Title: That
1Changing Lives
Thats Our Churchs Wider Mission
2Through Our Churchs Wider Mission, the faithful
giving of UCC members is changing lives. . .
3Lives are changed
in vital local churches . . .
4Support clergy in their ministries
Through Our Churchs Wider Mission, we . . .
Changing lives . . .
5Raise our children in faith
Changing lives . . .
6Learn to be good stewards
Changing lives . . .
7Reverend Otis Moss III
8Help churches call new pastors
Changing lives . . .
9Foster beauty in worship
Changing lives . . .
10Start new churches . . .
Changing lives . . .
11. . . and renew older churches
Changing lives . . .
12Lives are changed by working for justice in our
world. . .
13Take stands forjustice and peace
Through Our Churchs Wider Mission, we . . .
Changing lives . . .
14Respond to disasters
Changing lives . . .
15Reach out to people in need
Changing lives . . .
16Reverend Shari Prestemon
17Feed the hungry
Feed the hungry
Changing lives . . .
18Preach a welcoming and open understanding of
Christian faith
Changing lives . . .
19Reach out to our newest neighbors
Changing lives . . .
20Carefor children
Changing lives . . .
21 Send help around the world
Changing lives . . .
22Bring Good News to the poor
Changing lives . . .
23Lives are changed by nurturing excellence in
church leadership . . .
24Teachbest practices for pastors and congregations
Through Our Churchs Wider Mission, we . . .
Changing lives . . .
25Support UCC seminaries and seminarians
Changing lives . . .
26Reverend Timothy Downs
27Equip leaders for childrenand youth ministries
Changing lives . . .
28Work with those discerning a call to the ministry
Changing lives . . .
29Provide leadership training
Changing lives . . .
30Vision and plan for the future of the church
Changing lives . . .
31Our Churchs Wider Mission changes lives . . .
at home . . .
Changing lives . . .
32Changing lives . . .
33Changing lives . . .
34And around the world . . .
Changing lives . . .
35Changing lives . . .
36Changing lives . . .
37Changing Lives
Thats Our Churchs Wider Mission
38Reverend Joseph Evans