Title: Lect%2019P.%201
1Functional Dimensioning and Surfaces
2Topics For Today
- Quick Review of Dimensioning Principles
- Functional Dimensioning Methods
- Dimensioning to Finished Surfaces
3Principles of Good Dimensioning
- Each feature dimensioned once and only once
- Dimensions should suit the function of the object
4Principles of Good Dimensioning
- Attach dimensions to most descriptive view
5Principles of Good Dimensioning
- Angles as Right Angles Assumed 90o unless
otherwise noted - Dimensions outside of object whenever possible
6Principles of Good Dimensioning
- Dimension lines aligned and grouped to promote
uniform appearance
7Principles of Good Dimensioning
- Dimension lines should be unbroken except for the
number between the arrowheads - Space (at least)
- 3/8 in. from object to 1st line
- 1/4 in. from line to next line
8Principles of Good Dimensioning
- Gap object to extension line 1/16 in.
- Extension lines 1/8 in. beyond dimension line
- Extension lines broken for crossing
9Principles of Good Dimensioning
- Leader lines used to dimension circles and arcs
should be radial
10Principles of Good Dimensioning
- Positive Cylinder in longitudinal view, Holes in
Circular View, f before value
11Principles of Good Dimensioning
- Internal and external radii should be dimensioned
with numerical value preceded by the symbol R
(Note small cross for center.)
12Principles of Good Dimensioning
- Do a final check!
- Every feature has been dimensioned once and only
once - Make sure the numerical values are correct
13Dimensioning to Finished Surfaces
- Finished surface (machined, laser cut, etc.) are
used to get more exact fits. - Finished surfaces have sharp edges
- Exception If a radius is machined
14Dimensioning to Finished Surfaces
- Finished surfaces should always be used to locate
features on drawing.
15Locating Features on an Object
- Holes need to be located relative to each other
or to finished surfaces.
16Dimensioning to Finished Surfaces Assembly
- What are the most critical dimensions for the
function of the assembly? - How do we dimension to minimize variation in
critical relationships? - Examples Today's drawings
- Dwg 37 A24 Dimensioning (metric)
- Select and place the dimensions required to
complete the detail drawing of the Bracket. - Keep in mind which dimensions/features are
important - Dwg 38 A25-A Dimensions (inches)
- Note that the scale is half size