Title: Creative Inventions and Robotics
1Problem Solving Tricks
Creative Inventions and Robotics www.build-it-you
2Problem Solving Trick 1
Identify the problem. Set goals.
Yada yada yada babble babble hissss hee haw talk
talk talk gobble gobble oink build yada yada
babble babble hissss hee haw talk talk talk
gobble gobble oink a machine yada yada babble
babble hissss hee haw talk talk talk gobble
gobble oink yada yada babble babble hissss hee
haw talk talk talk gobble gobble oink yada yada
babble babble hissss hee haw talk talk that earns
money talk gobble gobble oink yada yada babble
babble hissss hee haw talk talk talk gobble
gobble oink yada yada babble babble hissss hee
haw talk talk talk gobble gobble oink yada yada
babble babble hissss hee haw talk talk talk gobble
3Problem Solving Trick 2
Research. (Study what others have done) Build
on the ideas of others. Dont reinvent the wheel.
4Problem Solving Trick 3
Organize a hot shot team. Build teamwork.
5Problem Solving Trick 4
Break down a complex solution
into simple solutions.
6Problem Solving Trick 5
Document your progress.
7Problem Solving Tricks
1 Focus - Identify the problem and set
goals. 2 Research - Dont re-invent the
wheel. 3 Teamwork Share ideas. 4 Simplify -
Break your solution into simple parts. 5
Document - Keep a lab book.