions under
more favorable lighting. The surface density of
impact craters and basins on Mercury with
diameters Dgt200 km is comparable with that of the
Moon, though possibly there are fewer large
basins. The largest basin mapped from Mariner 10
(Borealis) has not been reliably recognized in
MESSENGER images. Two smaller peak-ring basins
(Raditladi and Rachmaninoff) are comparatively
young. Large craters and basins have numerous
secondary craters, which generally dominate
Mercurys crater populations at Dlt10 km.
Extensive volcanism apparently modified Mercurys
crater populations at D lt100 km, to variable
degrees in different regions, but was as
powerfully destructive of craters Dlt40 km as the
many degradation processes that affected Martian
highlands. Large Craters and Basins The
morphologies of dozens of peak-ring basins have
illuminated the transition from smaller complex
craters to basins. Caloris and Rembrandt basins
are fairly well preserved and formed during the
later part of the Late Heavy Bombardment (LHB)
craters on their rims follow the Population-1
size-frequency distribution (SFD) characteristic
of LHB cratering throughout the terrestrial
planet region (believed to be the result of
direct scattering of main-belt asteroids).
Volcanic plains formation within Caloris ended
well after the basin formed, close to the end of
the LHB its interior plains are dominated by the
later Population-2 craters typical of near-Earth
asteroids today, chiefly derived from the main
belt by size-dependent processes such as the
Yarkovsky effect. Volcanic plains formation
exterior to Caloris continued afterwards, based
on a lower density of almost purely Population-2
craters. These plains clearly postdate formation
of the Caloris basin by a substantial interval
and are not ejecta deposits like the lunar Cayley
Plains, as had been hypothesized after Mariner
10. SFDs for Mercurys craters with Dgt10 km in
various cratered regions of Mercury differ
widely, more than was appreciated from Mariner
10. In some regions, voluminous intercrater
plains obliterated all craters with Dgt100 km,
whereas elsewhere plains buried only smaller
craters so that many with Dgt40 km remain from
older eras. Intercrater plains and younger,
often more spatially restricted, smooth plains
both formed by volcanic emplacement. Small
Craters, Secondaries, and Young Plains In some
places (e.g. in regions near Raditladi) Mercurys
craters are dominated by secondaries for Dlt20 km.
In general, the upturn of the SFD at smaller
sizes occurs at Dlt8 km, a much larger diameter
than the few km typical on the Moon and Mars.
Perhaps larger secondaries are formed on Mercury
than on other bodies. The temporally sporadic
and spatially clustered nature of secondaries
hinders studies of relative ages of small and/or
recent units. Nevertheless, the extremely sparse
densities of small craters within Raditladi and
Rachmaninoff suggest that these basins are
unusually young. In the case of Rachmaninoff,
volcanism continued within its inner plains until
comparatively recently, long after basin
formation, and thus those plains cannot be impact
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