Title: Limits of indeterminate forms 0/0
1Limits of indeterminate forms 0/0
- If an attempting to plug in the number when
taking a limit yields 0/0, you arent done.
Think of the problem as being broken and needing
to be fixed. - The following examples show some of the tricks
for fixing broken limits.
2Factor and Reduce
The most basic broken limit is one that can be
factored and reduced. You create a function that
agrees at all but one point when you do
this. This is a removable discontinuity. The
original function has a hole at (5, 1/10).
3Look at the graph and table for the functions
4Rationalize the Numerator
If the numerator of an indeterminate form
involves radicals, try rationalizing the
numerator. You multiply by the conjugate (same
terms but the opposite sign between the 2
terms) Simplify and reduce.
5Examine the graph and table
The functions agree at all but one point.
6Complex Fractions
If you have a complicated fraction, the best
thing to do is simplify it. Review of
simplifying fractions.
- Get common denominators for the top and bottom.
- Flip the bottom
- Simplify
- Evaluate your limit
7Looking at the graph and table