Title: It's Not The Big That Eat The Small
1It's Not The Big That Eat The Small
It's The Fast That Eat The Slow
New York Times Best Seller List
Wall Street Journal Best Seller List
USA Today Best Seller List Business Week Magazine
Best Seller List
Todays Web Seminar hosted by Jason Jennings
2Todays Agenda
Jason Jennings Background The Story of the boo
k The Researching of the book The Incredible L
essons Learned
Your Questions Answers
It's Not The Big That Eat The Small It's The
Fast That Eat The Slow
3Butfirst, who else is here today?
It's Not The Big That Eat The Small It's The
Fast That Eat The Slow
4My Background
Began as a radio/television journalist
Radio station ownership Worldwide consulting pr
actice Creating Video Training Programs Keynot
e speaking and lecturing And now.the best of al
lthe book!
It's Not The Big That Eat The Small It's The
Fast That Eat The Slow
5The Story of the Book
We wanted to be published We wanted a maj
or publisher We wanted to write a best seller
Nobody believed we could do it Its our t
oughest assignment ever
It's Not The Big That Eat The Small It's The
Fast That Eat The Slow
6So, the book was going to be about speed
What in the Hell did we know about speed?
It's Not The Big That Eat The Small It's The
Fast That Eat The Slow
7Researching the Book
We started with more than 3000 companies
We evaluated them based on
Sales Growth Profit and EBITA growth Grow
th in number of Customers Shareholder value gro
wth Growth in number of locations Sustainabi
It's Not The Big That Eat The Small It's The
Fast That Eat The Slow
8The planet became our Laboratory
Charles Schwab USA AOL- USA Lend Leas
e Australia and Asia HM Scandinavia and E
urope Hotmail - USA Clear Channel Communic
ations - Worldwide Telepizza - Spain
It's Not The Big That Eat The Small It's The
Fast That Eat The Slow
9The research wasnt going well
We were listening to the wrong people!
It's Not The Big That Eat The Small It's The
Fast That Eat The Slow
10Thenthe BIG realization occurred!!
Speed is the natural condition
Its The Speed Bumps and Road Blocks that people
and companies place in front of their people that
slow them down
It's Not The Big That Eat The Small It's The
Fast That Eat The Slow
11 We discovered 26 Speed Bumps and Road Blocks that
prevent people and companies from being fast!
It's Not The Big That Eat The Small It's The
Fast That Eat The Slow
12 The book reveals how the fastest business people
on the planet deal with Speed Bumps and Road
Blocks to achieve what they want and leave their
competitors eating dust!
It's Not The Big That Eat The Small It's The
Fast That Eat The Slow
13The Organization of the Book
Fast Thinking Fast Decisions Fast to marke
Maintaining Momentum
It's Not The Big That Eat The Small It's The
Fast That Eat The Slow
14Today, well discuss 5 of them
1 The fastest people and companies in the wor
ld dont waste time on Mission and Vision
It's Not The Big That Eat The Small It's The
Fast That Eat The Slow
151They have a CAUSE
AOL to be more prevalent than the telephone or
television only more useful and easy enough for
mom to use Schwab the most ethical and useful f
inancial services firm in the world
Hotmail to democratize communications
It's Not The Big That Eat The Small It's The
Fast That Eat The Slow
162They have mastered the art of abandonment
Schwab had to let go of beliefs about not giving
advice Intel had to let go of their disdain for t
he sub 1000 PC market Hotmail had to let go the
need for immediate cash We had to let go of the b
ook we wanted to write
It's Not The Big That Eat The Small It's The
Fast That Eat The Slow
17Compare that to
General Motors not being able to let go of
Oldsmobile yesterdays breadwinner!
Steve Jobs unwillingness to touch of change his
distribution system look what Michael Dell did
General Electrics unwillingness to let go of Mo
ntgomery Monkey - Wards
It's Not The Big That Eat The Small It's The
Fast That Eat The Slow
183The fastest companies in the world
institutionalize innovation
The story of Charles Schwabs THINK ini
It's Not The Big That Eat The Small It's The
Fast That Eat The Slow
194The fastest companies in the world score
activities not dollarsevery day
Clear Channels Central Scoreboard Telepizz
as SWAT team
It's Not The Big That Eat The Small It's The
Fast That Eat The Slow
205 The fastest companies in the world stay close
and really love their customers
Steve Case at AOL is a customer for several ho
urs a day At HM every executive spends half th
eir time in stores on the sales floor
At WalMart the CEO spends three days weekly in
stores with customers
It's Not The Big That Eat The Small It's The
Fast That Eat The Slow
21A quick review and thenQA fast companies share
They have a cause They abandon They institu
tionalize innovation Score activity not dollar
Stay close to and love customers
It's Not The Big That Eat The Small It's The
Fast That Eat The Slow
22Soby nowyou probably want a book, right?
Books are available at bookstores everywhere
Discounts for large orders and autographed books
can be arranged through 1 800 CEO READ
It's Not The Big That Eat The Small It's The
Fast That Eat The Slow
23To dialogue with me about the book
It's Not The Big That Eat The Small It's The
Fast That Eat The Slow
24Its time for
It's Not The Big That Eat The Small It's The
Fast That Eat The Slow