Title: Air Transport 1903 - 1950
1Air Transport 1903 - 1950
2Air Transport 1950 - 2000
3Air Transport2000 - 2050
- Carbon constrained or carbon free flight.
- Aerospace technology or eco-efficiency?
- UK visitors to Greece 1950 20,000
- 2000 2,000,000
- 2050 ??
4The Problem is the Rate of Growth
5Drivers for Future Growth
6Aviation, City and Regional Development
- High speed carriage of people and high value
goods over long distances. - Accessibility to remote and island communities.
7Economic Development(NW England)
8The Multicultural Society
9Travel for Personal Fulfilment
10The Global Society
11Aviations Contribution to the Development of
- Patterns of trade / migration
- Global socio-economy
- Intergovernmental alliances EC,SADC,MERCOSUR, AL
- Russia,India,China,Brazil.
- Next Africa?
12Aviation and Sustainable Mobility
- Airports have critical role as inter-modal
transport hubs. - Airport capacity provision is therefore critical
13Environment constrains airports when
- Noise, emissions or risk exceed
- regulatory limits
- local agreements
- community tolerance
- political support
14Environment constrains airports when
- The airport cannot ensure secure and adequate
resources (water, energy) to allow normal
operations. - Due competition with other industries, homes,
tourism, farming.
15Environment Constrains Airports when
- Further infrastructure growth is restricted by
sensitive habitats, culturally sensitive sites or
buildings (houses).
16The move away from carbon fuels is more than
Climate Change Issue.
- Increasing demand for aviation fuel by 2050-60?
- Peak oil now
- 50 yrs conventional oil remain
- Alternatives costly and limited production
17Carbon Free in 50 Years?
- Monumental challenge
- Step change in Technology Infrastructure.
- 20-30 years away?
- Who will fund this change?
18Can we have a Global Society in a Carbon
Constrained World?